*** August mummies 2019 ***

Doing fine here!
Still very few symptoms aside from being more tired on some days. A toddler does make everything a bit heavier. I do feel like I have to be careful when picking her up, my spd seems to be lurking behind every raise or lift. Even have to use a pregnancy pillow between my legs for comfort at night.
Has the nausea subsided a bit ladies?x
Hi ladies!!
Sorry I've not been on much.
I've been really ill:sick:
We definitely think this ones a girl cause when I had my son I had no symptoms what so ever.
And this has well and truly thrown us lol.

Hope everyone else is coping ok. I've got my 12 week scan on Tuesday.
I'll be 11+4 I think unless nugget has grown anymore xx
I'm getting SPD twinges too. Can't quite believe it at like 9 weeks!! My 11 month old son took his first steps on Tuesday. I'm thrilled because obviously he's amazing in my eyes but also means less lifting in the near future! LOL.
My under belly pulls and I've already lost my stomach muscles lol.
Sickness isn't too bad, just feel empty sick now and again. Very very tired, but then can't sleep at night, it's a cruel thing!
Got my scan on 4th Feb, and early gender scan on 2nd March
My nausea is constant and makes me useless. I survive through days in the office by constantly eating something and having breathing breaks in the toilet cubicles (I know, not exactly fresh air...) - but just to keep going I have to close my eyes, lean on a wall and just breathe. Yesterday I seriously considered curling up on the cubicle floor for a while. Evenings I just lay on the sofa and moan. Somewhere between 9+4 and 9+6 now and really hoping this eases soon.

I am also growing out of my work clothes. Need to go shopping for mama clothes, but with this nausea it does not seem very tempting. Just really bloated and gassy all the time.

Another symptom is dry and itchy skin. Especially my breasts (outer sides), middle back and shins.
My nausea is constant and makes me useless. I survive through days in the office by constantly eating something and having breathing breaks in the toilet cubicles (I know, not exactly fresh air...) - but just to keep going I have to close my eyes, lean on a wall and just breathe. Yesterday I seriously considered curling up on the cubicle floor for a while. Evenings I just lay on the sofa and moan. Somewhere between 9+4 and 9+6 now and really hoping this eases soon.

I am also growing out of my work clothes. Need to go shopping for mama clothes, but with this nausea it does not seem very tempting. Just really bloated and gassy all the time.

Another symptom is dry and itchy skin. Especially my breasts (outer sides), middle back and shins.
Asda have some serious maternity bargains. I've already ditched waist bands. Living is shift dresses and tights lol. Matalan have a good range of long shirts /shirt dresses too x
My feeling nauseous all the time has improved a little bit the last 2 days, but don't want to jinx it, as last time I said that it returned worse!

My stomach is already looking bloated, need to go shopping and buy some new clothes to cover my belly bulge! Any one who has already had more than 1 baby, did you find bump showed a lot sooner? This is my second, with my first, I remember only having a small bump at my 20 week scan.

Feels like my NHS scan is forever away, 19 February, I should be 13 weeks then, so glad I had early scan last weekend! Waiting for midwife to contact me to arrange booking appointment date. Got an appointment for Sunday to have my blood test.

Happy Friday ladies! x
Well I keep thinking I'm on an up then all changes the next hour lol. Fatigue been a constant but I think working shifts doesn't help. Just can't get enough of sleep or rest at the minute. But equally don't want to become a complete couch potato. Going for 50/50 today done the horses this morning so earnt a hot bath and sofa time this ava.

Sickness just keep a randomly rearing its head. Had been fine then suddenly bam the other night and following morning.

In general don't fancy full meals. Preferring small stuff. Jacket potatos about the biggest I can manage but I guess that's not too bad cos plenty of fibre.

Anyone else not gained any weight yet? If anything I've lost a couple pounds. Altho I am starting to show and uniform get tight. Hopefully will stay small enough for now....got 2 weeks before a weeks holiday and planning to tell the rest of my work team after that.

12 week scan only 3 sleeps to go. Excited and nervous but really want to hear that heartbeat and see something baby shaped as early scan obvs just a blob x
Well I keep thinking I'm on an up then all changes the next hour lol. Fatigue been a constant but I think working shifts doesn't help. Just can't get enough of sleep or rest at the minute. But equally don't want to become a complete couch potato. Going for 50/50 today done the horses this morning so earnt a hot bath and sofa time this ava.

Sickness just keep a randomly rearing its head. Had been fine then suddenly bam the other night and following morning.

In general don't fancy full meals. Preferring small stuff. Jacket potatos about the biggest I can manage but I guess that's not too bad cos plenty of fibre.

Anyone else not gained any weight yet? If anything I've lost a couple pounds. Altho I am starting to show and uniform get tight. Hopefully will stay small enough for now....got 2 weeks before a weeks holiday and planning to tell the rest of my work team after that.

