***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Thanks ladies, thankfully it's not returned although I'm still a bit tight chested but that might be baby crowding my lungs!

I think one helps with contractions and the other does something for the cervix but not sure which way round it is! I've seen some horror stories about castor oil so will avoid that and prunes make me gag. Bet I go to 42 weeks and end up with a 12lber!
I've just read up about it and raspberry leaf tea is meant to tone the muscles of the womb and possibly progress labour at a steady pace & some studies have shown that people who have taken it had a shorter pushing stage.

Evening primrose oil is meant to ripen the cervix. I've read some people taking it orally & some actually inserting it! I think I'll skip that one and may try the tea though. X
Oh right, thanks ladies. I probably wont bother this time either. Tbh my labour with harper was pretty quick, just under 2.5 hours from when my waters went and 1 hour 15 mins active labour, so really don't want this one being much quicker as I would like to make it to the hospital lol xx
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Hello ladies! I had a lovely day today with 2 pregnancy forum buddies that I met on here 6 years ago and we are still good friends now :) was lovely.

I actually drank raspberry leaf tea in my last pregnancy and HATED it! So I won't bother with that again. I haven't really thought about EPO because I am lazy haha.

Is anyone going to do perineal massage??? My midwife suggested I do it and so did my osteopath. So I think I will start that soon.

I have had some severe braxton hicks over the last few weeks and yesterday I was slightly worried as they were very much like period pain and cramping and I did wonder whether they would progress but nothing, just loads more braxton hicks today!

So weird as I never got them first time around, but this time they have been thick and fast for a little while now! Weird! x
If it helps they do raspberry leaf tea tablets that are supposed to be as good! I don't like flavoured tea in general actually the last few days I've gone off normal tea too!

I only heard of that massage today, there is no way I could reach and hubby looked a bit shocked when I showed him the diagram!

What does labour/ contractions feel like?
Thanks for the list tip, I will go have a look. Gives me an excuse to buy a new overnight bag, the one I was going to use is way to small!
Do you know what Nicki, I haven't had a baby in 5.5 years and I am struggling to remember exactly how contractions feel, they start with like weird muscular tightenings, and just progressively get tighter and tighter I think is the best way I can describe it. I had like a week of them before actually having sofia but they were regular as clockwork and then the day I had her, I woke up in full blown labour with contractions every 3 minutes! She was born 6 hours later.

I wonder why they are so "painful" to some people, I managed labour with just gas and air and coped really well with it, I wonder if I will be able to do that again. One thing I want to try and be is very calm. I wasn't necessarily uncalm last time i just made a lot of noise towards the end, but this time I want to try and be calmer.

I am really excited about labour for some weird reason, I don't know why!
See labour scares me!! It's the fear of the unknown and the pain that I don't know how bad it's going to be!!

I only heard about that massage today & there's no way I'll be reaching, I'll broach it with the oh & see his reaction! :rofl:
:rofl: I really want to try it but I don't think I will be able to reach down there either and I don't want adam to do it!

Labour isn't too scary, just don't lose control lol try and stay focused, it is the fear of the unknown, but I feel like I am starting again too even though I have already done it - you just forget about it! Lol xx
I had seen the massage oil in boots the other week and told my oh about it and he laughed... may try and talk him into it again, going to start drinking the raspberry leaf tea in a couple of weeks. Scary to think it's not long until I meet my little prince for the first time!
Just stalking about from June mums - perineal massage is not bloody easy! I'm managing it sat on the bathroom floor propped up against the radiator... just! ;-)
I'm guna ask the oh when he gets in from work in a bit, I'll let you know how his reaction is!! Haha
You've gotta love these convos lol!! Hope everyone is well? I'm going to enjoy the sunshine from our unexpected heatwave we've had all week as we've normally got rain and it's scorching!!! Xx
Haha his face!! :rofl: although to be fair he did say he would do it if I wanted him too lol
Gill you have a heatwave? I've got grey cloud, it's annoying I want to wash baby clothes! I took this week off as holiday and I'm glad I did, I feel drained and I've lost my appetite maybe I'm coming down with something! Summergurl mine was the same, I'm not sure I'd want him doing it now I've thought about it!
We've had some pretty hot weather too. A few days its started off a bit grey but cheered up by lunchtime.

Hope you enjoy your time off work Nicki.

Harper is staying at the inlaws tonight, I'm knackered. Her behaviour has been getting bad again, hitting/pinching, last night she said to me 'i don't like you mummy' :( she's become so clingy with me too. Really hope it changes soon because I'm so worried how ill cope when baby is here. I'm worn out x
Gill you have a heatwave? I've got grey cloud, it's annoying I want to wash baby clothes! I took this week off as holiday and I'm glad I did, I feel drained and I've lost my appetite maybe I'm coming down with something! Summergurl mine was the same, I'm not sure I'd want him doing it now I've thought about it!

We've had about a week and a half of glorious sunshine which is set to continue into next week - totally not the norm for the west coast of Scotland!!! I'm enjoying every minute of it!!! Xx
Oh no roxy, maybe she senses that there is going to be another little one around soon. Hopefully it's a very short phase she is going through! X
That's what I'm thinking summergurl. She does talk about baby and kiss my bump and stuff but I'm not sure how much she understands of it all. I'm trying not to get stressed but its hard and I think she's picking up on that too. It could be an age thing too, still in the terrible twos maybe. X
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