*** August mummies 2019 ***

Hi, just thread hopping - congrats that's a lovely pic of your babies! This is super helpful for me, I paid for an early scan and was 11 days behind what we thought going from my LMP! So when I have my '12 week' scan, I'll be only 10 weeks based on the early scan measurements! At least I can expect that maybe I'll need to go back too if they can't get what they need. X
I'd maybe ring the appointment line on your hospital letter and explain your dates are quite out. They've booked me for the 26th Feb but I'll literally be on the 14 week mark and if baby measures any bigger than that they won't be able to do the tests as I'd be too far gone. They're hoping to pull me forwards.. Just not nice having another thing to worry about though x
Beautiful scans ladies :-) congratulations!

I hit 14 weeks today, :dance: wondering when this morning sickness is going to do one :D:sick: though a lot of the anxiety is beginning to fade away now.

My husband is rather hirsute, and grins like a maniac whenever I feel ill, saying it’s going to be a hairy baby and it’s taking after him.
Hey ladies great to see so many fab scan pics. I hit 15 weeks today. Bump is starting to appear and tummy hardening. I've got a check up with the obs at the hospital on Thurs as I'm high risk. So pleased in a way as that will give me some more reassurance that all is ok. Hoping they might let me hear the heartbeat x
Hello Ladies, hoping you are all well :) The Scan and Bumpy Pics are all looking fab. Hope the sickness etc is dying down for you all. I have my 12 week scan tomorrow at 11 and I am SO nervous! This is my second pregnancy, and despite everything being fine first time around - I have a 18 month old beautiful girl called Evie - am just as worried haha! Wishing you all luck in your pregnancies and thank goodness this forums here with all of you lovely lot for support!
Good luck for tomorrow Steph!

Still got 2 weeks until my scan :( x
Best of luck for your scan Steph! Keep us updated.

Emma i bet it feels like forever but you’ll get there eventually!!

This forum has been a wonderful! Expressing fears, etc. What a wonderful place to share experience.
Are we supposed to move over to a new thread in tri 2 ladies....will we get kicked out lol?
Well I guess maybe we’ll get kicked out when the 31sr of August mummies will reach the end of their 13th week...
maybe ? No idea !
Best of luck for your scan Steph! Keep us updated.

Emma i bet it feels like forever but you’ll get there eventually!!

This forum has been a wonderful! Expressing fears, etc. What a wonderful place to share experience.

Yeah it feels like the longest wait ever, pretty sure I’m going to be the last August mummy to have 12 week scan! Just want it to hurry up so I know everything is okay and can tell my daughter! X
We don't get kicked out, we just slowly move over to Tri 2 and hen Tri 3 lol
Glad all your scans went well.
I've been feeling little nugget for about a week or so. It's a very weird feeling. I was 14.5 weeks when I was feeling my DS, so I didn't think I would feel this one until about then. But I was 12w6ds when I felt Nugget lol.

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
We don't get kicked out, we just slowly move over to Tri 2 and hen Tri 3 lol
Glad all your scans went well.
I've been feeling little nugget for about a week or so. It's a very weird feeling. I was 14.5 weeks when I was feeling my DS, so I didn't think I would feel this one until about then. But I was 12w6ds when I felt Nugget lol.

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx

Ok exciting nicci I haven't felt anything yet altho am watching and wisitnf for any twinges. Hoping to get some in the next week or 2. Really hope they let me hear the heartbeat at my obs check up on Thurs. Otherwise should get to at my midwife appt in a couple of weeks x
Didn't Kitana say above that we should set up a new August group in the 2nd trimester forum? I don't really mind if we stay here or set up a new one.

I am 13wks today, but have not felt anything yet. Feel like most of my bump is just bloating still. I guess you feel movements earlier in second pregnancy, when you know what to look for.
There’s a tri2 thread already :)
Just feel free to go to which ever really !
First Time mummys you'll likely not feel real kicks before 17 weeks, even that I'd say is early. Best way I'd describe the earliest flutters though is like your stomach is 'busy'. I'm getting that feeling now, much earlier than I was with my son. The first time you really feel them kick is amazing <3
I got over keen the other day and created a thread in the tri2 forum :-) I don’t think there’s any rush to go over though!
I'll move over to tri 2 thread after my scan on 19 February x
Hey ladies great to see so many fab scan pics. I hit 15 weeks today. Bump is starting to appear and tummy hardening. I've got a check up with the obs at the hospital on Thurs as I'm high risk. So pleased in a way as that will give me some more reassurance that all is ok. Hoping they might let me hear the heartbeat x
Nikki, is it you who had the Lletz? I've just got my appointment for premature prevention, 1st April! Because of how much cervix they removed my notes say I have to have regular scans. Mixed emotions really, how you feeling about it x
Nikki, is it you who had the Lletz? I've just got my appointment for premature prevention, 1st April! Because of how much cervix they removed my notes say I have to have regular scans. Mixed emotions really, how you feeling about it x

Hi Carly yeah it was. I don't think they took a huge amount away for me....altho I remember the doc commenting at the time that I had a neat little cervix which has always stuck in my head cos it might mean even a little of a little is a lot if you get my drift!?!

I'm guessing the obs today will have a look up there and check everything. Not too sure how else they can 'check' really other that scans to see baby is ok. They haven't said I will need extra scans yet but have said it might be a possibility.

I'll let you know how I get on this afternoon ! Xx
Hi Carly yeah it was. I don't think they took a huge amount away for me....altho I remember the doc commenting at the time that I had a neat little cervix which has always stuck in my head cos it might mean even a little of a little is a lot if you get my drift!?!

I'm guessing the obs today will have a look up there and check everything. Not too sure how else they can 'check' really other that scans to see baby is ok. They haven't said I will need extra scans yet but have said it might be a possibility.

I'll let you know how I get on this afternoon ! Xx
Yeah please do. It's nice to know they're keeping an eye on things, but the fact it's 'premature prevention' scares me :( It's anything over 10mm I think. I had 18x16x12mm x

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