*** August mummies 2019 ***

Monday for me as well.... feels like forever and I am terrified after my MMC in August :(
Did you have an early scan in the end? Hopefully everything will be OK my lovely, it's always nerve wracking. Once you are past this scan try and enjoy the second trimester. It's a beautiful thing x
Mine isn’t until 19 February when I should be 13 weeks, longest wait ever! X
Hello, I had my scan yesterday and all is looking we'll. I've got an updated due date for 2nd August. The nausea is starting to ease off and I'm not so tired during the day so hopefully that will get better as I move into the second trimester. Still got very tender boobs and a hell of a lot of round ligament pain! Guess it's a good thing to know bean is growing!
For the soreness in the boobs you're missing iodine. I found a good liquid form of it that can be added to water, helps me immediately as sometimes (apparently) they grow overnight and I wake up with significant aching some mornings. Iodine is important for whole body health and thyroid, but especially needed in fatty tissue. Lots of things in our environments compete with it in our bodies for receptors (flouride, chlorine, bromine etc which are also endocrine disruptors).
-> Here's more info on it-> Office of Dietary Supplements - Iodine
Did you have an early scan in the end? Hopefully everything will be OK my lovely, it's always nerve wracking. Once you are past this scan try and enjoy the second trimester. It's a beautiful thing x
Yes had one at 9weeks. But I am reaching that stage where I keep checking my underwear every time I go to the loo :-D
This is the longest weekend ever.
On top of that I’ve been signed off from work and should return right after my scan ... terrifying !
Sickness is better but I had terrible reflux and don’t feel 100% at all so hopefully they’ll be comprehensive at work !
So I haven't had any scans yet and have yet to meet my midwife (last Weds was the day for that but shew was out sick). I just hit the 12 week mark on Thursday so it's kind of funny the only person I've seen is my normal family physician. I'm in the US so we have Obstetricians instead of midwives (and 99% of all births here are done at a hospital). I was able to find a group of certified midwives that are also trained as surgical assistants if anything were to go wrong. Seems a nice middle ground as I've already had people get all white in the face when I said the word 'midwife' :p
But it makes much more sense to move around and be able to have the baby as naturally as possible, right? I'm not about to set on a gurney for a solid 20 hours trying to push in the worst position ever.
Kind of bummed I haven't met the midwife yet as I made my husband take the day off work and everything to go with me. But the midwife scheduler was a great lady and everyone in the office has had babies and they deliver at a truly great hospital so I'm getting excited.
Yes had one at 9weeks. But I am reaching that stage where I keep checking my underwear every time I go to the loo :-D
This is the longest weekend ever.
On top of that I’ve been signed off from work and should return right after my scan ... terrifying !
Sickness is better but I had terrible reflux and don’t feel 100% at all so hopefully they’ll be comprehensive at work !

Agreed! This really is the longest weekend ever! I've booked to work from home for the rest of the dayon Monday, just in case there are bad news.
Agreed! This really is the longest weekend ever! I've booked to work from home for the rest of the dayon Monday, just in case there are bad news.
Starry night I kept thinking it was Sunday all day! I wasn’t excited but so impatient and the. Remembered... oh actually it’s saturday! First time ever I wish a weekend was shorter !
No doubt I’ll regret it first thing when I’ll be back seeing patients on Monday :rotfl:

On a positive side thought as I barely booked any leave for this financial year to start 1st of April, and as we have a fair amount of bank holidays too, I should take 5 weeks of from 1st of July then start my maternity leave! So technically, just under 5 months to cope with work and then I’ll be out for about 60 weeks what a DREAM! :rolleyes:

What time is your scan on Monday Starrynight?
Starry night I kept thinking it was Sunday all day! I wasn’t excited but so impatient and the. Remembered... oh actually it’s saturday! First time ever I wish a weekend was shorter !
No doubt I’ll regret it first thing when I’ll be back seeing patients on Monday :rotfl:

On a positive side thought as I barely booked any leave for this financial year to start 1st of April, and as we have a fair amount of bank holidays too, I should take 5 weeks of from 1st of July then start my maternity leave! So technically, just under 5 months to cope with work and then I’ll be out for about 60 weeks what a DREAM! :rolleyes:

What time is your scan on Monday Starrynight?

Hear hear. My scan is at 9am - glad that it is not later. Best wishes to all scanners here!!
Hear hear. My scan is at 9am - glad that it is not later. Best wishes to all scanners here!!
I am starting to feel really anxious already :( mine is at 9:30!
I want it over with and at the same time I could wait another 12 weeks right now hahaha.

Good luck tomorrow :) !!!
Mines 2.30pm. I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow xx
12 hours to go and counting.
This evening I’ve been complaining, told my OH he had no empathy, then had a good giggle, then cried for 15 minutes, then apologised... and so on!
A big thanks to the pregnancy hormones and the stress induced by the scan to come!

Good luck everyone with your scans !!!
Had my scan and just got home.
Everything was fine. The Sonographers was lovely and very reassuring and funny on top of everything. Making me feel like a normal human being and not someone who panicked for no reason!
She’s pregnant with twins herself and said that it’s normal to worry etc.
Have us 4 pictures free of charge as well!

So here’s our little one with it’s foot up in the air !
Measuring 12+1 today so my due date is now the 18th of August !!

Have your scans go well too today staerynight and Carly !!

Had my scan and just got home.
Everything was fine. The Sonographers was lovely and very reassuring and funny on top of everything. Making me feel like a normal human being and not someone who panicked for no reason!
She’s pregnant with twins herself and said that it’s normal to worry etc.
Have us 4 pictures free of charge as well!

So here’s our little one with it’s foot up in the air !
Measuring 12+1 today so my due date is now the 18th of August !!

Have your scans go well too today staerynight and Carly !!

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Fantastic news Anna! I'm so pleased you can hopefully relax a little and start to enjoy your pregnancy! <3
I've had the smallest amount of pink discharge this morning.so glad my scan is today! Praying everything is OK xx
Fantastic news Anna! I'm so pleased you can hopefully relax a little and start to enjoy your pregnancy! <3
I've had the smallest amount of pink discharge this morning.so glad my scan is today! Praying everything is OK xx
Thinking of you and hope the scan will bring some relief for you too!!
Great news Anna! Hope yours goes well Carly.

Mine went fine too. Bean was very lively and gave some hard time to the two (!) sonographers - I had to wiggle my bum to force the it to turn. Timing was 5 days ahead at 12+6, so my new DD is 13 August. NT+blood test showed low risk as well, so very relieved all in all. We are still wondering if we should go private for a harmony test, but not sure.

We also got 2 pictures free - only because their card machine did not work... :) At my first midwife appt the data system did not work, they had no maternity record folders left and the printed was out of order. I am slightly worried if all equipment will be in working order at the birthing room later...
Well scan went well, although I'm a week behind what I thought. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. Unfortunately they couldn't do the downs Edwards testing cause I was slightly earlier than thought, so I have to go back within the next 2 weeks. Here is my son and my scan piccy <3

Well scan went well, although I'm a week behind what I thought. I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. Unfortunately they couldn't do the downs Edwards testing cause I was slightly earlier than thought, so I have to go back within the next 2 weeks. Here is my son and my scan piccy <3

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Hi, just thread hopping - congrats that's a lovely pic of your babies! This is super helpful for me, I paid for an early scan and was 11 days behind what we thought going from my LMP! So when I have my '12 week' scan, I'll be only 10 weeks based on the early scan measurements! At least I can expect that maybe I'll need to go back too if they can't get what they need. X

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