Big Brother 7!!!

dionne said:
and i hate her rosey cheeks,

You'd think with all that blusher she wears she's find a minute to put some anti-shine powder on, she's shinier than the gold diary room chair!

AND sorry if this makes anyone cringe but I've been looking for a shiney faced Sam pic and instead I found this!

Blimey Sam looks loads better then I do in the morning. I can't stand Nikki, I just find her rude and vile but I know that she will stay in.I don't think Grace will get nominated for ages sadly as she plays the game very well
ooh theres someone with a golden ticket from southend i thought it was just a rumour when OH said to me about it earlier :shock:
You lot are horrid, you just want out all the scots dont you! hehe, im only kidding. Sam comes from the town where I work, irvine.
I use the term work very loosly.
thanks, there is footie on the tv so I can only imagine the look I would get if I suggested turning it over.
Suzi Ferucca?? Bit like Verucca? Whose husband spent a fortune on choc bars? Who know half the housemates cause she's been in all auditions? Who was a reserve for BB5?

Hmmm......fishy :think:

Hee hee, she'll be crying tonight!

Lets hope the golden housemate sees fit to nominate her out!!
My heart went out to Sam, she looked so scared when she left the house, am glad she got mainly cheers. I wish Nikki had gone, her "someone is looking out for me" made me throw my dinner up, she is getting dull now (nothing at all to do with the fact that she snogged Pete - :shakehead: )
im so glad sam went she drives me up the wall all she says is
"thats just me"
"im not that type of person"
Bla bla and how many times she told people they were amazing..

that would do my heading!

and its got to be a fix with the golden ticket winner :think:
yep def golden ticket thing sounds like a fix, i wander what they got in store for her, i hope she puts grace up for nomination then we can get her out girls! she looked scsred last night following the chanting! GET GRACE OUT!! :clap:
Don't like the golden ticket winner at all!

Grace's face was such a picture last night, I was pmsl :lol: :lol:
Grace can't understand why everyone wants her out??????
Ermm, because you lie, stab people in the back, prance around in not alot & slag off others that do (kettle pot?) snogged Mikey after 25 seconds of being in the house, boss the other housemates around and are an attention seeker, need I go on?

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