***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Lulie dr Google is the enemy :rofl:
I still have a stuffy nose, fuzzy head & last nights sleep was just awful, so much so I went into work for 630, came home at 830 and slept soundly from 939-1215! Still feel very crap & I really don't want to take any paracetamol or anything. Being ill when pregnant is not fun!

How is everyone else doing?
I'm 30 weeks tomorrow so looking forward to being into single countdown from Wednesday! I hope the next 10 weeks (or so!!) fly, I'm so eager to meet baby now! Anyone else reeeeeeeeally impatient? Xx
I am getting really impatient, but have got lots going on over the next few weeks that will help count down, even just the mw appointments every other week until birth will help!
Ah yes I can't wait for them too. I have a growth scan at 34 weeks too to help the countdown.
Although I'm excited to meet baby I'm no where near ready so I haven't reached the impatient stage yet. I'm enjoying the last bit of time I have with just my daughter and its been great the weather is so lovely, means we've been able to do fun stuff.

I think I'm more nervous having my second than I was having harper. I know what's to come and the sleepless nights are a killer! Haha. Im also nervous about having two of them, I can't get my head round how anything is gonna get done or when ill ever shower, as I have very little time for anything atm as it is. Im sure once we fall into a routine it'll be fine but its going to be a manic first few months xx
Roxy, I totally recognise the feeling! I want this baby, but one child already means a lot of work and time. I'm not at all looking forward to nightfeedings and an energetic toddler at the same time! I don't worry about the shower though. DS refuses his bath since he was 18 months and since then takes a shower with me or his dad. It's not what I'd call relaxing, but at least we're both clean. When I 'll ever be able to read a book is another question ;-)
I'm SO excited to meet this baby but also know how fast it goes so I am not feeling too impatient... Also have no idea what the transition will be like from 2-3 kids! I'm definitely nervous about that.
I have no clue how you lot are feeling this is my first, I can only imagine how difficult it's going to be with toddlers! I have my niece a fair bit and she's 4 & I can't imagine having a 4 year old to entertain aslong as a brand new baby!

I am 30 weeks today, excited to be into the single figure countdown. I also have only 30 shifts left at work!

Lovely bump summergurl. How exciting your on the final countdown to meet baby and finish work! Happy 30 weeks xx
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Hello everyone!

I went away in the caravan at the weekend :) last caravan trip as a 3 and pregnant - next caravan trip there will be 4 of us :D all these little milestones eh! I have the midwife in the morning... Can't remember what they do at this stage think it's just bump measurements and of course pee!

I'm so busy at work at the moment too, maternity leave couldn't come quick enough. Plus side, carpets going in on Saturday and that means I can put cot up, arrange the rooms how I want them, and go mad cleaning hahaha! Im such a nester at the moment it's great!

Sorry to hear a few of you are feeling a bit off colour that's crap... We must remember to take it easy now xxx
Hope you had a nice weekend away lexi. Was certainly the weather for it.

Been down the beach all day but as it was a bit windy I didn't realise how hot it actually was and I'm sun burnt! My legs are so sore and red, and patchy too for some reason?! I never normally burn either. Xx
Roxy apparently it's because in pregnancy your pigment in your skin changes. I never ever burn and my back is quite sunburnt and I was wearing factor 20 (usually I'm a factor 8) so I think that's to blame. I also have patchy pigment of tanned areas haha xx
Thanks lexi, makes sense. I did wonder if it was because of pregnancy as I never burn, think the last time I did was about 10 years ago and it was whilst I was on holiday in turkey. I did wonder why it was patchy, my legs look funny, bright red with a few white spots haha xx
I got a gnarly sunburn too the other day from being in the sun for like 10 minutes!
Glad you had a last little holiday as a 3 before baby arrives lexi.

Oooh sunburn is a killer! Get applying the aftersun (keep it in the fridge!).

How are we all getting on?
I woke up today realized it was june and told the OH that there is a real possibility that baby could be here NEXT MONTH!!! A long shot having a first baby early but still a possibility!
Don't let the saying 'first babies are always late' fool you, someone said that to me when I said I didn't think I'd make my due date, 12 hours later I was in labour! I was due Feb 10th, he arrived Jan 22nd. If this ones as early I'm looking at July 17th.
My first was born at 40+6 and my second at 39+5. I am bracing myself for another "late" baby cause I don't think I'll be lucky enough to go early twice!
I hope he comes early, I can't cope with anxiety of not knowing if he's OK in there! Something scary happened last night, went to bed and my lower back was aching which isn't unusual but within about 20mins I had the most excruciating pain between my shoulder blades, I could barely breathe! I panicked and called the hospital, baby was still wiggling away so they weren't concerned but did suggest it could be heartburn or acid reflux (which I didn't think of because I haven't had it since my surgery last year and when I did get it, it was never in my back) they said to go to a&e if it got worse but actually it started to ease from pacing the kitchen. Took some antiacid and sat up in bed for an hour and it pretty much went. Today I'm now super aware of his movements and I'm not sure if he's quiet or not, he's got hiccups at the moment!

Anyone planning on starting raspberry leaf or epo?
Sorry to hear you had a rough time last night Nicki, how scary. Hope you feel better today and the pain hasn't returned. I never bothered with taking anything last time like raspberry leaf etc, I don't know what it does tbh? X
Nicki that does sound like some bad heartburn- I've had that sensation before! Glad you are ok!

I drink RRL tea regularly just because of the overall health benefits. I will be drinking more and also eating lots of dates - they are supposed to shorten labor significantly!

Otherwise, no sweeps or anything this time. With my first I was so gung go to get her out and I even drank castor oil and it was HORRIBLE. Didn't work and gave me the worst diarrhea of my life and a horrible hemorrhoid! This time I'm going to try to be patient. But we will see how I feel at 41 weeks haha!
Haha yes, a couple of people we know have had their first babies 4 weeks early!!

I think raspberry leaf tea is supposed to soften the cervix isn't it? And recommended from 32 weeks? I'm not sure whether to give it a go or not to be honest.

Nicki that sounds horrible. Glad it eased for you though. Xx

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