Big Brother 7!!!

I'm worried that Lea will go though :? I really really hate Sezer!

And look at Grace niceying up to Richard before nominations, she's so desperate!
Haven't watched it for a few nights cos x-factor is on and OH loves it so he's not taping it for me anymore :( Anyways just noticed its on on a morning so will start watching it again tommoz. I hope Mikey dumps Grace for the new modelly woman that would be soooo funny. Unless he's already done so has he??!

Grace looks loads like Susans daughter on Desperate Housewives who is also very strange looking.

Glyn to win :clap: Glyn to win :clap:
Sezer is such a player - yeah right NOT !!

Get that idiot out !!
minikins said:
Sezer is such a player - yeah right NOT !!

Get that idiot out !![/quot

i carnt stand the boy sezer.. he thinks he is gods gift!! grrrr :twisted:
sezer out sezer out please!!

He is so sure he is going to stay in and lea will go, we need to swipe that smug look off his face. and someone from that gang needs to go big time!!

Grace will go next week for sure, she accuses lea of being two-faced, what is she? :evil:
oh good glad you all feel the same GET SEZER OUT!!!

Cannot stand him & when he was saying to imogen and grace that he's already got rid of some of them and will bully the 2 new ones out made me sooooo mad :twisted:

They didnt even give them a chance and just started slagging them off straight away - I hate people like that.

I have also just realized how thick imogen is !
ohhh just looked on bb website its all kicked off with richard and imogen and sezer !

cant wait for tonight (i know im sad!)
i just seen that too duds!! :D

omg i HATE sezer..... grr... if i could vote for him i would... might ask friends in england 2 do it for me :think: lol hes such a bully and i just really hope he gets evicted. he makes me so mad... & dont even get me started on grace :evil: :evil: she is the most two faced person on there and then has the cheek to call lea two faced!!

im not too keen on richard but thought sezer and imogen were out of order the way they were with him... i hate bullies :evil:
i was just thinking ... they should send a hormonal pregnant woman into the house... for just like a day 2 sort them lot out! infact wouldnt need to be a pregnant woman... just a woman who is very hormonal lol grrr some of them make me so mad... i hate bullies... they all accuse each other of being bullies but really they all are!!

im defo offering to do it :lol: :lol: i could sort the lot of them out... im so hormonal and some of them make me VERY angry lol anyone else offering?? lol
sezer out ,sezer out ,sezer out.... lol

Argh hate him really hope he goes tonight!! such a big head when he said " oh i wont get evicted as all the girls will vote to keep me in"

ouy out out !!!
lol dont all kill me. but sezer dont bother me.

richard out richard out!
dionne said:
lol dont all kill me. but sezer dont bother me.

richard out richard out!

God it's tough girls.

Afetr last night's highlights.....christ, Richard, what a screaming queen. What a w**ker. As much as I can't stand Sezer, let's get Richard out now. That'll devastate the continually crying Lea, Sezer will think he's the bomb which will continue to cause more exciting conflict next week. Pete had it spot on in nominations though about Imogen....she is a complete dull and boring chick. That argument last night was classic. I love this year's BB. Stop all the love action (seen it all before...yawn) and bring on the conflict - I love it.

Nikki or Glyn to win......

dionne said:
lol dont all kill me. but sezer dont bother me.

In last night's argument Sezer was right, Richard was fine to be honest and tell Imogen he didn't like her, he's entitled to his opinion. BUT to repeat it over and over again, shouting it at her was out of order.

I don't know if it's been mentioned but Sezer has been arrested for date-rape before :shock:

PETE TO WIN I don't care about the rest.

PS I cannot believe nikki didn't get one single nomination!!! :shock:

OH and did you see the end of last night's show went pete said "wankers" then said "OOOH my tourettes was in context: I LOVE it when that happens"

Pete to win i love him he's such a nice guy and i reckon hes figured everyone out in that house he knows the w****ers from the decent ones. But i have to say what was the issue with Richard bitching they all bloody do it, they so have double standards in that house its like i can bitch but you cant bitch if its about my friend oh please they'll all be backstabbing in the last few weeks to try and win anyway makes great TV though!! :D
hate= sezer (sleazer)
grace (me me me )
the new blonde girl, can't spell her name!! lol

love= pete (obviously!)
richard (felt sorry for him last nite after the bullying)
glyn (raging hormones regarding lea & the new blonde one!!)

get sezer out 2nite!!!! :dance: [/b]
I agree girlies GET SEZER OUT!!!!!!!!!! I really want to see him evicted just to wipe the smug expression off his face and to upset the dynamics of the plastic group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pete is class and so deserves to win :dance:

i voted for sezer twice hope you all have as well. :twisted:

def pete to win hes the only genuine one in there. :dance:
If Sezer doesn't get the boot tonight i'm going down to the studios & give him a
myself, cannot stand him, makes me angry :lol:

He was having a go at Richard for being a bully & that he shouldn't call people names then proceeded to do the same, he also said the other day that he would bully the new girls? what a hypocrit (sp?)

I just got back from a week in England where I got hooked on BB. I'm gutted I can't watch it over here (Denmark) so I'm glad for this thread to help keep me up to speed! Sleazer has to go, Grace is a 2 faced bitch and needs to be bulllied and left in the house with no friends! Imogen is sooo boring she might as well go too and of course Pete to win :D

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