Baby Led Weaning

Fab pics of Thea eating, silly me went out and bought some baby pasta now seeing Thea eat her pasta I'm definately going to go out and buy some BIG pasta instead at least Otis will be able to pick it up then. Melanie went you left the skin on the melon did Thea try to eat it or did she just go for the soft fruit??

Re the flap jack reciepe here you go...

Stir together one cup of Ready Brek and one cup of pineapple juice until they form a thick paste. Microwave for 90 seconds.

Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper, and pour on the pineapple mixture. Spread it out into a rectangle, about 5mm thick, and score the surface into smaller blocks with the back of a knife. Bake in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes, then turn off the oven and leave the mix to dry out and cool. Cut along the score lines and voila! Slightly chewy fruity flapjacky things!

I haven't tried it as yet so if any of you do make it let me know how you got on - TA!

Thought I'd bore y'all with some more Otis pics as wel - heehee :roll:

Eating his French Toast (eggy bread) yesterday - made it again this morning and it does seem to be a hit and the texture is just right for BLW

Last nights dinner (Turkey balls, brocolli, beans, peas and fruit), we started of all nice and tidy...

Swiftly moving onto our fruit...

Mi had enough mummy now get mi outta here...

Fine I'm just going to start smashing up the place then!!!
Oh yes (sorry by to waffle on!) Katt re using Ready Brek you could add it to make French Toast (the reciepe does require 2 tablespoons milk but you could use BM), however is Leorah eating bread??? I added a wee bit ours today and it was okay may expand by adding mashed banana (and other friuts) as well, it is an easy and quick way to make a tasty breakfast.

Steph re yogurt I have been giving Otis goats yogurt as I am slightly lactose intolerant I use goats yogurt instead of normal yogurt and therefore just give Otis what I have.

I'll zip it now :oops: !
OOOOOOOOOOOO i just made alfie some ready brek flapjacks with strawberry and pear and he loved it, hes sitting on the floor playing with a toy in one hand and holding the flapjack in the other, going mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm so i think they are a hit will give him one with breakfast tomorrow alod with pear with pureed strawberry on top, they are quite messy the flapjacks and dont look too appetising but they smell good and he enjoys them, going to buy a biccy barrel for him tomorrow they will be a god send as he enjoys snacking and they are sooo good for him.
I've copied the flapjack receipe into the receipe thread.

Gonna try them tomorrow!
We all had french toast for breakfast this morning and Thea loved it! I'll definitely be making it for us again. :D

Going to make those flap jacks later.
Wow it sure has been quite on this thread for a couple of days...personally I've just been trying to enjoy the weather and also entertain the Oats man, really just logged on to get Katts potato wedges reciepe, I'm going to make them tonight. Hope everyone is okay and that the BLW is working for all ... by the way the chicken and apple balls (as per the recpeices thread is definately a big hit, oh yes and just plain bread (we use brown) and philadelphia cream cheese! :wave:
i was at my pnd group monday morning and they run a baby led weening 'class'! they meet once a month (its a trial group at the moment), its a pound, i get as much tea as i can drink, and they bring in food for the babies to try. they show you how to prepare some of the more inventive stuff, and have loads of recipies to try!

check with your hv's ladies. there may be groups in your area!
ohhh Sam that sounds really interesting you'll have to let us know how you get on and share some of the food suggestions they have! I did mention BLW to one of the HV's at the beginning of the year but she had no idea - I thought they were suppose to be well clued up on all of these sort of things (also she didn't know about the Baby Safe Feeders, thought that would have been something they would be recommending?!).
Looking forward to getting updates from you Sam! :cheer:
Just want to quickly say hi to you all :wave: I've had a bug and am sooo busy at the mo' but will catch up properly later :D
skatty said:
Just want to quickly say hi to you all :wave: I've had a bug and am sooo busy at the mo' but will catch up properly later :D
:hug: feel better soon katt!

daggers - the next meeting is the first wed in may, so im going to put my self down for that! My HV used this type of weening when she weened her now 9 month old, so she knows loads about it.

