*** August mummies 2019 ***

Tigers illy I hope you get answers soon. I hope the next few weeks pass quickly for you.

Symptoms have died down but today I’ve been really crampy again. My other half is away with work (military) and I’m missing him desperately. He’s away for Christmas too.
My two girls are keeping me on my toes so I have no time to think what I’m doing.

Supposed to be due Aug. 21st next year if this sticks. Low-ish HCG but doubling, so quite unsure now and trying to manage our expectations.
Me and hubby have decided as I have two scans booked this week (different hospitals) but doc on Friday said to wait two weeks we will cancel the Monday one but keep the Wednesday one as that will be a week from when they scanned me last and it’s the hospital I’m booked into whereas where I was seen on the weekend isn’t so they can’t get my scan results etc at least this way if they want to rescan me in a couple of weeks they can but if anything is still there I will know before Christmas too does anyone know if epu can take bloods as I had them taken Friday and wondering if they will so I can see an increase
Me and hubby have decided as I have two scans booked this week (different hospitals) but doc on Friday said to wait two weeks we will cancel the Monday one but keep the Wednesday one as that will be a week from when they scanned me last and it’s the hospital I’m booked into whereas where I was seen on the weekend isn’t so they can’t get my scan results etc at least this way if they want to rescan me in a couple of weeks they can but if anything is still there I will know before Christmas too does anyone know if epu can take bloods as I had them taken Friday and wondering if they will so I can see an increase
I’m not sure about EPU but I was at the emergency gynae this morning and they did bloods, I got results in an hour and half xx
It all turned out ok ish though as they ended up scanning me and found sac and yolk so just a waiting game now for next scan and hope no more bleeding

Got everything crossed for you tiger Lily I know bleeding can be common in early pregnancy but I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I would be beside myself. Xx
Got everything crossed for you tiger Lily I know bleeding can be common in early pregnancy but I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I would be beside myself. Xx
Worth thing is what I passed I thought it would be all over but apparently not fingers crossed for Wednesday we got positives on the same day :) hope your doing ok
Worth thing is what I passed I thought it would be all over but apparently not fingers crossed for Wednesday we got positives on the same day :) hope your doing ok

If you still getting lines thats positive tiger Lily cos I think the hcg drops fairly quickly in cases of miscarriage. Especially early on.

I'm ok thanks. Got 1st GP appt on Tues not expecting much other than to get on the system really. But got our private scan on Wed. Really hoping we get to see a heartbeat x
If you still getting lines thats positive tiger Lily cos I think the hcg drops fairly quickly in cases of miscarriage. Especially early on.

I'm ok thanks. Got 1st GP appt on Tues not expecting much other than to get on the system really. But got our private scan on Wed. Really hoping we get to see a heartbeat x
I’ve had my first midwife appointment took an hour and weirdly have the same midwife as my little girl who is 5 and a half i hope your scan goes well I saw sack and yolk on Wednesday and same on Friday I’m hoping to see some kind of development although they wanted me to wait longer I also want to know before Christmas if it’s still the same that’s fine they will rebook me but if things were not fine I know if that makes sense
I’ve had my first midwife appointment took an hour and weirdly have the same midwife as my little girl who is 5 and a half i hope your scan goes well I saw sack and yolk on Wednesday and same on Friday I’m hoping to see some kind of development although they wanted me to wait longer I also want to know before Christmas if it’s still the same that’s fine they will rebook me but if things were not fine I know if that makes sense

Totally understand you just wanting to know before Xmas.

I'm hoping cos I'll be 7+3 we get a decent picture of something! Know it will just be blobs on a screen but hopefully will make it all feel a bit more real. Not sure I've really got my head round that it us actually happening yet x
Totally understand you just wanting to know before Xmas.

I'm hoping cos I'll be 7+3 we get a decent picture of something! Know it will just be blobs on a screen but hopefully will make it all feel a bit more real. Not sure I've really got my head round that it us actually happening yet x
I have no idea really how far gone I am she reckoned last week about 6 weeks but as she couldn’t measure anything but sac and yolk that can be off my bhcg is 40794 or somthing like that so it matched being around 6 weeks I’ll just be happy with seeing the same though atm not knowing is killing me not sure weather to stay positive or not and I’ve still been bleeding little bits too but not a lot and only when I wipe all I can do is keep my fingers crossed I suppose
I have no idea really how far gone I am she reckoned last week about 6 weeks but as she couldn’t measure anything but sac and yolk that can be off my bhcg is 40794 or somthing like that so it matched being around 6 weeks I’ll just be happy with seeing the same though atm not knowing is killing me not sure weather to stay positive or not and I’ve still been bleeding little bits too but not a lot and only when I wipe all I can do is keep my fingers crossed I suppose

Definitely just rest as much as you possibly can and we all have everything crossed for you x
Hey ladies! Congrats on your BFPs!! :bfp:
There wasn't an August thread yet so might as well start it!

Let me know your due date and I will add it to the calendar!

3. VictoriaAnne :cheer:
4. xphoenix :cheer: Nikkibiscuit :cheer:
5. Katiepie :cheer:
6. Hearyoume :cheer:
9. Vespa :cheer: DinkyDizzy :cheer:
11. Nicipoo91 :cheer: MrsWoody :cheer: Rainbow2019 :cheer:
13. Kitana :cheer:
18. RosieC :cheer: Starrynight :cheer:
19. Steph26 :cheer:
22. Anna@work :cheer:

Happy and healthy 9 months to us all!:dust::dance:

Hi, I'm new here. How do i join this chat? My due date is 4.8.19
Hi emcayo and Ebony72!
Thanks for joining! I've updated the due dates for you.

Hope you both have a healthy 9 months!x
I’ve had some light pink after going to the loo. First got some yesterday dinner time and had it a few times since.
I’m besides myself with worry although I know it’s meant to be normal.
I never had this with my two precious pregnancies so I don’t know what to think.
I’ve had some light pink after going to the loo. First got some yesterday dinner time and had it a few times since.
I’m besides myself with worry although I know it’s meant to be normal.
I never had this with my two precious pregnancies so I don’t know what to think.
Hopefully it’s nothing sinister, everything crossed for you xx

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