*** August mummies 2019 ***

@Dinkydizzy @Kitana my heart breaks for you. You are living every woman's worst fears. I can't begin to imagine how distraught you must feel.

I hope that you can find comfort in your partners and family and friends. We are all here if u need somewhere to rant or cry or scream. Xx
Thanks ladies, I’m booked in for surgery on Friday, I don’t want to lose it naturally cuz it was traumatic last time, I’m gonna come off here now, I won’t be trying again, I can’t keep losing when I should be on the safe zone, thankyou all for your support x I hope you all continue to have happy and healthy pregnancies x
Thank you all for your kind words.
It's like a nightmare you just want to wake up from but you can't.

I'm getting a d&c (i think they use aspiration here in Belgium) tomorrow and feel quite relieved. I saw another scan of the fetus earlier and it barely looked human anymore.

They took some blood samples and will test them immediately to see if I got infected or exposed to something.

I will have to wait till the bleeding stops to bd again and after a check up in 2 weeks, if all is fine, we can start ttc again.

I was happy I only told only a few a people about it since it's the people who matter the most in my life and they are very supportive.

I'm still home for 2 weeks but I don't know whether I will be able to go back to work so soon and face my colleagues. I'm a flight attendant and during my chemical the flying really took a toll on my body. But I have a very considerate doctor, so hopefully he will be kind.

Be kind to yourself ladies, that little life inside your bellies is so precious.x
Thanks ladies, I’m booked in for surgery on Friday, I don’t want to lose it naturally cuz it was traumatic last time, I’m gonna come off here now, I won’t be trying again, I can’t keep losing when I should be on the safe zone, thankyou all for your support x I hope you all continue to have happy and healthy pregnancies x
I'm so sorry Dinky... my heart is broken for both of us...
Oh girls I’m so sorry.
I know there isn’t anything we can say or do that’ll ease your pain but we’re all here for you.
Lots of love too you all
I’m so sorry to hear of these sad losses ladies, how cruel and devastating :( sending lots of love your way xx
Been thinking of you both a lot today, absolutely gutted for you. :hug:

Dizzy wishing you the best of luck for the future, I can understand why you don’t want to ttc anymore, too heartbreaking.

Kitana, really hopeful that you will get your well deserved baby very soon!

Love to you both xxx
Oh no, Kitana and Dinkydizzy - I am so sorry to hear your news. So desperately sad. Sending warm thoughts your way. I was already beginning to feel a bit more secure as the weeks have passed, but this just shows that we are not out in the clear waters yet. None of us. xxx
Ladies, I just wanted to say that I will not be making a second trimester thread for obvious reasons so maybe someone else can start one soon.

Just a quick update, I had my suction curettage today and all went well. Little bleeding and no pain (yet). I now realize how sick it was starting to make me, I had feverish chills, I had lost 2 lbs, no appetite, very fatigued and just felt real bad. The doctor thinks it was probably already deceased a week or a week and a half ago. I can start to mourn for my loss since everything happened so quickly. I have told those around me who knew and they have been very supportive but I can't face anyone yet. I don't want their pity because it can't bring my baby back.

Take care ladies, I will be back soon, but I'm taking a break from the forum for a while.

Good luck with your pregnancies and hope to join you all soon again with a baby bump.x
Ladies, I just wanted to say that I will not be making a second trimester thread for obvious reasons so maybe someone else can start one soon.

Just a quick update, I had my suction curettage today and all went well. Little bleeding and no pain (yet). I now realize how sick it was starting to make me, I had feverish chills, I had lost 2 lbs, no appetite, very fatigued and just felt real bad. The doctor thinks it was probably already deceased a week or a week and a half ago. I can start to mourn for my loss since everything happened so quickly. I have told those around me who knew and they have been very supportive but I can't face anyone yet. I don't want their pity because it can't bring my baby back.

Take care ladies, I will be back soon, but I'm taking a break from the forum for a while.

Good luck with your pregnancies and hope to join you all soon again with a baby bump.x

Aw Kitana, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you get the time to grieve and rest Look after yourself xxx
I definitely have a bump at 11+6, but some of it is still bloating. Hard to hide at work already - trying to wear strategically long scarves.

My 12wk scan is on Monday. I have not got any information about how to prepare. Do you ladies know, are they going to take a blood sample at the same time with the scan? I think the NT scan includes a blood test? Should I be nil by mouth before the appointment?
I definitely have a bump at 11+6, but some of it is still bloating. Hard to hide at work already - trying to wear strategically long scarves.

My 12wk scan is on Monday. I have not got any information about how to prepare. Do you ladies know, are they going to take a blood sample at the same time with the scan? I think the NT scan includes a blood test? Should I be nil by mouth before the appointment?

I had 12 week scan a couple weeks ago and an ante natal appt followed straight on. They took bloods for the downs syndrome etc tests. This is optional as I understand it but we felt knowledge is power. Our result was low risk.

Don't need to be nil by mouth though! I drank the water recommended for scam and had breakfast as normal. I don't know why u would be nil by mouth for bloods?

Exciting times....enjoy your scan it's incredible!
Hello ladies!
When are you all having your 12w scans ?! :)
Hello ladies!
When are you all having your 12w scans ?! :)

I had mine last week. Got my 20th week on March 18th.
I’m technically in my second trimester but I’m not ready to leave this thread

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