Big Brother 7!!!

i used to like ash but after seeing her trying her hardest to force out tears when jayne said she was talking about her?????

she is playing the game big time, i think really she is very strong and wont take crap from any one but she is playing the game of sweet and upset.... yh right
Vicki83 said:
I just looked on channel 4's website and there is a live eviction at half eight and then another live eviction at 10 so i think there must be at least 2 going!!

cool :cheer:
yeah i know what you mean, i like her coz shes the only one who doesnt seem to blatantly talk about ppl behind there back and then suck up to there face like nikki does..she kinda says it how it is all the time which i respect but yeh she probably is trying to come across as weaker than she is to get sympathy!

dont like her rude gal sayings either "know yourself blud"

are you sure it isnt the eviction then the interview vicki?
i think the main reason people like pete is he brings out the mothering instinct in females hes the type you want to put in your pocket and take home and look after :D

still say pete to win xxx
rach said:
i think the main reason people like pete is he brings out the mothering instinct in females hes the type you want to put in your pocket and take home and look after :D

still say pete to win xxx

I want to look after him but not in a maternal sense :wink:
dionne said:
lauramum01 said:
Is ahleyne a lesbian?

not what i no of??? why???
i think her and nikki had a drunken kiss?

she always seems to be all over nikki though, playing with her hair. Then the next minute nothing. I think she fancys her. I might be wrong.
I think she is just a tactile person, and Nikki always needs reassurance.
oh yeah i just remembered something else! how can nikki go in the diary room and say shes never washed up..then continue to slag off other housemates for not washing up for the next 10 mins???

"what do they think this is a hotel?" erm hi pot this is kettle your black!!

i dont think aisleyne is a lesbian she just wants nikki onside..she does to jayne aswell.. :puke: :puke: how gross.
can't believe i've not noticed this thread before now!!!!
i dislike Jayne lots, i mean i like her cos she's herself... but i also dislike her fo the same reason, she's vulgar!!
nikki makes me laugh when she talks about herself in the 3rd person.... chuckle lots!!!

Am quite gutted though cos i've volunteered to take calls ok Saturday night in work for sport relief, and bonnie is coming to take calls with us. DH has said i've got to poke her to see if she's real (?)

luvvin tonights show... hope theres a double eviction!

fingers x'd mikey goes... he worked at our place and he really is rude and sexist!!! :pray:
OMG NIKKI'S BEEN EVICTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: oh my god i'm wetting myself "please my silver belt, my silver belt big brother please"

haha even the housemates cant believe it...
i'm really gutted she's going!!!
even though she moans lots and i don't believe that shes 24, i wanted aislene to go so that nikki and pete can get it on!!!!
ha ha!!
fran_23 said:
:rotfl: :rotfl: oh my god i'm wetting myself "please my silver belt, my silver belt big brother please"

haha even the housemates cant believe it...
i know like a belt is going to make a difference, regardless of colour!!!
jayne or whoever made me laugh... i think you're going to australia!!!
Noooooooo........ i loved Nicki!!!! the house is going to be soooooooooo boring without her!!! she was so entertaining to watch, id rather watch her moaning than boring old susie!!!!
OMG nikki's going!! I can't believe anyone posted before me I was straight up off the sofa as soon as it was announced!! :shock:

I'm guuted, Nikki's my fave housemate :(

It's gonna be soooooooooo boring without her, I might not be such a fan any more.........

I might not even watch it, the others are soooooooooo booooooooring :sleep:
Kim said:
OMG nikki's going!! I can't believe anyone posted before me I was straight up off the sofa as soon as it was announced!! :shock:

I'm guuted, Nikki's my fave housemate :(

It's gonna be soooooooooo boring without her, I might not be such a fan any more.........

I might not even watch it, the others are soooooooooo booooooooring :sleep:

I totally agree Kim!!

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