Big Brother 7!!!

I think that Sam has told the group that she is a he? :? Do we find out about nominations tonight, hope so!!!! I love the programme so much!!! :lol:

I think that we can find out about nominations on big brother's little brother tonight at 7.30pm, whohoo!!!!!! Please, please let Grace be up so we can get her out and wipe that smile off her smug face!!!!

is it just me or does any one else think grace is very odd looking?
Yep I agree dionne, she is very strange looking!! DH thinks she's minging too, lol!!!!

lol she looks like a chick munk

great body and clothes, but her face is wierd
She has the face of a 40 year old but a very young body.
DH says she's not ugly :evil: :evil: I think she's a minger! (Am slightly jealous of her very slim toned bod though!!)
rosieroo said:
DH says she's not ugly :evil: :evil: I think she's a minger! (Am slightly jealous of her very slim toned bod though!!)

I am actually her body double did you know, when its a close up shot that's my bum and tum you're looking at

haha no wonder Ella always looks so satisfied with thopse mammaries to feed off :wink:
Actually I was Lea's chest double a week after Ella was born - I think this is an impressive boob cleavage considering how little support nursing bras give!! (Although my boobs look like they start at my collar bone!)

hahaha, I went out the other night and wore an underwired bra (naught I know). Well by the end of the evening I was tres busty, it was definately a case of
Mine have sadly started to drift down the cup sizes. Am comfortably in the D range now :( :( . I liked my F cups!!!

Sorry - I've gone waaaay off topic! :lol:
Am still an E but have a feeling they will soon start to go. Not fair!!!!
Love the boobies smiley Beanie! :clap:

Just heard the nominations for this week on BBLB............

Lea.......Richard and Sezer!!!!!!

Why is Grace not up? I was sure she was going to be!

Anyway Sezer OUT, Sezer OUT, Sezer OUT!!!!!

He's such a git!! :twisted:
I thought Grace would have been out but Sezer will do.
Do you reckon Sezer will go? Please please please please get him out!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
If there is any justice in this world Sezer will get the boot, I cannot stand arrogant twats, he thinks he's so wonderful & that he would be safe coz all the girls would vote for him to stay in, Oh please makes me want to

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