Big Brother 7!!!

but if i win the lottery with the lucky numbers then i will turn my body into a 21 year old again :rotfl: :rotfl:
cassi said:
"jenny too young, she's gonna spend da money on sweets.. as will glyn "
-Quote : Ebonypreggy

Why are they too young to go on big brother? They are the only a year below me and not far behind you!!!

And i dont spend all my money on sweets, and im pregnant too! am i too young? :roll:

yes thats wat i said! as would glynn... they are amazingly immature .. i dont know u so i cant comment on how u would...

not because ur having a child ur mature
I dont feel jenny is immature for her age, she is just a normal 18 year old, as is Glynn but he has just had a very easy lifestyle with mom doing everything so he dosnt know as much.

It still remains that you are taking their ages and steriotyping them. I didnt say that im mature because im having a child, but for you to imply that them being 18 is too young to win big brother because all the money will be spent on sweets, well then, what do you think that says to me, and the girls on this forum that are younger than them? Sorry girls, because you're only teenagers we are much less mature than others and therefore would be too young to win something like BB because our age would mean we would spend all the money on sweets. (I completely disagree if we remember that Aisleyne is 27! i feel that Jenny is more mature than her).

Im just getting sick to death of hearing people steriotype teenagers, its like the second some people hit 20 these days they become 10 times more mature than someone that still has 'teen' at the end of their age. Im sorry but not a chance.

This rant isnt just aimed at you, but at all the dirty looks i get from older people because im pregnant, or the sales people that come to my door and say "are you're parents in". And this just pushed it.

I don't think Jennie or Glyn are immature for their ages AT ALL. I think if someone can make these kind of comments about normal 18 year olds who want to have a laugh, then maybe they have a little growing up to do themselves??
cassi said:
I dont feel jenny is immature for her age, she is just a normal 18 year old, as is Glynn but he has just had a very easy lifestyle with mom doing everything so he dosnt know as much.

It still remains that you are taking their ages and steriotyping them. I didnt say that im mature because im having a child, but for you to imply that them being 18 is too young to win big brother because all the money will be spent on sweets, well then, what do you think that says to me, and the girls on this forum that are younger than them? Sorry girls, because you're only teenagers we are much less mature than others and therefore would be too young to win something like BB because our age would mean we would spend all the money on sweets. (I completely disagree if we remember that Aisleyne is 27! i feel that Jenny is more mature than her).

Im just getting sick to death of hearing people steriotype teenagers, its like the second some people hit 20 these days they become 10 times more mature than someone that still has 'teen' at the end of their age. Im sorry but not a chance.

This rant isnt just aimed at you, but at all the dirty looks i get from older people because im pregnant, or the sales people that come to my door and say "are you're parents in". And this just pushed it.


i talk about wat i see on big brother... and thats what i see.. they are immature...

simple as that

look... ive had to grow up way too quickly.. u dont know wat ive been thru so dont go on about as soon as ppl hit 20 they act as if they are more mature...

as i said... i dont know why u take it up on ur head as if i mentioned u..

i mentioned jenny and glynn and thats my opinion of them..

u have ur opinion and i have mine.. i respect urs so respect mine..

have a nice day..
Right so you feel that because you are clearly so mature that normal 18 year olds are immature, well im a normal 19 year old and the other girls on here are normal 19/18/17/16 year olds, so we are immature.

You are not the only person that has been through alot, it dosnt make you any more mature. I moved to a different country to study on my own from quite a young age, does that make me more mature than others my age?

We all watch BB, we all know that they are not immature at all, except you, because you are so above you're years, right. :roll:

And no i resfuse to respect an opinion that steriotypes an age group. I think its thoughtless.

cassi said:
Right so you feel that because you are clearly so mature that normal 18 year olds are immature, well im a normal 19 year old and the other girls on here are normal 19/18/17/16 year olds, so we are immature.

You are not the only person that has been through alot, it dosnt make you any more mature. I moved to a different country to study on my own from quite a young age, does that make me more mature than others my age?

