Big Brother 7!!!

BBLB wa so funny tonight when thay showed Glynn "songs of the valleys part 2" i would seriously but that!! i was laughing out loud!! :lol:

Glynn to win for me. Ashleen is ok yes i agree.
i missed it last night :(

cant wait for tonight, grace to go!!!

I wonder if she will get more votes than Sezer, he got 90% or something didnt he?

I can't wait for it tonight too - whoohoo bring on the boos for Grace :lol: It would be hilarious if she beat Sezer and got nearly 100%.

Last night it all kicked off in the house again, Nikki who was saving her bottle of beer put it under her pillow but Mikey saw and went and drank it himself, as you can imagine nikki went hysterical!!!! Nikki when she had calmed down was saying that she thinks that her outburst will sway the public vote against her tonight - I think Grace should already have about 90% of the votes so I wouldn't worry if I were Nikki!

Richard is beginning to irritate me, I say get him out next, we can't be having all the oldies left in at the end - would be boring!!!

Grr how sad am I, I can actually go out tonight with one of the girls, but I would rather stay home and watch the show tonight.

Not sure what to do. I know I can record it etc etc, but I want to see GRACE OUT and booed live !!

Help !!
LOL I have been in the past known to not go out on a frdiay night cos of BB - I used to make sure all my arrangements were for a Sat when it wasn't eviction night!!!!!

YAY :clap: :clap: :clap:

How funny Davina had to say her name really quickly so she couldn't hear the crowd chanting to get her out!!!

Great result!!!!!

Thank the Lord for that. Won't have to look at that moody face anymore, she almost always looks like she's chewing a wasp.
Can't wait for the interview :lol:
I'm so glad Grace is out (not that it wasn't obvious)

I really like Nikki. At first she annoyed the Hell out of me but now I really like her
Kim said:
I'm so glad Grace is out (not that it wasn't obvious)

I really like Nikki. At first she annoyed the Hell out of me but now I really like her

me too! i was so glad when niki got cheers today when davina said her name, bless her, shes funny lol

yay thank god for that and why has mikey turned into a twat all of a sudden! I think he did that to make Nikki look bad she didnt do anything wrong so she put 'Her' beer in the bedroom she didnt want anyone to take it which is fair enough otherwise the chances are someone else might have just drunk it. Now time to get Mikey out Chris Moyles etc refer to him as Ugly Vernon (Kay)!!!!!
I agree, she used to really did wind me up. I felt sorry for her over the whole beer thing.
Mikey had the cheek to say to Nikki that it was wrong of her to hide it but then he nicked it then drunk it, out of order, I would've been pee'd off if someone had done that to me. I didn't mind Mikey (never did alot) before but changed my mind now.

did you see micky had his arm around imogin(sp?) in the garden while grace was in teh bathroom with niki, and as soon as they came back out they stood apart!

i think they will get it on now that grace is going

i wondered that!

i think she must have thrown a drink over her or something??

Oh my god! It was abottle of water or something. I cant believe that! Ha showed her true colous though didnt she!!
yay the best thing about sky+ i rewind and seen it

she through a drink at her and said "ha i just had to do that"
then ash was going mad saying "thats out of order"
then as grace went she said, "shut it ash your a moose"

ash should have through a huge bottle of water over her, imagin walking out eviction night soaked :lol:
nothing to make her nominate her i think susie went on what she had seen before going in.

But then Grace acted like a spoilt brat was slagging her off then nicked the champers! Has susie noticed that its gone?

Mikey has to go he really annoyed me, yeah i noticed that whole thing in the garden Layla umm wonder whats gonna happen there then :think:
i cant belive she did that just as she was going out, what a coward!!!!!

why not do that a few days ago when she first got mad?! coz she has no guts or bottle to see things through, silly cow! lol

agghh i hate the way that she thinks shes hard, shes so not!


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