Big Brother 7!!!


I loved it when she heard out stupid cow she honestly has not got a clue!
Anyone else think Grace's little snivel sobbing session in the diary room was slightly faked and forced? Silly madam - she reminds me of the 'popular girls' in school who used to think they were wonderful and could have everything, then when someone was horrible to them they couldn't understand why :roll: Think Nicki has covered why!!

Pete to win still :D Finding Nikki rather amusing, she is mighty irritating but very funny in an annoying way! If that makes sense?!

Not a fan of the new girl, seems a bit of a knob to put it bluntly, but we shall see.

Glyn looks like one of DF's mates :lol: such a sweetie, and oh so clueless, watching him trying to make tuna pasta was halerious!! :lol:
Hilarious GET GRACE OUT, fantastic :clap: :clap: :clap: please Suzi put her up for eviction so we can get Grace out!!! :dance: I am so pleased that she has heard it - might make her realise that she is not as good as she thinks! Can't believe that she sits in the diary room and says that she hasn't done anything wrong :? can't wait for Davina to show all her bad points to her, hopefully on Friday!!

Don't like Suzie - defo a fix.

Pete or Glyn to win :lol:

nicki said:
Grace can't understand why everyone wants her out??????
Ermm, because you lie, stab people in the back, prance around in not alot & slag off others that do (kettle pot?) snogged Mikey after 25 seconds of being in the house, boss the other housemates around and are an attention seeker, need I go on?

PML :D :D :D :D

How handy that the Golden Housemate has fake boobs and is a model, that has to be a fix for crying out loud.

And as for the golden shower, I PML again !!
The new housemate was defo a fix!! I mean what are the odds of someone who was sitting next to Nikki in the auditions actually finding a ticket never mind getting picked! SO ANNOYING!!!

I love the way she's winding Grace up though lol. She's got to be the horriblest housemate ever on the show :evil:

Glyn is so cute and naive bless him. Dont understand how he's came out as the most intelligent in the house though :?

Glyn to win :clap: Glyn to win :clap: Glyn to win
i agree about grace what annoys me is that she dont think shes doin anythin wrong! every time i watch it shes slaggin someone off and its boring me now.
How childish were they all last night when they were all slagging the new woman off because she didn't invite them to her dinner party!! Is there any wonder?? What a bunch of idiots

GRACE OUT NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can't stand Lisa either)
Kim said:
GRACE OUT NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can't stand Lisa either)

lisa is an embaressment to women, she is discusting i cant stand watching her
dionne said:
Kim said:
GRACE OUT NEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can't stand Lisa either)

lisa is an embaressment to women, she is discusting i cant stand watching her

AGREED totally and about Lisa too, does she ever really smile and not have a fag on her mouth.

I do swear yes but does every word from her have to be an F word I am sure men find that really attractive, she is just a bloke with a skirt on, no wait that was Sam, bless her !
i think the new lady susie is quite genuine so far does no one agree?

Grace out first then Lisa please. Like you've said she doesn't i think realise how nasty she is does she! talking about people back stabbing in the house when she is the worst of them all.

Lea needs to keep her hands off pete she is getting obsessive poor pete give him some space! and Lea seems to have it in for Dickie big time, i wander if she is infact playing a game, although i don't dislike her at all.

Did you hear Mikey having a go at Grace for crying all the time - it was classic a real tiff and he put her in her place. Go mikey :clap:

Glynn is a darling so likable and i think the only genuine one in the house.

Just seen that on the BB website. GRACE OUT GRACE OUT!!

can't wait til friday night and to see her face when she is told, don't get me wrong im not a nasty person but she is so evil :twisted:

get voting girls lets see if she can beat sezers 92%!!
YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!! GET GRACE OUT!!!!!!!

I just flicked E4 on and they were announcing the nominations, it was brill, whohoo!!!!!!! I will be voting don't worry about that. I can't wait for Friday's eviction now.

Get voting Girls........

Do you reckon she'll walk out this week as she knows she'll be going?
Funny you should say that, it also crossed my mind and if she walks she won't have to go through the boos of the crowd will she? I hope that she doesn't walk so we can see her go through the jeers of the crowd - am not really a nasty person though lol!!!

Yeah I reckon she might walk. I never vote for these things but I am sure as hell gonna vote to get Grace out.
Oh I am so jealous I can't watch! I was in London for the first week and got hooked and now keep up on the website and this thread. I would do anything to see Grace when she leaves the house, she had better not walk :evil:
ooh i didnt know they were up haha get grace out 'Miss I dont understand what i've done!!' Urrr your two faced cow who might just get a higher percentage of the votes than sezer did!!!! Come on! I might have to vote this week :D
Has anyone ever noticed that when Nikki is talking, she looks like a thin version of Vanessa Feltz?!

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