Big Brother 7!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

he suits them thoough he reminds me of ace ventura just everything he does is so funny
Ash used to annoy me loads, but since she went into the new house my opinion of her has changed and I now quite like her. Jayne on the othjer hand, what a 2 faced gross human being - did anyone hear her last night talking about the new housemates as though she had been in from the start and then storm into the bathroom after slagging off ash, as though she was going to ignore her and use the toilet but when she gets in there starts sucking up to ash, 2 faced cow bag!!

I am not keen on Richard at all but hope that Lea goes tonight so that Pete can start to be himself again.

Lea out - Pete to win!!

its the other way round for me, i liked ash before she moved next door cos she was one of the most mature people in there but then she went into the new house and she started being so fake and wanting to be centre of attention!

and the tears, OMFG!! i was crying........with laughter cos she was acting so pathetic!! Come on, you have to admit it! When BB told her it was time to go back into the big house she was straight up out of that chair and as she walked into the house she saw everyone running up to her and she started sobbing!!! Josh doesnt even cry like that and he's 3!

And anyway, WTF was she even upset for? She had to evict someone but surely she knew that was part of BB before she went in!

I dont think I like any of them anymore except Pete!
I agree with everything you said Kirsty :D
what the hell was that speech al about?!!

Lea, you didnt win a bloody grammy or anything!!!


oh by the way.... where did the childs pink bike come from? i have been meaning to ask for ages

lol, i felt embarassed for her ha ha, think they're all taking things a bit too seriously!!
does anyone remember bo selector?

Lea reminds me of the take off of Mel *******s ya!

ha ha

layla said:
oh by the way.... where did the childs pink bike come from? i have been meaning to ask for agesxxx

so glad you asked, i kept meaning to ask too!!
layla said:
oh by the way.... where did the childs pink bike come from? i have been meaning to ask for ages

It was a while ago when there was the big brotherhood. All the people that weren't in the big brotherhood were given a present and the people who were in the big brotherhood had to allocate them all to a present. I think it was Lisa who got the bike and I may be wrong but I think Sezer won immunity from eviction that week.

Yay - Lea out! :cheer:
the bike was a present in the first week there was a pile of pressies and the ones who had been given their suitcases had to decide who was going to have which pressie and in one of the parcels was a hat which meant whoever got it got their suitcase the bike was just one of the other pressies xxxx

leah is OUT woo hoo should be fun to watch her squirm when davina gets hold of her xxxxxxxxx
ahhh thanks!

im really not liking Jane either, shes horrible!

Every time when someone gets evicted, even if I don't like them in the house, they are usually really nice in the interview and I end up liking them, but LEA!!! OMG she was even worse!!!!!!!!!!!! She's such a saddo, I'm so glad I don't have to look at her any more
anyone as shocked as me that she didnt get boo'd?

im dissapointed! lol

Nope it was Nikki who got the bike, the others got shower caps, or? and sezer won the big brotherhood hat...

Pete to win!!! and ash is soo fake she knew she was going to be on the screen when she evicted jonathan thats why she acted like she cared..if she didnt know she was gonna be on the screen she would of bitched as always!!! because she went out of the diary room and went up to jonathan and said sorry and hugged him!!!! and she was all for having a go at nikki when she knew she was leaving then she goes back in and hugs her and kisses up to her...LEAVE IT OUT! and Nikki is just as bad, bitching about how she hates ash and how she wants to leave now she is back, and then saying "yeah ash we are ok" and hugging her back..they are all soo fake except pete..and that stupid ass jane "no ones bitching though" WHAT?!?!?! are u thick? wtf are u doing then you idiot?!

was happy when imogen shut them up though...even though imogen is a twat too.."just because i dont bitch about everyone dosnt mean i dont get it" BUT U DO BITCH ABOUT EVERYONE! and now your a liar too..

gooooodddd im such a dork lol but BB this season is really pissing me off they are all a bunch of knob ends lol!!!

Mind my excuse is i need to swear as much as i can in the next few months because after that im going to have to be prim and proper, dont want jakeys first word being "shit" :shakehead:

rant over ....


(now im even sadder) 8)
I think pete has got boreing lately!

i like Spiral, hes my fave at the mo

Ooh - I'm so happy Leah is out! What a weird interview - she was trying to be all coy and it just didn't work. She is SO annoying!
And what was with all the Suzi hatred? Bizarre!

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