Big Brother 7!!!

i hated nikki when she was there, but when she left i kind of missed her lol
cassi said:
i hated nikki when she was there, but when she left i kind of missed her lol

lol.. oh no.. i didnt miss her one

but she was in the papers about a week ago that she received death threats..saying that if she went back in the house they wud kill her :shock:
I liked Nikki, she was a pain in the a**e sometimes but I have really missed her in the house too. Did you see the show last night when Richard said that Grace reminded him of a horse, hilarious :lol:

I've voted Lea into the house next door, purely tactically to make it less straighforward for the housemates to vote Nikki back in.

I'd quite like Jayne back in there. As vile as she was, they all got on well and it might liven things up for the last week?

I feel sorry for Jennie if nikki goes back. Catfights over Pete, I reckon!!!
I think i will have to say that id want the four to go next door to be lea, grace, mikey, and niki. although id prefer out of those niki to back into the main house.
Grace, Mikey, Nikki & Lea!!

OMG I can't bear to watch Grace and Lea's ugly mugs for another week :roll:

YAY for Nikki woohoo!!!!!! :dance:
Niki is bound to go back in, shes so sweet bless her lol

i have really missed her
Yes my prediction was right with those four going back in!!!!! :lol: But as you said kim go niki!!!!! :dance:
nearlly over now and then x factor starts yippee, just finished my sharon osborne book, it was fantastic.
Arrrgghh watched it through morbid fascination :wall:

Hmmm well hopefully Pete will still win :pray: He's the only one that seems to deserve it for being a genuinely nice person :)
I am really worried now that Lea will go back into the house, she has Richard, Glyn and possibly Pete to vote her back in :shock: NO It can't happen, it has to be Nikki to go back in!

I think it was a total set up!!!! Grace and Mikey??? come on it was obvious Nikki was gonna go back in, and i think BB needed to find a way for her to go back so this is what they did.
As for the eviction they can only boot 1 out not 2 otherwise ppl will be voting for no reason
I don't ubderstand what will happen next week though, 'co 1 will go then 1 more will go in house and that is 6 for the last week, thats never happened b4, i think might have voting all week and just get rid like they did with 'stu Chick' Otherwise last night evictions will last about 4 hours!!!!!
I've just heard that the housemate to go back into the house has to vote a housemate out - that could be the double eviction thingy?!!

well think about it, they were all saying we want nikki in, and she is not going to vote pete out is she. i would have said that she would vote out ashlyene as she hates her.
I think they all love Pete to much to vote him out!! He's starting to annoy me a bit though, sometimes he acts really normal then when he gets called into the diary room he puts on a big act :?

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