Big Brother 7!!!

I really hope Grace goes!! She gets on my nerves... how can she not no why everyone hates her?? She's evil, two faced & bitchy :evil: she makes me so mad lmao

Nikki pulls the weirdest faces but keeps me amused so i hope she stays in!! lmao alicebabe... i never noticed that before but its so true!! :D :D
Grace and Nicki have got their "revenge" on susie for nominating them, they stole a bottle of champagne from her bedroom and drank the lot in the toilet!
Lindsay said:
I just flicked E4 on and they were announcing the nominations, it was brill, whohoo!!!!!!!

I'm gutted I never saw the nominations being announced. Usually they show them live at night......BBLB isn't on Monday's so I didn't see anything on that front. Was it on the Live programme Lindz?

Grace to go of course.
Yeah it was on the live prog which is usually blanked out with train noises!! luckily this time it wasn't and I heard the names!! It may be on BBLB tonight at 7.30pm! I can't believe that they stole a bottle of champers from her and drank it in the toilet!!! On last nights live show Mikey and Lea were talking to Grace about Friday's eviction telling her not to worry as she doesn't know if she will defo be out (yeah right, I think she may just beat sezer and get 99% of votes :lol: ) it doesn't look like she is planning to walk, yippee!!!

I think its tonights show when they announce they nominations, cant wait to see Graces face!! :lol:
And today on BBLB they have set up a Suzie state where she is the boss and Nikki is loosing the plot - again ;)
Could grace and nikki get anymore childish!!! OMG Nikki going on in the diary room 'she doesnt know me blah blah and if it was the others that nominated me i could deal with it because i whinge and moan' ummm thats why she picked you love. The mikey going 'Grace is a great girl shes not said anything bad' UMMM yes she has!!!! It makes me laugh Grace is making it worse for herself but Nikki is starting to do my head in think they should both go.
oh and another thing poor mikey her making him think its because they have been pashing thats why the public want her out!! shes so manipulative and he doesnt even notice.
Im watching BB as I type and im getting in a really BAD mood :twisted:

How childish and nasty can Grace and Nikki be! they hardly made an effort with Suzie and now are mad that they are up to go.
True colours are showing now ay Grace! I wanna jump in the telly and smack the stupid smiles of their faces raaaaaa
ditto am watching it now and i just want to go a thump nikki, talk about a spolit brat, i really hope she gets bad press when she comes out! she just really puts me in a bad mood! :evil: how childish do they act its like watching 16 yr olds at school
It just shows what Grace is really like!! I think Nikki is usually ok and quite funny(in an annoying way) until she gets with Grace then she becomes ahorrible again!! GodI cant stand Grace or Lisa!! Even Glyn was getting annoyed

Do they not understand that she HAD to nominate someone?? She didn't just go in there and demand they left, she was put in a horrible position and I really felt for her.

Grace is just a school playground bully and needs a slap. She is making it so much worse for herself. Nikki is ok when she isn't with Grace.

Lisa is just discusting. :evil:

He he, imagine if they google their names when they get out and read this and replied!! lmao

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Exactly! Susie had to choose someone.
I bet most of the others wouldnt act like that! Mikey even seems to be getting bored of 'poor littleme' Grace!

Ha ha It would be funny if they read this!!! :lol:
lisa xx
Do they not understand the rules about nominations, it has to be done and whoever Suzie would have chosen it would only be from knowing them for a few days in the house, unless the outside stuff did influence her.

They are so dappy ! And childish ! I got so angry with them last night my BP shot right up, I am not sure it's healthy to watch anymore - LOL
LOL all week they were like "we'll I'm not sucking up to her blah blah blah" If Grace really wanted to stay she should have made an effort, it wasn't up to Susie to come to them.
Yeah I would rather suck up then spend all day on a bloody box and still loose !!
I cant believe Grace doesn't think she's done anything wrong! :shock: Even after she was nominated she carried on being evil!

I have the feeling that she's so sure of herself that she doesn't think she's gonna go on Friday now. She does my head in!

And I think that everything Nicky does is an act.

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