Big Brother 7!!!

yeah and bless davina with her big bump..her baby must get very active with all the noise coz she often rubs her tum..that used to happen to me when it was busy at work baby would wake up and start kicking around loads!

shes got a big bump hasnt she i thought she was about 5 1/2 months pregnant!
I'm not having it that Nikki really behaves like that and none of it is an act. No way, her parents must be odd if they encourage their 24 year old daughter to behave like that. It was all calculated, even the exit. I said to my sis "bet she refuses to leave or something and has to be dragged out".

Haha, thats so cool that Susie is a stripper. Its like there is a whole other side to her.
oh that interview was just sooooo funny, i really like Nicki she totally cracks me up!!! the house will be so boring without rather watch a spolit brat than someone with gross boobs drinking tea...oooh exciting!!!!! bb is going to be so boring now!
no way is it, with mad Jane and Ash there might be some rows, unless Jane realises that she has no friends anymore and tries to get in with Ash
i have to say..nikki is like that in real life none of it is an act..i think she maybe cottoned on that her strops were entertaining and stepped up the amount she had..but she really is a whinging drama queen!!!
my oh knows
fran_23 said:
i have to say..nikki is like that in real life none of it is an act..i think she maybe cottoned on that her strops were entertaining and stepped up the amount she had..but she really is a whinging drama queen!!!
my oh knows

:shock: that is so scary. Perhaps supernanny could have a word.
jane is gettin boring to watch!! shes horrid! hope she goes soon!
Nicki was the best housemate and defiently the best for entertainment value!!
WHO voted out Nikki???!!! I LOVE her, I nearly shed a tear - her clips were so brilliant so why was she voted out? It will never be the same again :x
Jane will be out next week I reckon. It'll be interesting now to see who else comes out of their shell. I like it when the big characters go as you get to see more of the others.
Alicebabe said:
WHO voted out Nikki???!!!

That would be me!!! Any entertainment value aside, it's gettin too close to the final now, and that brattish behaviour shouldn't be rewarded. How awful if she'd have WON??? Would you let your kids act like that??

I think there's still enough characters in to make it worth spending my mat leave watching!
beanie said:
fran_23 said:
i have to say..nikki is like that in real life none of it is an act..i think she maybe cottoned on that her strops were entertaining and stepped up the amount she had..but she really is a whinging drama queen!!!
my oh knows

:shock: that is so scary. Perhaps supernanny could have a word.

:rotfl: thats funny nikki on the naughty step 24 minutes!
Jane is just vile though!
I mean drinking wine with a straw out of the lawn?? :puke:
crossed the line!!!!

Loved nikki's hissy fits! Would be funny to see her on the naughty step for 24 minutes!!! ha ha!!!

LittleMinx said:
Alicebabe said:
WHO voted out Nikki???!!!

That would be me!!! How awful if she'd have WON???

I didnt want her to win but I wanted her to stay in for a while yet. Those tantrums in the diary room are hilarious!

What entertainment does anyone get from watching Imogen?!
What entertainment does anyone get from watching Imogen?![/quote]

Think my OH finds her quite 'entertaining' :roll:
hannahbet20 said:
beanie said:
fran_23 said:
i have to say..nikki is like that in real life none of it is an act..i think she maybe cottoned on that her strops were entertaining and stepped up the amount she had..but she really is a whinging drama queen!!!
my oh knows

:shock: that is so scary. Perhaps supernanny could have a word.

:rotfl: thats funny nikki on the naughty step 24 minutes!

my sister is exactly the same as nikki maybe even a tad more extreme :shock:
didnt think od supernanny may have to get in touch :rotfl:
do u not think wen nikki does her wee screwed up sad face that she looks like the grinch!!!!!!
Sad thing is - Nikki will now make a mint out of paper deals, photo shoots, I think she will do quite well out of the house, but i think she is going to be a right madam with money.
I love Nikki, I'm really upset she's gone, it wont be the same without her. Her temper tantrums, real or not, were the funniest thing on tv!!
I'm sad too Kim - she was great to watch, lots better than Susie, Michael and Imogen who are all deadly boring!


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