yer i really don't get it either! though my mum did say to make sure you drink it for a good while afterwards too as it helps your uterus contract back to normal . . . hopefully meaning a flatter non-saggy tummy quickly!!!
Eurgh... Hating these BH! They're relentless and actually hurting for the first timeGonna drink my tea and sulk... Hows everyone else doing this evening? x
Hi girls. I had my home visit from mw today and all good measuring 34 and babys head down low. Went over birth plan and hospital bag etc. I love our mw here we have 3 looking after area but mostly get Margaret.
Anyway, regarding ball. If anyone got sky tv, under lifestyle there are 2 fitness channels. One of em does pilates on the ball in pregnancy. Its also consistent with my ball exercises physio gave me so check it out. if just watching tv I start off sitting and do round shoulders and neck. Then I do pelvic floor 10 sets. Then clench butt cheeks while bouncing. Then pelvic tits (careful not to over extend). Then figure 8 with hips. Stretches arm over to open ribcage then arms folded, hips forward, turn left and right. Get off ball and do cat stretches with forearms on ball for support. Next I carry ball to wall and put ball behind lower back and lean back. Lots of squats varying leg positions this is meant to be really good for labour. I do other stuff on ball but you would need to watch and copy as pilates moves.... Hope this helps!!
Oh an Jen......LOVE Brooke....