Big Brother 7!!!

It will be 5 new housemates and one existing housemate - should make for interesting viewing!!
ah i see i really hate nikki though she gets on my nervs wish someone would give her a slap and tell her to act her age :lol: :lol:
hmmmm not sure if i want to share him i think il hide him from you all
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
im sure we will see his head poping up

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

sorry couldnt resist hehehahahehe :twisted:
Grrr i never got to see his dingle dangle :( Petey sure is a cutie :D

So who does everyone reckon should go into the new house?

I think Nikki
In the paper today it says that the 5 new housemates can't win the prize money unless they get into the main house, the 5 housemates and the existing housemate who joins them will face a series of gruelling tasks to stay in the show and their presence will be used to create friction among contestants - wonder how that will work?!! It also says that one of the 5 may be either Sam or Sezer?!

I don't know who to put in the house, I thought Nikki at first but think she is better staying in the main house to get on Ashleyne's nerves, sorry to all you Ashleyne fans but I really can't bear the girl!!!! Still think Nikki would be good to go in the other house tho.

I can't believe that Lea is getting away with just eating an apple for her tea, she is not helping all those people in the real world who struggle with their weight or who have eating disorders is she? In one of the live shows that I watched, even Imogen was commenting about how little she is eating for the fear of putting on weight.

I agree with Rach, we need to get boring Susie out of the house, who does she think she is looking down her nose at everyone, especially glyn for getting drunk - get a life susie!!

Pete to win :D

i think they announce that tomorrow about whose up for eviction (into the new house that is)
hang on im really confuzzled at the moment has the new house started yet? :think: i watched it last night (glued to the and didnt see any new house :(
I love the twist with this new house and housemates!! Not sure who l would like to go into the new house, maybe Nikki,....l don't honestly know. :think:

l quite liked Lea but now she is all over Pete and she keeps on at him saying 'you've changed' and 'are you ok' Give it a rest Lea!!!! :roll:
ashylienne and susie up for eviction into the new house.

Ash did not look happy, susie made a comment about them all having to cook for themself in the future (jokingly!!)

want ash to go in there as susie would be boring.

Im surprised thought lea and nikki would be the ones :think:
Lea is making me sick now, the way she is acting round Pete. For Gods sake the woman is in her 30's (allegedly!!) she needs to grow up and stop making a tit of herself (excuse the pun hehe)
sorry im very slow today my brains not

so let me try catch up when did they announce that ash and sue are up for eviction will that be tointes one?

im so sad wanting to know all this ( anyone would think my life is dull and boring....lmao)
don't worry jean i am just as sad, i might have to go and get a life when bb finishes lmao

i don't know the answer to your question tho, i assume it will be on tonights show, not long now before it's on - woohoo!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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