Big Brother 7!!!

Just saw Grace on Richard and Judy and they were well nice to her. I understand they can't be really nasty but they could have questioned her a bit more on specific stuff....grrrr
Lea is vile now, she is way too touchy feely, that would do my head in. Also it makes me laugh she is worried how BB is affecting her 11 year old boy but what about the porn movie she made, clips are now all over the show and more people want to see the full movie than they would have done if she had not have gone on BB.
lol minikins i totally agree
if my dad was in the bb house hed have sed ' if u feel cold put a jumper on' lol
Lea for me now is boardering on creepy

the way shes pretty much always got her boobs out, the tops she wears only cover her nipples, and they are such a horrible shape!

she leaches over pete so much and pushes his head in her clevage, ugh its disgusting.

I feel so sorry for her son, he must be getting alot of ribbing at school etc, Lea claims she loves her son to bits, then why is she doing all this, she must realise that all her sex talk will affect him! and its not even talked about in a nice way, the words she uses are vile!!
as for the porn movie she has done, i have ben shown it, its all over the internet! she said she did it ages ago but it was only last year.

she needs to get out now!!

hope shes up today with Niki.

Am I the only one that hasn't seen the porn? I suspect it's like watching a game of basketball though so I can't be missing much.

Nikki is stropping about now saying she's quitting cos shes up for eviction again......AWWWWWWWWW

bye-bye then nikkie. :twisted:
oh my god i miss all the fun :cry: hope they show the nominations tonight xxxxxx
do they say the nominations live? also what time do they do them?

they are normally on BBLB at 7.30pm tonight, got a feeling that it will be Lisa and Nikki up and Lisa will go!

anyone else read in the paper that Sam is going to be a parent? (wasn't sure if to put dad or mum :? ) apparently he slept with one of his good friends and she is pg!

Keep Nikki In ... She well makes me laugh ... :lol:

As for Sam being Parent .. Shes ALL Man!! ... psml :lol: :lol:
Nikki, Imogen, Lisa and Mikey are all up for eviction this week!!

oooh i missed last night what happened??? defonately (sp) will be in front of the tv tonight!!!!
OMG, yeah I know Nikki is nuts but I am really worried that she needs to get help now :?
Lisa to go, she strated to turn into a proper bunny boiler with pete in like a week! MINT!! haha.

I like Nicki, she makes me laugh so much!!! Dozy little girl :lol:
Loved the way Lea told Nikki to shut up. Bloody hell did she not realise she will probably get nominated. I'd have packed her case for her and waved her off. Lisa will probably go but I actually want it to be Nikki.
I think I hate Lisa more than Nikki so hope she goes BUT Nikki doesn't deserve to stay either :? First big bro ever where I dont like most of the housemates!!!

I love Aislene now I want her to win! :dance: (or Glyn :) )

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