Baby safe feeder and baby led weaning

Daggers, Otis is just so cute. Bless him. I am glad your feeders arrived :D
Wow he's gorgeous! His hair looks quite fair now, is he taking after Mum? Are his eyes dark? Leorah had dark blue eyes for ages but just this week they have got a bit lighter so i think she'll have Martin's blue eyes but that's ok, she has my dark hair :)

He looks like he's enjoying that melon, I can´t wait until I can give Leorah something but I think it a bit early for her. Please keep us updated on his progress :)
hehehe, yes Otis's hair got quite a bit lighter and thinner!!! He keeps pulling it out, but firtunately he hasn't lost all of yet!
His eyes are still quite light as well not sure what colour they will be, could be green! :)
He did seem to enjoy his melon, I gave his some pear later on, which was a bit hard but don't that went down as well as he puked a bit afterwards (like he used to much earlier on after BFing sometimes). So will stick to melon for today and may introduce either slightly boiled/steamed carrot or peas tomorrow!
Can't wait to see how Leorah gets, when do you think you'll start? When she's around 4months??
He's such a cutie :)

I think I may start earlier than I was going to. Its reccommended that babies with MSPI or any allergies should not be weaned until 6 months but I have reintroduced everything back into my diet apart from dairy and soy and she is fine so I can't see why it would cause any harm. I don't think she would manage top lift the feeder and put it in her mouth yet. I am thinking of starting with a bit of carrot after we get back from London, she'll be about 4½ months then :)
Obviously I ain't no expert, but I'm sure Leorah would be fine if you started trying out some fruit and veg on her at around 4and a half months. I guess you could also monitor how she is around you and your OH when you're eating. Otis is watching us more and more now, he doesn't really grab for anything just watches!
I tried giving him some melon this morning and he wasn't interested!!! :roll: Typical, guess like they say with the BLW you have to let them go at their own pace, will try again with some steamed carrot later.
I know what you mean about them not being able to hold the feeder, as you can see from my previous pics Otis hasn't quite developed that skill as yet either, he does try but they are quite heavy mi thinks!
I didn't notice he was getting help with the feeder :lol:

I have been watching for signs, she does watch me eat but usually just laughs and seems to love the boob or her fists at the mo! I am so excited to start though! How did Otis like his carrot?
Hehehe, silly sausage girl! :lol:
Gave Otis some peas instead, again he wasn't to keen, he keeps pulling this 'disgusted' face every time I put the feeder to his mouth :roll: !
However later this evening I tried again and he suck on the peas for awhile - not sure what he got out of it :| ! I'm sure if anything he got some of the taste! Well I'll just keep trying different things on him, may do mango tomorrow after his baby massage - he is so spoilt!!!!!! :wink:
Oh he's definitely worth spoiling :wink:

They say that when you first start its all about them tasting different things as opposed to nutrition so at least he is getting tasters. I bet he'll like the mango. Have you thought about trying sweet potato? I don't know how you'd cook it to be in the feeder though, on the BLW site they say roasted.

Enjoy baby massage :)

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