Baby Led Weaning

Sulks and stamps feet 'I wanna see the pic'. I didn't get to see mine, but had I then I guess my face would have been v v v v scared looking! :lol: Better blast off than the Hulk at Islands of Adventure! :lol:

Ella LOVES her toast. She had a slice this morning cut up into fingers. I got some photos (my camera is really really tempremental at the moment), will post later.

Am a bit stumped at where to go next with her - think I will try her with her pasta swirls for tea. She loves pear and banana but they are hard for her to pick up :?
Well I took your advice on the toast and Ruby seemed to love it, was a bit difficult to pick up but she loved sucking on it.
Heres a photo i took of her


That was at breakfast then at lunchtime I gave her a pear to suck on and followed it up with milk.

She still hates feeding off the spoon though, crys everytime it comes near her.

Roo she just the same as Ella about the spoon, so I hope you feel a teeny bit better that you're not alone. She loves her finger foods like Ruby. Do you feel better now with this way of weaning?
I still feel like Im fighting a losing battle as that spoon is going nowhere near her. :wall:

I have to be sneaky, at breakfast Ive given her the toast and everytime she opens her mouth for the toast i sneak in some porridge. Then at dinner i do them same.
Tonight I gave her a carrot and a stem of brocolli to chew on.

I wonder if she will ever take to the spoon?????????

I wonder if she will ever take to the spoon?????????
I just think that as long as she can feed herself and eventually gets used to using cutlery herself, there is no probs with her not getting used to spoonfeeding as it isn't something that you'll be doing long term anyway, if you know what I mean. She's doing great with the toast/carrot/brocolli btw :D
is it a good idea for me to try this with liam, he is bottle fed though
Breast or Bottle babies can do this Davina.

Brody does have most things off a spoon but he loves a hot cross bun for his brekkie too!
davina said:
is it a good idea for me to try this with liam, he is bottle fed though

Yes you can try it with Liam for definate :D Do you have a highchair yet? If so I'd pop him in with a little selection of foods in front of him and see how he gets on :)

Might be worth double checking with your HV if you can do it whilst bottle feeding but I can't see why not!

Good luck :D
sorry to be so :wall: but what sort of foods and how do you prepare.

just gave liam 2 chip shaped pieces of apple. he kept gagging and spitting some out but i think that he ate a majority. is the gagging normal, should i build up gradually. thing is he loves jars no matter how much i try to get him to eat my food he wont. do i just keep on. should i stop the jars altogether, i mean if hes hungry he will eat.

advice please
Can't help really with the jars as I started Ella with finger foods :?

You could try giving him strips of lightly cooked sweet potato, carrot, pear (quite hard to handle at first but he will get used to it), rice cakes, brocolli/cauli florets, big pieces of banana for him to hold and eat, strawberries, toast fingers, avocado slices etc
i have got sweet potato and carrots for his tea, so you thinkthat i should just cut them into strips and see how he goes from there.
Definately worth a try hon :D Lightly cook them aswell so he wont choke on any really hard pieces and see how he goes (have the camera at the ready to as I found Ella really funny when she first had finger foods lol)
I started Oscar on a combonation of purees and fingerfoods. He took to fingerfoods straight away, but it remains a messy business.
No doubt, Oscar loves his food. He now eats pasta with pesto no problem, also picks up peas and sweetcorn, roast chicken chunks and any cooked veg you can think of.

The BLW is a really interesting concept - most folk that I've discussed it with, feel vary of it and always concern about choking. I can understand why, but I've just trusted my instincts. Oscar reaches out for anything and everything we eat. This week he ate Chilli con Carne (without the chilli) which contained kidney beans - he loved it no problem. Today he ate couscous with roasted veggies.

Emilia xx
gave liam after his pureed food (which i made and he ate) cauliflower yorkshire pudding and green beans and he vomited the cauli and everything followed :puke:
What a bummer Davina! Might have been a bit much for him - I find cauli a bit strong. I would suggest you stick to a few veggies at a time - just so that Liam can get used to them.

I hope it wasn't too big a mess to clean up - what a way to spend your saturday night! :D

Emilia xx
HIya Davina
Brody also used to choke a bit on finger foods.

I give him them first, before and milk or puree, that way he can't lose his lunch :lol:

I did a roast last night and Brody ate roated carrot, parsnip and potato with some chicken too....he seemed to love it.

Keep it up, he'll gag a bit at first but he'll soon get the hang of it!

P.S. Rusks are great as they can't break up when they try to bite/suck them.
ok thanks fot that. what we will do is give him the same food as us, just for him to try and eat, then milk, then puree. if i could turn the clocks back i as i continued to breast feed :( i could kick myself sometimes. when i felt low i could have chatted o one of you and it might of helped.
Hi everyone

Yesterday I gave Olivia some pieces of banana and she loved it! She did have a bit of trouble once it all got a bit slippery but she ate some of it :D She had a few gags but by the end I could see she was chewing bits.

Does anyone know if I should wait 4 days before changing the food I've given her? I wont get to speak to my HV until Tuesday.

Also, do you give your babies food at different times to a bf? Or should I offer her booby before and after i've given her the finger foods?

Today we were out and about at lunchtime so instead of the mess with her holding pieces of banana I mashed some up in a wee dish and fed her with a baby spoon - she got on ok with the spoon but kept trying to hold it and wanted to eat the spoon itself!


lucy, olivia is doing so well.

i just realised your names. we were going to call liam, olivia at first then we changed it to lucy.

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