Big Brother 7!!!

Nah, only a week and maybe a dounle and you've got 5/6 for the last week.

They'll be a few then, there's always 4 for the final.

Michael has that creepy intense student thing going on. i met too many of those at uni. Always gettin stuck in a corner with a bore who had some kind of universe theory...... :bored:

I'd like HIM to go. :cheer:
I think spoiral is actually quite cute! Also the oirish accent ALWAYS helps!!
I hope she does!!

And am also praying she isn't wearing an awful pvc or whatever it was outfit like on the way in!!!!

:pray: :pray: :pray:
Oh god, please get that belching buffoon out tonight.
She's horrid.
Just saw Davina on BBLB. She's 3 weeks behind me and still has her ankles!!!

No fair! :evil:
please please get voting she has to go and boring susie to go next week - what is she like!! :wall:
Have you heard the lastest news?

The first bombshell drops tomorrow, when the housemates discover they must nominate IN PAIRS. Aisleyne and her Best Friend Jennie will be called to the Diary Room first, where they must agree on who to nominate.

As usual the two (or more) housemates with the most nominations will be up for eviction.

BUT there's another twist...

What the couples won't know is that nominees will face the public vote along with their best friend, leading to one pair of Best Friends being evicted in a double eviction LIVE on Friday. So for example, if Richard is evicted, then Pete goes too.

The pairs are:
Susie and Imogen
Pete and Richard
Spiral and Michael
Mikey and Glyn
Aislene and Jenny
*waves bye to Susie and Imogen* though if Sspoiral and Michael leave I won't be too upset either.
oh dear ok it might get exciting i guess!! :dance:

Were the crowd really shouting get aishleyne out - i never heard it? :shock:

i think susie and imogen will go as well or if the public really hate aishleyne maybe she and jennie will go :think:
Spiral and Michael to go PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE!!!!
Anyone else noticed how Susie is talking to everyone like they are 10 years old! Would love it to be her and Imogen to go on Friday!! Think Richard is pretty safe cos nobody will want Pete to go!!

I had a saucy dream about Richard last night!!! :shock: :oops: :? :puke:

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