Big Brother 7!!!

I think Nikki is really starting to act. She has survived eviction 3 times and now thinks that the public love her tantrums so she puts them on even more. Did anyone see where she had acted up in the diary room and when she left she had a smug grin. She is getting really :bored: now, was entertaining but is too dull so she needs to go.

I cried too, poor Ash.
ahhh ash did my head in last nite lol GET OVER IT
and nikki u dont need to beds hun
i think nikki wants all the beds so that she can just try it on with all the guys :shock: send nikki in a vibrating toy BB
I really want Lea out, so im hoping what Richard said about wales wont go agaisnt him!

I second that............she managed to stop crying OK outside the diary room when she didnt think the camera was on her, and start up again on cue as she got in front of the camera in the diary room! :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

SO FALSE!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x

Get her & Nikki out!!!!!
she needs 3 beds because the laundry service is only everyweek and she has wet dreams every night when she thinks about imogen (well ud think so the way she is snuggling up and kissing her arse all the time lately!)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I would be snuggling up with my Peteybabes instead. Or Lea as her busoms would make lovely pillows (cos everbody needs a bosom for a pillow)
OMG can we please get rid of that beast Jane, she is the most revolting thing I have ever seen on telly.

Why do people say Ash is fake, she is one of the few real people on there.
I like Ash, i think shes real, i dont like her black girl talk but hey, each to there own.

I REALLY want Lea out tomorrow!

I think spiral and michael are so sweet! not sure about the liverpool one, cant think of her name.....and i agree with beanie about jane, two faced cow!

I like Spirral, I think he is sweet.........

But Ash, she just comes across really fake to me, I did like her, but now she is driving me nuts, I just think she plays up to the cameras all the time.......the more attention she was getting when she was crying the worse she got, people fed her those tears and she played on least that's what I think! :think:

I would like to see Richard go tomorrow I think, as I don't think he really brings much to the house anymore, at least with Lea there could be rows and back stabbing!, and it could heat up again with her & Ash! :twisted:

OMG must be the hormones, I just want TROUBLE and am seeing the worst in most people, it aint taking much to wind me up today!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:lol: xx
beanie said:
OMG can we please get rid of that beast Jane, she is the most revolting thing I have ever seen on telly.

Why do people say Ash is fake, she is one of the few real people on there.

beanie i agree on both of these jayne makes me feel sick shes gross and ash is fab xxxxx
i like ash as she says what she feels and isnt afraid to let people know how they make her feel but if i was her i wouldnt have gone over to bitchy nikki and appologised for anything she done what she felt was right and gave nikki a piece of her mind before she left.

Jayne was funny for the first 5 seconds after that she gets on my nervs, i dont like suzy i think she is really fake trying to be something shes so not. Lea grrrrr dont get me started.

Jenny i think is nice but will have to wait and see dont think she has opend up yet.

Immogen i hated but shes growing on me and im so happy she stuck up for ash and got nikki and jayne told last night that she is happy ash is back :D

I want lea to go tonite but i want PETE to win

:pray: :pray: :pray: LET PETE WIN HE DESERVES IT MORE THAN ANYONE :pray: :pray: :pray:

Yeah I like Jenny too, and good on Imogen, did you see the other 2 back track. Jane goes "we're not bitching". You are, you are saying nasty things about another person behind their back therefore you are bitching.

Petey to win but I am worried he won't as he has gone so quiet lately. Get Lea out!!!!
i think once lea goes he will start to open up more i think cos shes always breathing down his neck hes scared to even talk to any otherfemale in the house poor pete *sends cyber hugs to bb for pete*

I do wish he wouldn't wear those really bright trousers though...even they can't keep Lea away.

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