If it helps, my local clinc is run by sure start. they have organised it. Also, found out about a mother and baby group that do something simular. they have a HV who comes in and talks through it all.

but i will let you all know what info i get :)
I was a bit worried that Thea wasn't eating much of her solid food but i guess i was wrong! Man her nappies today have been rank! :rotfl:

She ate a bowl full of green beans, broccoli and carrots in garlic butter this evening for tea. I was very impressed, she didn't make much mess at all tonight. Over the last few days her grip seems much more coordinated.

Does anyone know if there is a limit on how many times a week a baby should have eggs?
Im not sure mel, i shouldnt think its a problem how much they have as long as thoroughly cooked but i could be wrong.

Ians home now so i am doing a roast dinner for us today and alfies going to have one too. im so excited about watching m=him munch on a yorkshire pudding etc, i did stop BLW for a few days as i have been popping out and lordy loo my young man was NOT happy hekept shouting "mummy i want to do it" so in the end i let him, we got some funny looks off people as he was making hords loads of mess but that happy look of achievement on his face ... i didnt care, he enjoys doing it himself so he shall do it himself! i will try get pics of alfie and his roast dinner today!
Hi all, I hope you are well. I have been down with a virus so have had no energy whatsoever but am on the mend.

Those pics of Otis and Thea are lovely and I look forward to seeing Alfie eating his roast! I could never see too many pics of your babies, after going through our pregnancies and these first months together i feel like I am watching my forum nieces and nephews growing up!! Leorah loves to see her chums too :wink:

Leorah is doing fantastically with the BLW and basically eats whatever we are having now. I obviously don't add salt or anything too spicy but have decided to make healthy meals and not get hung up on the guidelines of whether they can have this or that as this is a very natural way of weaning and as long as she is following a varied and nutritious diet I don't think we can go wrong. As for eggs Mel I don't know where I'd be without them! Leorah has them throughout the week as omlettes, french toast, with rice to help clump it together, etc.

Sam I look forward to hearing about your BLW classes, it's fantastic that they are holding them and I reckon in a few years this will be the way everyone is recommended to wean.

I think Leorah is practising her throwing and spitting for the 2012 olympics!! In the last week she has managed to throw away 2 shoes, her sunglasses, a spoonful of ready brek accross the living room and likes to see how far she can spit her dummy from the pushchair when out walking!! Another adorable little phase :lol:

Last weekend we did some BLB - baby led bbq-ing!! Yes Leorah pushed aside organic carrot bread with avocado to chew on chicken and steak. Here is my little viking in action:


I can't wait to try out some of those recipes on the other thread. I will also add a few when I get a bit of time. Bye for now :D
aaarw bless her katt!! hope ur feelin better too!!
Jam has chicken and fish but can he start to have mince and burgers??
no piccys bateries went on us :x but roast dinners are certainely a hit with Alfie
his roast included
chicken, white trees, stuffing, yorkshire pudding, a roast potato, some cheesy mash and a wee bit of gravey and there wasnt much left. Kett i love tht BLB piccy leorah is stunning. arent our babies doing well. :hug:
I gave alice frozen pear yesterday and she loved it!!!! Ive got pics on my phone, i will try and pop them up in the next few days!

what other things can i freeze and give her to help her gums? we havn't started full blown weening yet, and she doesn't seem 100% ready yet, but the pear really seemed to help her gums.
I gave Logan cold Melon in a baby safe feeder but he got mad at me and took a slice of melon from me to chomp on!!

How early can you start this baby led weaning???
Sam&Alice said:
I gave alice frozen pear yesterday and she loved it!!!! Ive got pics on my phone, i will try and pop them up in the next few days!

what other things can i freeze and give her to help her gums? we havn't started full blown weening yet, and she doesn't seem 100% ready yet, but the pear really seemed to help her gums.

Frozen cucumber helped Arianna when teething!!
Lyndsey said:
I gave Logan cold Melon in a baby safe feeder but he got mad at me and took a slice of melon from me to chomp on!!

aww bless him! im not sure how early you can start, i just offer alice the odd bit here and there. she doesn't really have much interest in food yet though. she is still only just taking 6 oz, and gaining weight well.

Frozen cucumber helped Arianna when teething!!

cheers hun. stupid question, but what do i need to do to prepare it? just cut of the skin??

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