Big Brother 7!!!

Grace is sooooooo out next and she knows it - there days are numbered, serves them right for acting like bullying school kids!!!
I couldn't BELIEVE the stuff Grace was coming out with last night, slagging off the 2 new girls! Calling Sam a "F****** He-She" and labelling the rest of them freaks etc...what a rant!

BYE BYE GRACE! :twisted:
Ironically they are nicer people than her and if that means then are freaks then I am a bit of a freak too as I am not a Sloane Ranger like her !
it made me laugh when she called that aisleen(sp?) a wigga and then a moose ummm shes not drop dead gorgeous herself and did you see when they were bitching in the garden and mikey went to go inside she was like' oh mikey come here' she so knows thats shes got competition for mikeys attention . hope she goes next week
urchin said:
skatty said:
I just got back from a week in England where I got hooked on BB. I'm gutted I can't watch it over here (Denmark) so I'm glad for this thread to help keep me up to speed! Sleazer has to go, Grace is a 2 faced bitch and needs to be bulllied and left in the house with no friends! Imogen is sooo boring she might as well go too and of course Pete to win :D

Check out the official channel 4 site :)

Urchin, you have made me an addict :lol:
Richard or Lea out next - I can't stand them - Richard is doing my head in. What a patronising twat!

Nominations tonight and Lisa & Imogen can't bets are:

Richard, Sam and Lea up for eviction.

skatty said:
urchin said:
skatty said:
I just got back from a week in England where I got hooked on BB. I'm gutted I can't watch it over here (Denmark) so I'm glad for this thread to help keep me up to speed! Sleazer has to go, Grace is a 2 faced bitch and needs to be bulllied and left in the house with no friends! Imogen is sooo boring she might as well go too and of course Pete to win :D

Check out the official channel 4 site :)

Urchin, you have made me an addict :lol:

hehe sorry :oops:

Grace out next she's such a stirrer!
I HATE Grace!

I bet all of Swindon and Slough do now aswell after her little comment, Im from Slough!!!!! grrrrrrr
Lea gets on my nerves, silly woman!
Richard has redemed himself with me, hes a nice bloke.
I have warmed to Niki, shes so funny, bless her :D
Glyn makes e laugh to, hes so funny in a silly honest way.
Poor Sam :(

Pete to win!!

My predication is;

Grace, Lea & Richard up for eviction!

Grace to go obviously. Let's hope lots of people from Slough are at the eviction night as she will go next :)
lol i hope so!

I was trying to work out who would go up too, as much as id love grace too, i dont think she will just yet, she seems to have everyone fooled! :(

she is trying to recruit Lea over to "her gang" so i dont think Lea will go up, richard defo tho, and maybe sam hope he stays! (richard, not sam) lol

It's like Lord of the Flies in there, no wonder everyone is paranoid.

I am so sad that when I was the annoying bits I rant at the telly and talk to them as if I am in there, telling them to stop being nasty etc !
WOW it's Nikki versus Sam

I hope Nikki goes but it'll probably be Sam
who do you think will go?!

Niki or Sam??

i think Sam

I think nikki's hilarious in a "I'm-so-glad-I-don't-know-her" kind of way.. I'm almost looking forward to listening to her whinge and cry and threaten to leave all week because she's up for eviction :twisted:
I reckon Nicki will go - she was funny. But she's been really mean lately - calling Sam a manbeast etc.
i hope nikki goes the way she speaks drives me nuts she moves her mouth weirdly ! and i feel sorry for sam they were so backstabbing last night it really annoys me they are all bitching then pretending that they werent and after all that we should stick together stuff the girls were spouting grace and imogen are suddenly all pally pally with Richard !!! WTF! arggghhhhh i swear whoever goes in now from the golden ticket thing could really stir it up! wish it was me would have to put a few of them in their places
Yeah it was so obvious Sam was joking about the shag thing in the diary room, nikki totally overreacted just for the sake of it...if grace would have said it she would have never batted an eyelid. :evil:
yeah and sams face over the way nikki reacted was a picture she was trying to apolgise but nikki was in a right strop spoilt brat she is !
I feel really sorry for Sam, I think she's over the top but is genuine. Most of the others are so bitchy. Although BB is compelling viewing, it isn't very comfortable/fun to watch at the moment because of all the bitching.

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