Big Brother 7!!!

i feel so sorry for her son, i bet he has been teased so much in school :(

i cant even imagine what it must be like for him. can you imagine if you were her and it was your kid watching you being like that?
My God, Lea HAS to go next. She's like some horrible possessive, jealous, irritating, ugly, paranoid cradle snatcher! (think i'm getting my point accross!) And I too feel for her son and family. Imagine that being your mother on the tv.

I'm getting so annoyed with her and I can't stop shouting at the tv for her to shut up and stop embarressing herself and poor old Pete.

(BTW, Glyn is beginning to annoy me too. He's changed loads since being with the plastics all the time and he should have stayed shy and quiet!)

Tan x
petes a good looking bloke, dont u think? :wink:

as for grace doing a lads mag shoot, thats what the all do when they get out the house! you'll see them in every paper and magazine on the shelf, probably wearing as little as possible!
No really I do. Told my OH that I was going to sneak into the house so if you don't hear from me for a couple of days..........
No really I do. Told my OH that I was going to sneak into the house so if you don't hear from me for a couple of days..........

So you're one of the secret 5.......? I know being addicted to this forum is like being locked away for the week!

Tan x
I wanted Mikey to go cos he's boring and does my head in, BUT I also want him to get with Imogen to piss Grace off!!!!

I wanted Lisa to go but in a funny way I'll miss her, it wont be the same without her stomping around!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
You'll recognise me, I'll be the one with the restraining order from Pete :D (it must have been the pool snake incident, I also like his beat boxing)
Kim said:
BUT I also want him to get with Imogen to p*ss Grace off!!!!

Haha me too!

I was gutted Davina didn't ask Lisa about being such a liar, they should have had all the clips of her contradicting herself. She had it really easy.

I'm looking forward to Friday (sad I know :roll: ). Wonder who'll be voted to go into the second house.
I think Nikki should go in, she'd probably get the right hump! :lol:
Is anyone watching it now? I am wetting myself laughing (again!) Poor old Glyn just throwing up everywhere!

Tan x
lol wasnt it fab poor glyn and bloody susie going on at him i thought she was gonna have a right hissy fit when he threw up in the kitchen sink :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and when mikey pulled him out of bed by his foot :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ive not laughed so much in ages xxxxxxxxx
I had to say OMG to myself when Susie said she doesn't know people who do that sort of thing :shock: So she has never ever in her whole life ever got drunk & barfed? I think we all have (I know I have - parents driveway for one :oops: :lol: !!)
lol i think most people have at some stage and for god sake hes 18 years old give the guy a break susie grrr get her out stuck up so and so xxxxx
i love pete :D :D

sorry had to put that in and no its not because he has a big one :lol: :lol: :lol:

when is this new house thing starting? i thought it was new people who were being put into it and not the housemates thast already in the bb house at the mo :think:

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