Big Brother 7!!!

I've been out 3 times this week :shock:

Everything has just come at once!!
OMG I stopped watching it this week cos it was getting so bloody boring - but will be tuning back in tonight now :D double eviction - get Susie and Mikey or Imogen out!!!
GET NIKKI BACK IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh no - I think that I have just seen Grace standing on the stairs - PLEASE NO DON'T LET HER GO BACK IN!!

I didnt know they were putting someone bk in til now!!! OMG!! i HATE nikki but get her back in there!! Or Grace coz she made a twat of herself when she left and imogen and mikey been getting too cozy lol!! Anyone watching now??
Can we PLEASE vote Mikey back in?? He was arsey but pretty and it would screw their heads up to say bye and hi on the same night. :D

Plus I just CAN'T STAND the idea of that stupid twit Nikki getting back in. It's obviously what this whole stunt is engineered for.

Doesn't ANYONE else find her as annoying (and not in the least entertaining) as me?
Yeah, she is vry annoying but good TV. Anyone who will cause a stir/arguement will go in. ie:grace or nikki. i doubt grace will coz she is such an evil bitch!
oh my gooooooooooood!!!! i cant believe FOUR housemates will be going back in!! it will defiently be nicki but i coulgnt guess who the other 3 will be? PLEEEEASE NOT GRACE!!!!!!

Also dont think its fair that the housemate who gets to go back into the BB house will be eligible to win the price money!!

I agree, i think this is all a stunt to get Nicki back in the house as they have had complaints that it is boring without her and the reatings have dropped since!!
Please lets not put grace back in - I can't stand her :evil:

Anything to get nikki back in eh? anything to get the ratings up by getting pete and nikki head to head for the winner!
lol yea exactly! i do like Nicki and think she is great entertainment but i wouldnt want her to win!!!
PLEASE lets get Nikki back in but PLEASE lets not get Jayne back in!

Hmmm, wonder who it will be? I reckon Nikki, Grace (yuk), Spiral and Jayne. I hope not though coz I cant stand the other three aside from Nikki!

Whats everyone else think to the lucky four?
hmmm defiently nicki id say im thinking Grace too but i REALLY hope not!!!!! hate Jayne too!! hmmm really dont know!

Wonder why Bonnie and Sezar couldnt be there because of "legal reasons" ??
stephlw25 said:
hmmm defiently nicki id say im thinking Grace too but i REALLY hope not!!!!! hate Jayne too!! hmmm really dont know!

Wonder why Bonnie and Sezar couldnt be there because of "legal reasons" ??

I wondered that. Sezer because of the rape claim but I have no idea why Bonnie can't be there???????
Yeah thats odd isnt it? Wonder what she's been up to. Someone find out please!
Yea i guessed that about Sezar but wasnt sure about bonnie!!

come on someone must know!!!
I'm thinking Nikki, Jayne, Mikey and Lea to cause the most controversy. PLEASE not Grace! I saw the water-throwing thing again tonight and rememebered what a brat she was! :shock:
I reckon grace, mikey, nicki and lea will go back in, and i totally think nicky will win it, iam not saying i like her that much BUT i do reckon she can win it.

Cant wait for tuesday :cheer:
i want to know about bonnie too.

did you hear susie with davina saying that she wants to be a presenter. do the have a husbands wives programme on the porn channel???

i couldnt pick of that lot to go back in. it should be 4 from previous bb's. did anyone think that grace and sam looked alike last night. grace is soo not pretty, just has a great figure :twisted: and what was up with sam's tan :rotfl:

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