We all watch BB, we all know that they are not immature at all, except you, because you are so above you're years, right. :roll:


look... u seem to have time to waste on silly argument.....i dunno about u....

i left my family at age 11.. move to my mom that i didnt know.. then she shipped me off to my stupid aunty and i have to look after her kids age 8, 6 and 1 when she wud go partying and out with her men weeks on end... i wud have to manage her busines... make sure the kids eat.. amke sure they go to school.. make sure the hgouse is tidy.... make sure the clothes are washed (with no machine).. make sure they dont go a stray.... make sure that im in school.. make sure that i did well... make sure that they did their homework..

at age 13 i lost 5 family members (including my 10 yr old sis).. cudnt mourn becaz i had to look after my cousins

my mom then left me again.. came england wen i was 13

raped at age 14.. got shot... and cudnt tell anyone

i left my country age 14.. came to live with my nan over here... moved .. my mom came here ... moved back with my mom at age 16...

she decided to get pregnant .... ive had custody for my sis since i was 18 while going college and working..

so yes.. i had a hell of a lot to go than the average 20 yr old.. with that said.. i a hell of alot mature than ppl i know at my age...

as i said.. ive already said my piece... about jenny and glynn.... if u dont like it oh well.. life carries on

it seems as if u dont know the meaning of the word 'stereotyping' fetch a dictionary...
Sorry them things happened to you but exactly what responce did you want posting you're life story up on here? I have had just as bad things happen to me but i am not going to share them as if im looking for a responce.

I know what steriotyping means thankyou very much, my english grades were up to scratch.

And You saying that they would buy sweets with prize money because of their age IS steriotyping, so im sorry but by you're comments i dont think you are as mature as you are claiming.
cassi said:
Sorry them things happened to you but exactly what responce did you want posting you're life story up on here? I have had just as bad things happen to me but i am not going to share them as if im looking for a responce.

I know what steriotyping means thankyou very much, my english grades were up to scratch.

And You saying that they would buy sweets with prize money because of their age IS steriotyping, so im sorry but by you're comments i dont think you are as mature as you are claiming.

look.. i have nothing to hide or be ashamed of.... so i posted it..

ppl mature based on experiences in life...

if i was stereotyping i wud have said ur immature..

wud i be stereotypin if i was to say most of the bitching thst goes on in the house.. are by females... its wat i see.. and thats wat i see...

come on now..

i cant stand stupid convos goin aroun in circle.. i aint got time for that.. so u can carry on chatting to urself..

:hug: Cassi and Ebony :hug:

So is the forum going to be empty tonight because of the mass bb watching?

I haven't watched it since Friday!
ooooohhh i cant wait to see it... who do u want to go in but i think they are gonna surprise the house and the public by evicting the two ppl that will be up for eviction :dance:

oh and to cassie.. dont take it personal babes.. :hug:
well im clearly not chatting to myself because you are replying :roll: .

And i beileve you're statements are wrong.

There is a difference between posting what has happened to you because you are not ashamed and wanting a responce which is how that seemed.

I am not ashamed of my life but i have no reason to start posting up what has happened to me in my life.

There is my 2 pence, im sticking to it.

Kina, yes i will be :D
cassi said:
well im clearly not chatting to myself because you are replying :roll: .

And i beileve you're statements are wrong.

There is a difference between posting what has happened to you because you are not ashamed and wanting a responce which is how that seemed.

I am not ashamed of my life but i have no reason to start posting up what has happened to me in my life.

Kina, yes i will be :D

oh well...

moving on...this convo has expired now
Its only a gameshow guys.

All I can say is get Nikki back in and let her win it!!

She is fookin ace :D
So guys who do we all think the 4 people will be tonight? .... I keep changing my mind, Nikki defo (I really want her to be the one to go back into the house on Friday, just hope the other housemates vote her back in!!) I am not sure about the other 3 - I hope that it's not Lea or Grace though :D

I agree Cassi - not Mikey either, don't really want Sam, Susie, Michael or Spiral so that leaves ..... Jayne and Lisa. Oh I don't know :?

ooohh.. icant stand nikki ... please dont go back in but ido think she will..

i wud like.. leah... go bk

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