i think the only thing nikki has sex with is her ann summers flipper the dipper ... stupid cow..and no i dont want to see in your mouth..we see in their enough when you moan and eat!! dont let your kids watch this cause she is a bad influence!!! my 2 year olds in nursery eat with better manners than her its disgusting! (sorry pet hate is eating with your mouth wide open) lol
anyways i think aisleyne is a complete t*at...i think she needs to stop thinking she is 'DA SHIZZLE' and she called jonathan Leroy yesterday! and she said its cause she had a friend, who is probably black..so is she going to call one of the other girls cathy cause she has a friend who is white called that? a tad racist for a wannabe black girl me thinks...
and i loved it when she cried, "im shi*ting myself" when she was evicted..and all week was like im goin i dont care gonna cause some trouble "innit" i was like...ahaha not so tough now!!!
and lea shut up like your the innocent want..you bitch about everyone and then you pretend you never talk about no one...sooo fake..get her out. she is a older grace..
and her and glyn urghhh making me gag..
sorry to go on lol
cas x