Big Brother 7!!!

cassi said:



Dead ringer! the guy is sooooo ugly i dont know how ANYONE including himself can find him attractive ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

That is genius!

Pete reminds me of a cross between Billy Idol and Jim Carey!
:rotfl: I saw batman Returns tonight & when I looked at Jim Carey, I thought of Pete..............

They both have big teeth & mouths, but Pete has bigger lips and is far more attractive!!!
beanie said:
the prisoners all got letters from home, and Richards was aboout his mum who is ill (I think with cancer) and how she was getting on, and how proud they were of him. Really emotional stuff.

Oh, I wasn't really listening to the letter and now I feel bad that I put a LOL when you said it made you cry.
Sorry Beanie :hug:
i waas crying too :oops: but the part that touched me most and made me cry like a big baby was when poor wee pete was sat in the rain crying all by himself i just wanted to jump into the telly and hug him so much :cry:
I did see Richard in a different light after the letter as he hasn't mentioned it at all and he looks really sad when he cries as he's such a big bloke!! Though he looked sooooo freaky dressed as Madonna later on!

I felt sorry for Pete too, I wonder how he is going to deal with life when he comes out of the BB house? He's too nice to people and I reckon he'll have a lot of freeloaders tagging after him!
Kina said:
I felt sorry for Pete too, I wonder how he is going to deal with life when he comes out of the BB house? He's too nice to people and I reckon he'll have a lot of freeloaders tagging after him!

yeah i think evil nikki will be one of them :twisted:
what was going on with the automated service thingy in the diary room last night saying "you have been evicted"

And why did aislenyne(sp?) have to make such a big f**king deal out of it?!? "woe is me boo hoo hoo" would love to poke her in the eyes!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i never seen it last night wasnt BB supposed to be on holiday or something like that?
Imogen, Suzie, Mikey and Jennie for nomination.

Just a heads up to those celebdaqers who want to cash in before it's common knowledge! :D
who do yous think will be in the top 3 ( the 3 who is left)

i think it will be

Pete - will win
Ash - i think will be seccond
dicki - i think will be 3rd


though i would like

big brother is on holiday in margate :rotfl:

AThought it was hilarious when glynn was in diary room pressing all the numbers along to the hold tune HAHAHA!!
Made me laugh! Margate!! :roll:
Used to go there as kids!!

I really don't want ash to be in the final 3!

Really dislike her - all woe is me, look at me i'm upset it said "you have been evicted" in the message in the diary room boo hoo... everyone comfort me!!

Imogen, Suzie, Mikey and Jennie for nomination.

Think Suzie or Jennie will go this week! :pray:
i was wetting myself last night when susie wasin the diary room for 35 mins on hold it was so funny :rotfl: :rotfl:

and poor pete getting all up tight cos the stupid thing kept saying it couldnt be recognised was a wee shame for him but i couldnt help but :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: susie was hilarious last night hope she goes this week xxx
had to laugh when she said 'ive got better things to do with my time instead of sitting here listening to this stupid music i could be making a cup of tea'


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