Big Brother 7!!!

hope she sends jonathon to the old house mmmmm
I LOVE Aisleyne! I dont think she has changed at all and its Lea with the problem. Will that woman ever stop crying?! And I think Ash was right to yawn at Nikki's sex talk - it was probably a load of crap anyway!
Alicebabe said:
I LOVE Aisleyne! I dont think she has changed at all and its Lea with the problem. Will that woman ever stop crying?! And I think Ash was right to yawn at Nikki's sex talk - it was probably a load of crap anyway!

i totally agree with it being crap i personally dont think she has ever had a tinkle in her life and its what shes needing, :lol: :lol:
i think the only thing nikki has sex with is her ann summers flipper the dipper ... stupid cow..and no i dont want to see in your mouth..we see in their enough when you moan and eat!! dont let your kids watch this cause she is a bad influence!!! my 2 year olds in nursery eat with better manners than her its disgusting! (sorry pet hate is eating with your mouth wide open) lol

anyways i think aisleyne is a complete t*at...i think she needs to stop thinking she is 'DA SHIZZLE' and she called jonathan Leroy yesterday! and she said its cause she had a friend, who is probably is she going to call one of the other girls cathy cause she has a friend who is white called that? a tad racist for a wannabe black girl me thinks...

and i loved it when she cried, "im shi*ting myself" when she was evicted..and all week was like im goin i dont care gonna cause some trouble "innit" i was like...ahaha not so tough now!!!

and lea shut up like your the innocent bitch about everyone and then you pretend you never talk about no one...sooo fake..get her out. she is a older grace..

and her and glyn urghhh making me gag..

sorry to go on lol
cas x
cassi said:
i think the only thing nikki has sex with is her ann summers flipper the dipper ... stupid cow..and no i dont want to see in your mouth..we see in their enough when you moan and eat!! dont let your kids watch this cause she is a bad influence!!! my 2 year olds in nursery eat with better manners than her its disgusting! (sorry pet hate is eating with your mouth wide open) lol

anyways i think aisleyne is a complete t*at...i think she needs to stop thinking she is 'DA SHIZZLE' and she called jonathan Leroy yesterday! and she said its cause she had a friend, who is probably is she going to call one of the other girls cathy cause she has a friend who is white called that? a tad racist for a wannabe black girl me thinks...

and i loved it when she cried, "im shi*ting myself" when she was evicted..and all week was like im goin i dont care gonna cause some trouble "innit" i was like...ahaha not so tough now!!!

and lea shut up like your the innocent bitch about everyone and then you pretend you never talk about no one...sooo fake..get her out. she is a older grace..

and her and glyn urghhh making me gag..

sorry to go on lol
cas x

LMAO thats the best laugh ive had all day hun

ditto :lol:

took the word right out of my mouth!!!
BubbleOne said:
Fran I used to drink in The Hand pub in Pinner when I was younger!! Not posh at all :?

yep the hand in hand...minging and full of chavs! i never go to pinner..too many ppl like suzie that think they are posh!

do you live near pinner now bubbleone?? i live in Harrow..what a dump! lol!
heard on the radio today that this is going to be the last big brother, anyone else heard this??

omg dont say that :shock: im so sad i look forward to bb every year xxxxxxx
anno dont say that BB & x-factor is my social life :shock: :shock: :shock:

wouldnt it be cool though if they made a BB with pregnant woman (i know it will never happen because of health reasons and stuff) and only 1 guy, i think it would be so funny all them hormaons flying around :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i heard its the last one ever aswell as there was a rape or something on the australian one, also this one has turned to a bit of a farce.i still love it though!

weestar, i dont know if u saw it but there was like a big brother for pregnant women...cant remember what it was called but it was on in the weekday mornings on itv...had loads of expectant couples living together in a house charting the pregnancies, there was no evictions though just whoever went into labour! i think julia swahala (SP) was the presenter.
I saw that!!

It best not be the last one I'm just getting into I never used to watch it til last year
well last nights show was fab :D poor jonathon though :cry:
admit it who was crying? i was :oops:

poor jonathon and ash i think he had a soft spot for her and when she went into the bb house in floods of tears i

But how 2 faced is lea :evil: after slagging her off she runs up to her and says awwwwww ash welcome back hunny grrrrrrrrr.

LMFAO :rotfl: that stupid nikki in the diary room thats my bed nikkis bed....pmsl
grr nikki in the diary room with the whole "thats my bed, thats my bed, thats nikkis bed..i sleep there but thats my bed"
shes such a tw*t lol!
Nicki had to be drunk didnt she? if not then she was weird even for her!

how many beds does the woman want anyway? :lol:

poor ash, must be hard when everyone next door was getting on great and now she's back in the main house with all the backstabbing and bitching. i hope the next door lot and her form a little alliance of their own.

Every year they say its the last one and they always do another one.

Fran I used to live near Harrow. Going to The Hand was a phase I am happy to be over :rotfl:
Last nights show was fab :D I was pleased that Spiral went into the house with her, but did feel sorry for jonathan.


Lindsay said:
Last nights show was fab :D I was pleased that Spiral went into the house with her, but did feel sorry for jonathan.





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