Big Brother 7!!!

It was on big brothers little brother on E4 at 7.30pm that they told us about who is up for eviction. I think we will see the episode on tomorrows big brother.

There is a prog on men and motors at 11pm about Lea and her porn!!!!!!!

i seen a bit of it yuk that woman is vile she was showing the cameras a little pink skirt her son had bought her barbie skirt i think it was and i just thought urgh your poor son :evil: xxx
i think hes about 11 weestar?? i think when she was talking about glyn once she said hes only 7 years older than my son... & glyn is 18 so im guessing hes about 11!!
lea!! she is so irritating! :twisted:

Is anyone else going off nikki as well?

When imogen sabatoged the task her face was a picture, she went up a bit in my book, i hope its not too long before they tell the others why she did it - bless her!! :lol: clever big brother!!

ash to go into the new house, although she didn't take the news well did she, thought she was a little childish and expected better things from her really, susie took it well though.

Im still for glynn to win. :clap:
i thought it was so funny last night when ash was standing at the diary room with that guy forgot his name but nikki was going into the diary room and ash said ' im not like nikki i dont have temper tantrums' was so funny the look on nikkis

I want pete to win i think hes brill not only good looking 8) but i think hes so funny and so kind hearted and wish lea would feck off n let him make his own mind up.

Dicky (richard) i think is funny getting he just needs a big

nikki gets on my nervs the only task she has completed is that majorets (sp?) one grrrrrrrr get nikki out get nikki out get nikki out :twisted:
Omg what the hell is wrong with Lea? She has serious issues, and she's starting to p*ss me off big style!! Everything Ash said was true, she's a sad paranoid weirdo. I'm sick of seeing her, Lea out next for sure.
Kim I agree with you, Lea is really getting on my nerves too. I don't really like any of the housemates to be honest they all irritate me in different ways. I defo want Pete to win. I felt sorry for him last night with Nikki pouncing on him in bed, bless him!

I am wondering if Ash will speak her mind if she thinks she is being evicted - how good will that be when she has to return to the house!!!!

She's doing it now!! She's just had a right go at Nikki. I think she's going a bit far. How does she know she is going anyway?? She is just being plain mean now and I've decided I don't like her :evil:
haha the secret house is a funny paranoid is lea gonna be when the new ones join and aislene comes back...teehee!! evil!
and suzie is starting to really annoy me..what a stuck up tw*t she lives near me and she strips in this cheap nasty old mans pub..then walks around with a give her like 50p or a quid...what a sad cow pretending shes so posh!
what can i say absolutely brilliant stuff hee hee :twisted:
fran_23 said:
and suzie is starting to really annoy me..what a stuck up tw*t she lives near me and she strips in this cheap nasty old mans pub..then walks around with a give her like 50p or a quid...what a sad cow pretending shes so posh!

No way!!!!!! :shock:

yeah she has the nickname suzie the floozie..which is funny coz thats what grace was calling her!
she lives in pinner which is about 2 mins down the road from harrow where i live, its not a posh area, she makes out like she is so rich!
Fran I used to drink in The Hand pub in Pinner when I was younger!! Not posh at all :?
Have to say though she's not really bugging me that much. I think she's quite down to earth really!! 'I nearly went A over T in the bathroom'!! Made me chuckle!

Nicki has always bugged me and still does. And poor Pete. Bless him!! Too scared to have a snog because the nation is watching him :lol:

Think Ashlene (sp) might begin to show her true colours now too. I think she is a proper BITCH :clap:
i like Johnathan :oops:

nikki grrrrrrrr ihate her so much i hope she doesnt get to the final. Poor pete nikki trying to beast him and you could see he didnt really want to, think nikki will be right in their with one of the new guys that get votted in to the proper house. Was so funny though to see ash face when the producer poped out of that door and told her to go into the new house :lol: :lol: :lol: Got a feeling though she wont be liked when they do return to the BB house as the ones she votes out she will have to face hahahaha

im so sad (its a rule in my house to watch BB)

Why does no one like Nikki? I think she's the best housemate they have ever had, she's hilarious. I love her tantrums and want her to win!!

Saying that though I did feel sorry for Pete when she was all over him and he was obviously not interested.

Ash is one true bitch. All the housemates said she has changed and she denied it, but she so has. She was nice when she first went in and now she's evil :twisted:

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