Big Brother 7!!!

Whether Nikki or Mikey were in the right about the beer thing, Nikki should still not have a nervous breakdown over it. She is insane, so funny to watch but she needs more therapy than she has had already.

I am glad Mikey actually told her to stop going crazy each time something does not go her way. Life isn't fair sometimes and you just have to deal with it.

Can't wait to see the Lisa & Aisleen ruck tonight !!

Lisa out next !!
OMG what IS Lisa????????????????

She's just plain scary :shock:
right need to rant now

Mikey - what the hell has grace done to him he's gone all bitchy!!! God i needed a bucket for all that smoochy rubbish yeah as if she'll wait prob got her knickers off already!!

Lisa & Imogen - why is it the moment they get confronted they lie!!! they told Grace to do it then deny it then Lisa has a paddy i think they have amnesia!!

Richard went up in my view thank god someone ranted back at Lisa

But aisleyne to win, good girl for sticking up for susie that was uncalled for and very childish on Graces part and Susie was very diplomatic about it

Ash to win :D

If i was in there i would not be able to keep mu mouth shut and why did lisa and imogen say ash and lea were bitching about Grace how could they tell!!
Mikey crying made me laugh when Glynn was in the next bed having a right old dig around in his nose.
I nearly peed my pants when Rich did that dance in front of Lisa, and then again when Mikey was sat there stroking the picture.

Why do Nikki and Pete keep standing/sitting hugging, its a bit weird to be doing it all the time.
i think lisa and mikey will be up next week.

I really want Lea out now too! have you noticed that if anyone argues in the house she will always manage to turn it round on her so she is the victim, even if it wasnt her arguement?! lol she bugs me

I'm really starting to hate Lisa because of the lying thing. I hope she goes next week. She was talking about nominations so she should be banned too.
didnt davina say something about them being punished on monday for talking about nomo's again??

layla said:
I really want Lea out now too! have you noticed that if anyone argues in the house she will always manage to turn it round on her so she is the victim, even if it wasnt her arguement?! lol she bugs me
Yes! I'd noticed that too - she always turns every situation involving other people into a 'Get the Cameras on Lea' situation ....... also, if she was a man, and Pete was a girl, I'm sure the amount of stroking/touching/outright groping that she does of poor Pete would not go down well in the public eye! :shock:
poor pete, she never puts him down!

i think he likes Niki, would be nice for Lea to leave him alone for 2 mins so him and niki could get closer :)

Lisa & Imogen next up for eviction and Lisa to go, then Imogen to go next week.

I can't believe Imogen was saying how she does not like Ash or bum lickers, then when Grace is out who does she bum lick? ASH !!
Lea really needs to go now!!!!!

im beinging to hate her more than Grace!

shes all over pete and insanely jealous of Niki.

Plus she really needs to buy clothes that cover her up, her boobs on display 24/7 is starting to make me feel sick, they are so huge that they looks horrible.

yer it was!

did you see nikkis face when she was on about being cold PMSL
not sure whats going to happen with the nominations as loads of them have been talking last week. I think a lot of them will be banned.

I worry that glynn is getting to friendly with Lisa and his little chats with her. Imogen is so two faced. Lisa or imogen to go. Nikki is funny but can be quite irritating.

Nominations are going to take place in a mo.

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