Big Brother 7!!!

hahahaha i didnt notice when it happened i heard them shouting at each other!

she's just confirmed why she got voted out!!
i think its really kicked off in there.I think Lisa and Aisleyne have had a big row now.
God I despise people like that, what a coward doing it as she was leaving. Oy Grace grow a pair and at least try and be the bitch you so obviously wish to be. And Davina was poo, I'd have given her a hard time especially over the Sam thing.

Am going to be unpopular here and say that Mikey actually went up in my estimation with the Nikki thing. For a 24 year old to behave like that over a bottle of beer was frankly disturbing. I wouldn't let Seren behave like that at 2 (obviously not over a bottle of beer) and if she knows she is at fault for behaving like that why does she keep doing it. And Pete (oh this hurts to say) went down in my estimation fawning over her. FFS leave her and she'll calm down a lot quicker. Whilst at times she is entertaining, that was pathetic. Right am off soapbox

Am loving Aishlyne (spelling). She is the kind of girl who tells you to your face what she thinks, and Glyn is a star. Want Glyn or Ashlyne to win.
I want to see what happened AFTER Grace went out. From what I gathered when the closing credits were on is it all kicked off between Ash and Lisa.

Can't wait for tomorrows show! not even going to start about Lisa but I just want her to walk not stomp all the time.
Apparently Ashlyne confronted Lisa about saying "go on do it" to Grace before the water throwing, Lisa has retaliated by throwing the pink bike across the room and is apparently now in the diary room.
god its like watching the house of tiny teraways sometimes in there, they need to grow up

I understand what you mean about Nikki Beanie she didnt need to throw such a paddy but then he shouldnt have taken it in the first place i think he did it to make her moan to get more votes!
beanie said:
God I despise people like that, what a coward doing it as she was leaving. Oy Grace grow a pair and at least try and be the bitch you so obviously wish to be. And Davina was poo, I'd have given her a hard time especially over the Sam thing.

Am loving Aishlyne (spelling). She is the kind of girl who tells you to your face what she thinks, and Glyn is a star. Want Glyn or Ashlyne to win.

i agree too, i cant belive grace did that, i hate girls who are all mouth and run when they have the chance to do something, grrrrr!

davina didnt do very well, like you said, i would have grilled her more, she was nasty to mackosi last year so i expected more from her interview with grace.

i like Ashlyne too, she is on my wave lengh, altho i prob would have done more to grace for throwing the water.

ii agree beanie i was like wot the hell its beer they is more important things in the world!
than to thro a bog hissy fit over some one has taken ur bear and she should be glad she got one gass of wine BB didnt need to give em it lol
I think with niki it was more that she was up for nomo that she was upset, but shes young in mind so she didnt know how to express that, the beer thing gave her emoitions a way out.

thats my theroy anyway lol

Davina got such a load of slack over grilling Makosi last year, it almost seemed to signal the change of public opinion in her, so I reckon she played it safe on purpose!

And to be fair, I thought Grace was very articulate and handled the questioning well.

Just been on the website and Mikey was crying himself to sleep!! AAAAH :cry:
she needs a good
an may i also add what was with the'Am i bothered though' so mature! her mum must be so proud!
can't wait for tonights show, it was bad last night!!

so glad grace went but i agree that davina was too nice to her.
It was Glyn who took the beer but Mikey sid it was him, apparently. Whether this is true I have no idea.
I think Nikki was right to be upset about the beer. Its not the fact that it was just a beer, it was the principle involved. No-one in that house should be rooting under other people's pillows and stealing! And Mikey was such a dick about it and made it worse and really upset her and I think she just lost it out of frustration.

I was outraged at Grace with the whole water thing. What a cow!

I cant stand Lisa or Mikey - out next week!
Alicebabe said:
I think Nikki was right to be upset about the beer. Its not the fact that it was just a beer, it was the principle involved. No-one in that house should be rooting under other people's pillows and stealing! And Mikey was such a dick about it and made it worse and really upset her and I think she just lost it out of frustration.

I was outraged at Grace with the whole water thing. What a cow!

I cant stand Lisa or Mikey - out next week!

Couldn't agree with you more. Well said you :clap:
Well all I can say is it was the best 50p I have ever spent!

I have disliked Grace more than any other housemate that has ever been in BB.
I was so mad after what she did to susie with the water I couldnt sleep!
She is a complete coward and stupid little girl and I thought better of Davina than to laugh about it with her. She should have been chucked out there and then with no interview or anything as it was agressive behaviour.
What annoyed me is she STILL rated herself

Get rid of Lisa next, she has small person syndrome (GOBBY)

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