Big Brother 7!!!

I want Lisa to go but if she does Nikki is going to start thinking she's mega-popular cos she's been up 3 times and not gone.
i hope lisa goes... shes really two faced, slags everyone off but is so nice to their faces... does my head in!!

nikki makes me laugh... shes crazy lol
I was going for Imogen to leave this week, but I think she'll stay cause everyone thinks she's gona get it on with Mikey! She's so dull and shallow though! Lisa will probably go cause she's a filthy mouthed cow!

PS Have you noticed how the majority of the contestants this year have really "glam" and really superficial jobs! Models, waiters and bar staff etc. They really are a shallow and materialistic bunch!!!!
anyone watched big brother tonight?? right at the end aisleyne fell out of bed and i swear i cant stop laughing lol!!!

i want lisa to go and pete to win!!
liviray said:
PS Have you noticed how the majority of the contestants this year have really "glam" and really superficial jobs! Models, waiters and bar staff etc. They really are a shallow and materialistic bunch!!!!

blimey I was a barmaiod and a waitress so I was very superficial but the place was not exactly glam.

I think Imogen should get it together with mikey
I'd love it if Imogen got it together with Mikey, wipe the stupid smirk of Grace's face.
Ooo I am wicked :twisted: He he!!!
Sorry going off Glyn a bit - he's changing
and Ash annoyed me a little, she has started stirring a bit

PETE 2 WIN for me still - he's so sweet the way he doesnt like "manly talk" or talk about sex.

Come on Mikey ... get together with imogen ! :pray: :pray: he so fancies her. that'll wipe the smirk of Graces (who's saving herself) face !
Anyone else see Big Bro Little Bro? It had Grace on it and she just done a photo shoot for a lads mag so they showed the clip from the house where she was being really snooty and"euughh I'd neeever get my kit off in a lads mag, if I do I'll take you all on holiday" ha haa the n she said that her and Mikey are oth free agents!

Oooooooooo it's starting to get exciting!

love mikey and imogen to get together not only are they better suited but wouldn't grace hate it!!

I think Lisa will go her language is terrible and yes i saw when ash fell out of bed it was very funny.

I do think glynn has been led astray a bit by lisa and mikey clan but i hope he doesn't lose too much of his innocence.

Pete is getting a little boring don't you think - just a little. he won't be going anywhere though as he is loved by everyone. i do think people use him though as they know he is a popular housemate i.e nicki and ash

has anyone heard if sam is going back into the house, a few mags have made out that "we haven't seen the last of her in big bro yet!"

I wander if they will bring her back in as a man to see if any1 guesses!!
i think pete is getting boring hes really sweet and lurvley but not much to watch now days mikey and imogen definatley GET IT ON!

:D XHannahx

read in the tv mag that the housemates will get a big surprise one day this week.

Get rid of Lisa tonight!! She is a bloke with boobs, and her language is so foul. Im not aganist swearing but there is swearing and SWEARING lol.

PETEY to win all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iv just heard Jimmy Saville might be going back in ! lol

dunno if its true or not....
big bro was so funny tonight!

it really made me giggle, im so glad i watched it :D

Lea out next!!!

she is a pervy old woman *shudders*


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