Big Brother 7!!!

I think if the voting had been for the who they wanted to stay in then Susie, Imogen and Mikey may have been out.

Does anyone else think Davina is too soft on them when they come out. I really wanted her to ask Nikki about her jealousy and why she was always on about Ash bullying her but instead we had to watch her fawn all over her. I thouhgt she was pants with Grace and Lisa too.
i agree beanie hun i love davina but shes been very lame this year :(
She really liked Nikki though so prob didnt want to give her a hard time also i think she got a bollocking with how she was with Makosi last year.

Wish she had given Grace and lisa a bit more of a grilling tho but overall I think she has been really funny.
She is getting pretty big... anyone know how far gone she is?
I think she only gave Makosi a hard time as the crowd were egging her on. I just wish they would get more intense with the questioning, am going to apply for her job and ask the questions.

Bloody Spiral, twisting the whole thing round on Ash because she wears skimpy clothes so him giving her a hug whilst naked (yuck) is justifiable. What a creep. Thought Susie was really good though, and spoke a lot of sense to Ash. Either Spiral or Jane to go.
I havent watched it tonight, watching sport aid am recording it tho :)
Quite liking Jenny, gone of Ash - think she is playing Pete cause she knows he is a winner

I dont like spiral either, think he's a bit of a twat and always looks dirty for some reason....
am in work atm, taking calls for sport relief...
Bonnie is here with us, she's really nice...
didn't talk to her for ages but me and one of the girls felt tight cos we kept going for breaks and bonnie hadn't moved from her desk all night so we invited her to come out with us (didn't want to arse kiss!!)

She was saying about how much crap has come out about her thats untrue! and the latest rumour is that she was a prostitute!!!

bless her!!!

(she is also gutted nikki went!!)
Jane is the biggest twat of all!! How childish is she??!! That exam they sat for was just annoying!! Cant they do better tasks???
Its getting a bit boring now...all it is is arguements and bitching... its supposed to be about making fools of people and embarrassing the hell out of everyone!! The fun has been sucked out of it!!
Jane needs a shovel in the faace every time she belches like a builder!! Its sick!!! If i was in there and had to put up with the dirtbag and her constant rulebreaking resulting in punishment for all.. id bogwash the bitch!! and make her listen to suzie talk for hours about chewing gum, while watching Ash pose in the mirror, glyn wanking over lea, spiral rapping about the teletubbies, richard trying to finger michael, michael pretending not to like richard up his arse, jenny picking her nose and flicking it at imogen and imogen giving her 'miss wales' speech...sigh. miss anyone? oh and mikey biting ashleens bum was rubbish tv. she could have reacted by lobbing his ugly butt in the pool and getting jane to sit on his face!! Now THATS TV!!
LOL Jayceesmumma!

You hit the nail on the head with all of that! Had me cracked up! :clap:
8) Thank you..(bows) here all week... :wink:
Its true though! How can someone so pathetically childish be on TV??? Is she trying to win the hearts of our 13 year old children?? Or is she ACTUALLY that sick! I hope someone puts her straight soon! No-one has bloody confronted her! Shes lost their food, hot water, and nikki got evicted coz of it!! Man she need to get told! Mind you, that jenny did have a go! I like her she has balls!
I hope pete wins.. and jane is humiliated in some way! :cheer:
Hmmm :think: may have to devise an evil and cunning plan to make her suffer :twisted: and email the big bro producers LOL!! If we all think of a plan for her and then all team up and stalk the managers of BB then we can win!! [tilt head back] **HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA** (evil laugh) :twisted:
Sorry im taking this too far now.... :oops: sod it..lets kidnap a manager!! :twisted: a cute one!! :wink: and torture him!! hehe :angel:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

not a bad idea though. lets all try and think of a challenge (a realistic one) or punishment.

come on girls lets all think. :think: :think: :think: :think:
Did anyone watch it last night with Gyln and his luxury dinner.

I'm going off him a bit but I did feel for him last night :lol:
Well you know how they are all on basic rations and Glyn is really suffering with it......

They were set a walking task...they were given pedometers and whoever got the most steps in 2 hours got their choice of luxury dinner. (they had to decide this before hand and write it on a board for big brother.) The desperatly walked around none stop for 2 hours, Glyn was almost running he was that desperate to win.
He won and his choice of food was welsh lamb and vegetables, and his dessert was stawberries and ice cream.
He was so happy he rushed to the diary room and sat infront of one of those silver serving things with a lid. BB told him to lift the lid and it was all liquidised in a big glass, even the stawberries!

Spiral went MENTAL shouting and swearing about it.
What about if they have to make jane into a woman?? Thats got to be a hard enough task! :rotfl:
oh poor glyn (she says laughing)

and jayceesmumma you are just too funny. but remember i said not an impossible task. :rotfl:
PMSL :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
a makeover for the man beast jayne..that is too funny!
she'd look like "i'm a lady, i do ladies things" (little britains emily howard!)
ha ha
and she wouldn't really need the pretend tash!!
what about a day of dressing up in another housemates clothes and becoming that house mate for a day . the loser gets fed to crocodiles :D whoops sorry my fantasy is running away with me :lol: . maybe the loser could choose the person to be evicted. :cheer: :cheer: (think the crocodile idea was the best)

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