12 week scan only 3 sleeps to go. Excited and nervous but really want to hear that heartbeat and see something baby shaped as early scan obvs just a blob x

It's fine to gain or lose few lbs during the first trimester. I had lost some during my first pregnancy due to a bad stomach flu and it was never really seen as an issue. I think the baby needs so little at the moment that your vitamins are the most important. I've gained 1,7kg (3.7lbs) and was told it's normal. You have more blood than before your pregnancy and the uterus is getting heavier as well.

I still fit in my normal clothes, I don't have a bump yet. I only started showing at 5 and a half months with my first, so I'm not expecting too much right now. I just don't like the feeling of something tight on my belly. I open my jeans as soon as I get home! Am trying to stay in my normal clothes as long as I can since I don't want to waste too much money on clothes I will never wear again!

At 12 weeks you will really see a tiny baby hun! No more blobs! If the baby is in a good position, you will be able to make out it's nose, lips and maybe even the gender!
I'm excited for you! My 12 week scan and harmony test will be on the 29th!x
It's fine to gain or lose few lbs during the first trimester. I had lost some during my first pregnancy due to a bad stomach flu and it was never really seen as an issue. I think the baby needs so little at the moment that your vitamins are the most important. I've gained 1,7kg (3.7lbs) and was told it's normal. You have more blood than before your pregnancy and the uterus is getting heavier as well.

I still fit in my normal clothes, I don't have a bump yet. I only started showing at 5 and a half months with my first, so I'm not expecting too much right now. I just don't like the feeling of something tight on my belly. I open my jeans as soon as I get home! Am trying to stay in my normal clothes as long as I can since I don't want to waste too much money on clothes I will never wear again!

At 12 weeks you will really see a tiny baby hun! No more blobs! If the baby is in a good position, you will be able to make out it's nose, lips and maybe even the gender!
I'm excited for you! My 12 week scan and harmony test will be on the 29th!x

Thanks Kitana. I can't wait to get 12 weeks under our belt.

I know the feeling about tight things round the middle. My work uniform is a tailored skirt and tights....I've had to buy XL tights to pull them up to my bra and relieve the pressure round the middle. Skirt is already being unzipped s touch lol to stop that midriff pinch.

I'm really uncomfortable this afternoon. Sorry TMI but I thought it was just constipation but I have been and still feeling crampy and pressure. Getting myself worked up about nothing most likely x
My sickness has been awful. I am not being sick but nausea is killing me.
I asked for another go phone appointment earlier as I can barely stand up. And this time they forced me into the practice.
I am in the waiting room now as the doctor is super late. And I feel sooooo rubbish. The worst I’ve ever felt this week!
I am so light headed. Went to the supermarket yesterday and had to call it short didn’t finish shopping and ran back to the car to sit down.

Hopefully this doctor will be nice... never met her before... I don’t want her to send me to hospital for a drip although I know I am not drinking enough :/

Wish me luck
My sickness has been awful. I am not being sick but nausea is killing me.
I asked for another go phone appointment earlier as I can barely stand up. And this time they forced me into the practice.
I am in the waiting room now as the doctor is super late. And I feel sooooo rubbish. The worst I’ve ever felt this week!
I am so light headed. Went to the supermarket yesterday and had to call it short didn’t finish shopping and ran back to the car to sit down.

Hopefully this doctor will be nice... never met her before... I don’t want her to send me to hospital for a drip although I know I am not drinking enough :/

Wish me luck
Oh no! Hope you get help soon Anna!
It's better to get the drip if you can't drink hun, so sorry you have to go through this! :(
Nausea is constant, I’m sick every now and again, usually when I let myself get too hungry and then stuff my face!
I’ve got a nice little bloat going on but this is pregnancy number 5 so it’s to be expected lol. I’m only wearing things with a stretchy waistband and luckily I still have some maternity stuff from when I had my miscarraige earlier this year so I’ve got some stuff I can get in to lol.
As for fatigue this is ridiculous! I’m aneamic and I can barely keep my eyes open all day every day!
12 days until 12 week scan!
Nausea is constant, I’m sick every now and again, usually when I let myself get too hungry and then stuff my face!
I’ve got a nice little bloat going on but this is pregnancy number 5 so it’s to be expected lol. I’m only wearing things with a stretchy waistband and luckily I still have some maternity stuff from when I had my miscarraige earlier this year so I’ve got some stuff I can get in to lol.
As for fatigue this is ridiculous! I’m aneamic and I can barely keep my eyes open all day every day!
12 days until 12 week scan!

I feel your pain with the fatigue dinky I've has at least 3 nights this week where I have slept over 10 hours and every day off or evening I seem to be flat out. I'm trying to keep active but a couple hours activity and I'm ready for a nap!
@anna- what is a drip? But I hope you can find something to drink and sip on it slowly through the day. Cranberry juice and orange/banana juice blends have been good for me lately, but I have no trouble drinking water (which I add iodine to and it really helps when I wake up with my boobs hurting). I hope you get that situation figured out.

