Big Brother 7!!!

i think if Grace went most of the bitching would stop, she is such a two faced cow!

i so agree layla shes a back stabber hope she goes and mikey snogs that aisleyne (sp?)
What people like Grace seem to forget is that they may be able to manipulate people so others come up for nomination, and she might even be able to get down the the final few that way - but it's the PUBLIC that will decide if she will win or not. And I'm pretty sure she hasn't got a hope in hells chance of winning!
yeah i think that too and i reckon she'll be booed out when she leaves she so thinks she rules that house.
I want Sam to go she makes me cringe with her over niceness. I think Nikki is god awful but very entertaining she make me howl :lol:
I feel very sorry for Sam and thats why I want her out. Nothing to do with the way she acts or what she has been saying. I just feel very sorry for her family and she is going to have to watch all that footage back and see how much people have been mean about her. Especially Nicky's comments and I feel embarrassed for her.

I love Nicky. I know she is a pain and a spoiled brat etc but I just love the way she talks i.e. 'she s...........tinks!'
I hope that Sam goes - not that I have anything against her, I just prefer to watch Nikki.

I was watching it live during the night while up feeding Jacob - Sam and Lea were doing their security guard duty, Lea was moaning all the way through the shift about being tired and cold - Sam handled her really well, I would have told her to stop f*****g moaning and get on with it!!

Lisa has been working her socks off this morning cleaning the house, she has defo pulled the short straw getting that job!!

How funny are BB giving the chef job to Glyn? :lol: A chef who thought that you made toast in the oven, hilarious!!! :lol:

Lindsay said:
I hope that Sam goes - not that I have anything against her, I just prefer to watch Nikki.

I was watching it live during the night while up feeding Jacob - Sam and Lea were doing their security guard duty, Lea was moaning all the way through the shift about being tired and cold - Sam handled her really well, I would have told her to stop f*****g moaning and get on with it!!

Lisa has been working her socks off this morning cleaning the house, she has defo pulled the short straw getting that job!!

How funny are BB giving the chef job to Glyn? :lol: A chef who thought that you made toast in the oven, hilarious!!! :lol:


I agree Lindsay, about Nikki... she makes me laugh... the way she talks, her expressions... just everything lmao

is that a new task they have?? lmao BB so did that on purpose giving that job 2 Glyn!! was so funny when he was saying in the diary room that he has just learnt to boil an egg :shock: lmao sooo funny!!

Alicebabe said:
I love Nicky. I know she is a pain and a spoiled brat etc but I just love the way she talks i.e. 'she s...........tinks!'


Let's get on with the real business of the house and get rid of this annoying interference.....what the frick did she go in there for anyway. I love Nikki....hilarious. If Nikki goes over Sam, there is something wrong with the general public.
Hi!! not been here a while!,... lm a big brother fan too!!

Yeah, not sure wether l want Nikki or Sam to go,... Nikki gets up my nose a bit,... and sam,... well he/she is not as entertaining as Nikki.

think l would say for Sam to go out, they need to keep some entertainment in the house and Nikki is a bit of fun at times. Although with all the bitching and backstabbing going on at the mo its entertaining enough whoever goes.
yeah sam to go for her own protection really they are so nasty to her. GRACE! she does have everyone fooled, i wish she could go soon, and leave mikey alone- shes so possesive!
BB is great this year although sometimes with all the bullying etc i find it hard to watch, its like car crash TV you don't want to watch it but you can't turn it off either!
Well wait until you see the shananagans of last night!!!! In the early hours after drinking they decided to play a game of spin the bottle and Lea snogged Glynn, Lisa snogged Glynn, Nikki snogged Lea and Peter ended up going to bed with Nikki it was great viewing but in the bathroom Grace and Imogen were slagging them all off saying that it is childish and they should think about what their families think- they were only having a bit of fun and enjoying themsleves, it made for a change watching something different to people slagging people off all the time!

lol i had to laugh last night on the highlights grace is going to nikki 'imogen wants to watch what she says because shes all friendly with everyone then still slagging them off behind their backs and the public will see shes being two faced, i might have to have a word' um pot kettle black spring to mind, does she forget she's doing the same thing!!! stupid cow i reckon she'll be like michelle and stu and become all possesive i hope they put some model like girl in to get mikey off her :lol:
michelle82 said:
lol i had to laugh last night on the highlights grace is going to nikki 'imogen wants to watch what she says because shes all friendly with everyone then still slagging them off behind their backs and the public will see shes being two faced, i might have to have a word' um pot kettle black spring to mind, does she forget she's doing the same thing!!! stupid cow i reckon she'll be like michelle and stu and become all possesive i hope they put some model like girl in to get mikey off her :lol:

Exactly!! Why does Imogen somehow think the way she's doing it is any different!

She won't "have a word" either...she's playing the game and if Grace wants to look bad she'll just let... her so she looks better
LOL michelle I thought exactly the same thing, Grace is such a cow and is generally the ring leader for all bitchiness. I can't believe she told Lisa that she was going to cool it with Mikey then in the space of an hour was all over him again - was also funny when she asked Nikki what she thought the girls in the public would think of her especially with her relationship with Mikey - they all hate you love and it has nothing to do with your relationship with Mikey!!!! She then went on to say that the girls in the public with hate ashleigh or whatever her name is because she has her boobs out and flaunts herself!! Urgh isn't that what she does in her little knickers and skirts?!!!!! Grace gets me so mad :evil: lol!!!

I don't understand why Nikki doesn't have enormous frown lines on her face. The amount she frowns you'd think she'd look a maggie thatcher!

i was watching the catch up this morning and alex was playing on the floor. when nicki was in the diary room and crying (again) cos it was sooooo cold alex started watching the telly and laughing.

see even a five month baby thinks she's funny!

LOL Urchin, I thought the same thing. With some of the faces she pulls anyone would think she was being tortured.

I said to my DH why is this year all the girls think its ok to parade around in their knickers, I don't do that at home let alone on national T.V (mind you i'd scare poor little Jamie if I did do that, with my flabby arse, saggy belly & thunder thighs - not jealous at all :lol: )

Even though Nikki is a spoilt pain in the arse brat, she's better veiwing than Sam, so he/she has to go (sorry :roll: )
I hope sam goes, i hate clingy people shes wierd and freaks me out. and she looks like shreck :lol:
and i hate her rosey cheeks, she makes me cringe watching her
i always thought it was an act with Nikki but it cant be no one could act for as long as she has.

Glin to win :dance:
Right with you Dionne. Glyn to win - I'm sorry but Pete with the obsession with insects...mmmmm......

BTW - Lea & Glyn had a filthy snog last night and Pete & Nikki......can't wait for the highlights show AND Golden Ticket winner goes in tonight too.


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