Big Brother 7!!!

On BBLB Dermott asked Lea's mum if she wanted to wash her daughter's mouth out with soap to which she replied, "no I am the same, that's where she gets it from" :shock:

It was all kicking off in the early hours when I turned it on - another party .... another drunken Nikki!!!! This time she was slagging off Jenny cos she was talking to Pete. Spiral pulled her up cos he thought she gave him a funny look (I didn't see the look, so don't know if she did or not!) Spiral tried it on with Ash in bed (I didn't see this either) but apparently it all kicked off and Ash ran to the diary room to take cover! Nikki and Ash eneded up in bed together and were giggling under the covers, not sure what or if anything else was happening! They are denying anything happened this morning though! and from what I could gather in between the sound being turned off they had played another game of spin the bottle!!!

Nominations today, hope that Jane is up!!!

LittleMinx said:
Any entertainment appeal NIKKI ever held has well worn off for me I'm afraid.

She's so annoying, how can they stand to live with her!!??

I can understand her lasting this long because people have found her tantrums funny, but to put her in the line for winning would be like rewarding the selfish, brattish behaviour we wouldn't let our kids get away with.

Get her out!! Say Bye Bye Nikki :wave:

i agree and shes getting so paraniod and she can be having a mega tantrum and as soon as someone else comes in the room boom shes stopped, shes so full of it! :?

oh no the very person i wanted to go this week is safe :evil:

well in that case i hope richard goes or susie either one i will be happy xxxxxx
How much would you hate to be the one who goes the week EVERYONE is up??!! :?

Talk about unpopular :cry:

jane is the only housemate who will not face eviction...thats f*cking outrageous shes a vile, fat bitchy thinks she owns the house...ugh i cant even write that word on here....c u next tuesday!!!!
lmao :lol:

I hate Jayne too, I have never hated a housemate more. She walks in there over half way through and thinks she own the place. I can't say much about her belching cos I'm the same :oops: , but I doubt I'd do it on national tv :?

BB could have thought of a better way to deal with her I'm sure :think:

Of all the others up for eviction I think Michael will have to go next. No reason really but I just can't take to him
i thought spiral was ok till last night (the one they showed tonight)
god he didnt take rejection very aishlene didnt want to kiss you GET OVER IT!
he had a go at nikki who burst into tears like 2 hours later..shes annoying me now aswell! my OH knows her and he said shes not putting that on shes really like pathetic!

woo i'm on a rant tonight! hehe
I haven't watched tonights yet I sky + it and watch it in a morning while I am feeding Rubie. But I don't like Spiral either I never have. I can't believe your OH knows Nikki, that's cool!!

I really like Nikki actually :oops:
Please can we get rid of Nikki, she was pathetic last night saying Ash was bullying her (more like Pete was talking to Ash) and yet when Ash came over to have a word she couldn't talk about it!!! :roll: :roll:
cool? i say "why did you never kill her?"
he went to like theatre/dance school with her when they were younger..and she's always been a brat! i just wish she could act normal sometimes instead of talking as if she were proclaiming whatever shes saying to the whole world!!
I don't like her as in I agree with everything she does, I like to watch her because she is entertaining and makes me laugh cos she is so pathetic, and that's what she's there for isn't it, to entertain? Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! lol
I like and dislike Nikki - dislike her cos she is such a pain in the a**e and extremely annoying but she is fun to watch which is why I like her. It would be a shame to get rid of her cos she does bring something to the house, I say get Susie out, we wouldn't miss her at all. We don't want a house full of dull boring people at the end. Well that's my opinion anyway!!

Who do you reckon will go?

As people are voting for who they want out I think it will be someone like Nikki/Ashleign (sp) who are stronger characters. If it was voting for keeping people in then I think Michael would go as I don't think he'll have much of a fan base yet :?

Don't want Ash to go, I like her!
I like Ash too but that Spiral is horrid. I can't stand people who point at others. He's so condescending for someones so young.
please nikki to go. she is a bitch. And jane is such a liar :fib: :fib: , playing off people against one another. She is a nightmare to watch. :evil:

Ashleen will you stop blooming crying as well please :wall: :wall: :wall:
Nikki really annoys me, and causes a lot of problems for others making out Ashleiyne is picking on her just so people will feel sorry for her and dislike Ashleiyne. Also don't you all notice that when Nikki has one of her major rants it's always a few days before nominations, i think she's always trying to get the other housemates sympathy votes so they don't nominate her!

Plus have you saw the faces she pulls when she's drunk, what the f**k is that all about LOL?!

But saying that she is funny to watch at the same time, i dunno who's gonna go!!
I think Nikki is going to go tonight, which will be a shame as she is one of the stronger characters there are so many more dull people in there who bring nothing to the show. I know what everyone else is saying, she is a pain in the arse who plays up to the camera especially around nominations but she is still good to watch! I hope that Jane is up for eviction next week she is vile and is so two faced. She knows that she is talking about things she shouldn't as she says "I will end up getting sacked for saying this" well don't say it then!!

nah i just hope she does keep talking about things that she shouldn't hopefully they'll boot her out, do they not only get like 3 strikes and they're out anyways? If so she's got 1 more, please Jayne TALK SOME MORE!!! :lol:

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