It's amazing that everyone's experiences and concerns are so different, but it makes sense.
I spent several weeks nauseous, then the last two it's been on and off (I just hit 11 weeks). I can't eat an entire meal, more like 1/3 but several times a day. If I do wait too long to eat and have a bigger meal then I become somewhat useless and have to nap for 3-4 hours, which is crazy. I usually have a high metabolism and can't nap at all but maybe the baby grows more when I'm sleeping?
Some nights I can't sleep through and then end up awake at 4:30 am baking something or whatever, but then I have to sleep until 10am. I have a flexible work schedule but it's been difficult not knowing when I can rely on myself to feel better. Trying to keep the drama down, so some family members know but not all of them yet. :p
I want to have more energy than this too, but staying away from caffeine doesn't give that many options. And I tried to make a food journal but I keep eating something once and never again. Cold oatmeal (made in the fridge the night before) with chia seeds and honey and some granola or whatever has helped in the mornings.
Tried some decaf coffee the other day (because I missed the taste) and it tasted like dust. Tried half-caf and it tasted like dust. Randomly found a place selling girl scout thinmint flavored cappuccinos (one of my favorite things ever), got a decaf one, it tasted like a chocolate covered mint that had sat out for three weeks gathering, you guessed it- dust. x/
Somebody explain that one to me...
So I saw a gp. Didn’t seem very interested. Took my blood presssure who was super high(for me...) I normally run low at max 110/60
And it was 140/80...!! But then I guess she thought I wasn’t dehydrated after all!
Didn’t ask me any questions about if I pee nor if I drink. Just said : are you actually committing much? I said nope just feeling terribly sick and retching all day.
She prescribed me peptac for reflux (which I don’t have!) and have me a sick note for another two weeks. I didn’t ask for it but I am glad she did.
She’s been very honest and said “the only thing that will make you feel better is to rest and wait to reach the second trimester...”

So here I am at home again!
I still feel so rough... went out for a meal tonight as my best friend is visiting... had a big juicy pink burger... (I am immuned to toxoplasmosis luckily!)
I actually really enjoyed it for the first time in ages and still feel more or less fine for now! Fingers crossed I am on my way to brighter days!

I could nap at around 15.00 everyday o am so exhausted. And at night I wake up multiple times like 4am then 6 and after that it’s a struggle :-p
Maybe it’s how babies train us before they’re born!
So I saw a gp. Didn’t seem very interested. Took my blood presssure who was super high(for me...) I normally run low at max 110/60
And it was 140/80...!! But then I guess she thought I wasn’t dehydrated after all!
Didn’t ask me any questions about if I pee nor if I drink. Just said : are you actually committing much? I said nope just feeling terribly sick and retching all day.
She prescribed me peptac for reflux (which I don’t have!) and have me a sick note for another two weeks. I didn’t ask for it but I am glad she did.
She’s been very honest and said “the only thing that will make you feel better is to rest and wait to reach the second trimester...”

So here I am at home again!
I still feel so rough... went out for a meal tonight as my best friend is visiting... had a big juicy pink burger... (I am immuned to toxoplasmosis luckily!)
I actually really enjoyed it for the first time in ages and still feel more or less fine for now! Fingers crossed I am on my way to brighter days!

I could nap at around 15.00 everyday o am so exhausted. And at night I wake up multiple times like 4am then 6 and after that it’s a struggle :p
Maybe it’s how babies train us before they’re born!
I’m glad you’re feeling perkier tonight, I went out for a meal tonight and got home and threw the lot up again! Only seems to be when I go out for food, gonna have to start saying no to family meals lol
That's good news Anna! At least you can stay home and recuperate a bit!
How come you are immune to toxo? I have had several cats but never caught it. Did you get a vaccine?x
That's good news Anna! At least you can stay home and recuperate a bit!
How come you are immune to toxo? I have had several cats but never caught it. Did you get a vaccine?x

No idea. Had cats my whole life and ate a lot of “américain” when I lived in Belgium. Love barely cooked steaks and never bother washing most vegetables :p
It was worth it I guess hahaha!!! My sister is immune too! And we never had any symptoms not even tiredness or anything so pretty lucky and happy it happened before being pregnant !

There isn’t any vaccine... literally must eat the big! Yummy!
Lucky you @Anna@work !!
I have to be careful all the time! But I had forgotten it in the beginning of my pregnancy and ordered a big baguette with mozzarella (can't have it), prosciutto (nope), tomatoes (still nope) and pesto (that might have been the only "safe" thing on it, if all the ingredients were washed beforehand). When I was halfway done, the oh looks at me with big eyes and said, you can't eat any of that!!! We almost started a fight in the café since I was starving and wanted to finish my meal! Eventually I let it go and didn't finish it. I was so dissapointed but knew he was right... Honestly, I'm 35 soon and don't know how I haven't caught it yet! I miss my salads though.... :lol:

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