Big Brother 7!!!

I'd quite like Grace to go back in. She wasn't as bad as that thing Lea, good god.
I think it will be Nikki, Lisa, Mikey and Lea to go into the house next door, and Nikki to enter the main house.

I don't want any of them back though..if Nikki goes back in she'll do all the drama and tantrums again cos she knows that entertains viewers.
Lea will just moan and be a victim again, Mikey will be all cocky cos he's back in and Lisa will just rant and moan cos that's all she knows how to do!
No that's my plan!! It's the HOUSEMATES who decide which 1 of the 4 returns to the main house, so I'm gonna vote Lea because I think she has as much chance as Nikki of going back in, and I'd do anything to squish her rise to domination!! If it hasn't already been completely FIXED by BB anyway :roll:

Dicky, Glynn and maybe Pete would like to see Lea again, I reckon.

I reckon there is going to be a HUGE kick off about the eligibility to win thing. So many people have spent money voting people out fair and square. Does anyone else think this is wrong? :think:
I reckon there is going to be a HUGE kick off about the eligibility to win thing. So many people have spent money voting people out fair and square. Does anyone else think this is wrong?

Absolutely, I said the same thing to DH last night.

TBH I don't want any of them to go back in, I don't know why people like Nikki. I don't think she's entertaining, I think she's a spoilt manipulative sly drama queen :shakehead:
i dont want any of them back in either i hate them all especially nikki but as others have said she will go back in a and kick off because she knows many viewers found it funny i just thought she needed a good slap.

I hope lea doesnt go in because poor pete has just been so cool since she left and i dont want her smuthering him all over again.

Has anyone notticed that his tourettes has been getting worse overthe past week? i dont know if its just me who thinks this but i thibk the whole BB experience is starting to get to him a wee bit too much now, but i still love him and really hope he wins :hug: :cheer:

cant wait till tuesday though, do yous think the housemates will know they are in the room next door?
I think Nikki is halerious and will be great to liven up the house again, same with Grace to get things a bit more interesting.

Has anyone seen what Lea has been up to since she left :shock: dirty b*tch! :shock: :shock:

Didn't hear that about Sezer, that's awful :( Wonder what happened to Bonnie!
sami tell us :pray: what has lea been up to im guessing it has to be something to do with her boobs maybe porn????
She's been doing porn shoots :shock: :shock: :shock:

I think it's all a little bit wrong when she has a young son at home, what are his mates gonna say to him at school, the poor kid must get so much stick :(
he prob doesnt get bullied or anything he will prob have loads of friends wanting to stay over cos they all fancy her?

i think shes pot ugkly and trying to look like barbie but she just looks so wrong and fake and she looks older than what she said she was
I hope they don't pick on him, poor thing :(

I can understand she wants to make herself feel better about herself after being like a size 22, but doing things so publically isn't helping. I think she is a very insecure and emotional personal and is lookign for acceptance, but not sure from who.

My god, any of the BB housemates could actually read this :lol:
When i did that charity night Bonnie was too busy looking at her own website to realise that the whole internet was out there!!!! lol!!!

Lea's got serious issues..... i've been a size 22 for ages (well a 24 aswell for a bit!) and i'm no where near as evil and nasty and vindictive as her!!
She needs some serious psychological help i think!!!

In fact...... wasn't that michelle from last year a 22 but had lost her weight on her own, and although i didn't particularly like her, she didn't have nearly as many issues as lea!!

I think she did lose most of the weight on her own hun, she just had the leftover skin and weight cut/sucked out.

Charity night with Bonnie??
Yeah, was for sports relief, she was taking phone calls with us!

yeah, from watching Jerry the other day i think she lost the weight on her own, but i really don't get why she's so mean, not all fat people are mean, i'm certainly not, at least i hope not!! lol!

LittleMinx said:
No that's my plan!! It's the HOUSEMATES who decide which 1 of the 4 returns to the main house, so I'm gonna vote Lea because I think she has as much chance as Nikki of going back in, and I'd do anything to squish her rise to domination!! If it hasn't already been completely FIXED by BB anyway :roll:

Dicky, Glynn and maybe Pete would like to see Lea again, I reckon.

I reckon there is going to be a HUGE kick off about the eligibility to win thing. So many people have spent money voting people out fair and square. Does anyone else think this is wrong? :think:

all the money 4m voting people back in is goin 2 charity !!!!
That's just to make people feel bad about complaining for all the money they've already spent on pointless evictions.

And Endemol will STILL rake it in by engineering a two horse final race with Pete and Nikki. Think they were worried noone would phone if pete was obviously gonna walk off with the prize!
Bonnie hasn't been allowed back because she apparantly ate a pizza and didn't pay for it :shakehead: Oh good grief!!
Hehe no way!!!
I bet you have been trying to find that out all day?! :wink: :)

ooooh bonnie the pizza theif!

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