Big Brother 7!!!

I know its even worse than last year! I remember last year seeing arguments happen everyday with Saskia ad Mary etc and thinking 'this is defo the worst BB ever' and now we have an even worse one!

lol i sound like a proper BB geek
i think grace is a real bitch and very two-faced, she is the ring leader for all the trouble and i think she is playing a game big time. :twisted:

sezer is so slimey, stay away from him imogen. I would like to see imogen and mikey get together. :clap:
arr i wanted bonnie to stay and she what she was like when she settled in and got her clothes.

I think BB is just stupid for not giving them there suitcases, i didnt find it entertaining just annoying as noone really settled for a week or so.

I am finding it a bit boring but always do at the beginning, not till the group gets smaller does the good conversations etc start.

But i am not really a fan of any of them.

NIKKI or GRACE out next!!!!!!!!!! xxxx
been missing out on the banter a few days, iv got bloody flu (feeling better today tho) so been lying on the sofa watching live streaming all day.

Right, I have gone off Lea - she is showing herself up a bit now. I think she's a nice lady really but must be pretty insecure which is why i think she is cracking onto the boys because she feels left on the shelf.

I def agree with Beanie ( I want to join the club!) I find Pete very attractive, he's got a lovely nose with manly nostrils !

Oh and I have to mention I cannot stand Grace, she completely loves herself and is a complete slapper, obiously Mikey isnt enough for her so she's got to crack onto George too with no consideration of how it might upset Nikki. She just wants all the boys after her and made it sound like she was doing George a favour by saying "i'll come into your bed tonight"
She's always got to be involved in everthing too

ok rant over!

p.s how sweet was pete saying he doesnt do anything with girls unil about 6 months!
I got shown a clip of that "film" Lea said she made when she first went in to the house today

She said she only did one and it was a long time ago....she lied :shock:



"sigh.....I feel so cooped up, I've lost my freedom I feel locked up I hate it!" *sob*
*moan* "I can't deal with being locked up I wish I was up for eviction so I can get out of here" *cry cry*
She carried on like this for 10 minutes!!!

Someone tell her she's not locked in... the door is right there...GO!
petes reply was classic tho!!

when she said i feel like a chicken, he said, well be a free range chicken LMAO!! hes great :lol:

how jealous is she tho!!! moaning that there isnt any fit men in the house and then going on to say how everyone has paired up but her, lol she is going to turn psycho over George i reckon!

lol aww poor George, do you think he could of gotten any closer to the wall when Niki was in bed with him? lol

awwww i missed it, watching the sex god and future father of my children Robbie Williams kicking a ball around on ITV ! is it repeated?
Duds said:
awwww i missed it, watching the sex god and future father of my children Robbie Williams kicking a ball around on ITV ! is it repeated?

Isn't he lovely
Could eat him up!

Nikki, is soooooo annoying. Got to feel sorry for her though, she is ONLY middle class after all, the poor love, can you inagine being that skint, how does she cope :?:
She's so jealous of the others having 'men', I think she feels quite put out by it all :lol:
I missed parts tonight.

Whats going on with Pete, Lisa and Lea?

I missed last nights too, was watching posh and becks - oh to be that rich, id love to go to that party. Cheryl tweedy has done alright for herself ay!

come on guys we need a BB update !
Poor Pete!!! PETE TO WIN!! He's definately the cutest in the house :D

I hate Sezer and Grace, Grrrrrrr!
haha i missed it too watching the beckhams! such a cute couple.

and victoria reveals thats why she keeps pumping these kids out ... "waiting for a little girl to pass her dress down too!" lucky little girl if she gets one. xxxxx
Pete has told Lea he doesn't fancy Lisa. Then he told big brother he was scared of her lol. He hid in Lea's bed from Lisa for a laugh and Lisa dragged him back to her bed :shock: She's gonna turn into a proper bunny boiler i think!
I cant wait to see who goes into the house tonight!!!

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