*** August mummies 2019 ***

I had lletz treatment last year. I've not been spoken to regarding it really. It's in my notes. Do you have to have additional scans? X

I don't think so. I think they will just keep a closer eye. She didn't imply extra scans just a obstetrician appt I think x
I have a morning of work then my scan this afternoon I’m excited and nervous
I don't think so. I think they will just keep a closer eye. She didn't imply extra scans just a obstetrician appt I think x
My friend went every 3 weeks. Im not sure if it's dependent on how much was removed. Good they're keeping an eye on you though x
Hi ladies my phone is being a pain can't seem to upload scan pic.

But anyway all good. Everything fine. Baby was sooooo active somesaulting all over the place took her a while to get the pics. Lots of wiggling of the scanner on my belly to make baby turn over it was hilarious.

Measured slightly ahead so I've been bumped up to 12+6 giving me new due date of 30th July!!! Don't kick me out August mummies!!

I'm classed high risk because of my lletz treatment so I will have a follow up at the hospital...she just said next available appt. Will come through in the post but got booked in straight away for my 20 week scan so that's good.

All very real now and fear has finally turned into excitement! Xx

Glad all went well!! I guess it’s nice to measure ahead somehow ! Less time to wait to see your little one !!!
Ah that’s lovely Nikkibiscuit, could still be a August baby x
Glad all went well!! I guess it’s nice to measure ahead somehow ! Less time to wait to see your little one !!!

Yeah I think we are gonna have a big baby too. Runs in my family and hubby's are not small either. We are both around 6ft. The growth chart she gave me has 8lb8 as the middle prediction for 41 weeks eep!
Ah that’s lovely Nikkibiscuit, could still be a August baby x

Seeing as it's my first I am fully expecting that it will be still. Bizarre my friend had a little girl before Xmas and just pointed out to me they will be in the same school year. I hadn't even thought of that. I've got 2 other friends due this spring too. So guess it will be nice to have them around the same age altho 2 of the 3 are from back home so not nearby
Funny like that isn’t it, my husband works for a very small company, one guys partner is expecting in April, another in June, and us in August. :-)
Has anyone else’s pets started acting weirdly? We have two cats, one has always been a snuggler, but now she’s obsessed with sitting on the bump. She literally wraps herself over it, head on top. The other one is older and more standoffish, and we’ve got the Bengal howl from him, which is usually reserved for times he feels unsure, which he patently doesn’t as he’s swanning about the house leisurely while screaming at the top of his lungs.
Has anyone else’s pets started acting weirdly? We have two cats, one has always been a snuggler, but now she’s obsessed with sitting on the bump. She literally wraps herself over it, head on top. The other one is older and more standoffish, and we’ve got the Bengal howl from him, which is usually reserved for times he feels unsure, which he patently doesn’t as he’s swanning about the house leisurely while screaming at the top of his lungs.
I don’t know if it’s related to the pregnancy or not. My cuddly cat is away from me constantly... really hard to get a cuddle from him now unless I force him and then he goes on the bump...
my other cat who never used to cuddle keeps coming on the sofa for a cuddle and stays with me all the time (which is I guess the reason why my other one is upset!)
So strange!
Scan was amazing.
Feeling so emotional and couldn’t believe it. I have a little wriggler
New as the 7th August rather than the 6th

I can finally feel excited
Scan went well.
She couldn't do the tests we asked for as nugget wasn't in the right position for us. But we got some great pictures and even got a wave on the pic xx
Lovely to hear about your scans ladies! It's magical isn't it!<3

My cat is soooo clingy it's annoying! He's quite big and weighs about 16lbs. He always manages to walk over the bump, I think he's a bit jealous though... Poor thing!

Wow Nikki, estimated at 8lbs8?! But honestly, their guessing is not very accurate. I hope not, for your vajayjay!:lol::rofl:
Hi ladies my phone is being a pain can't seem to upload scan pic.

But anyway all good. Everything fine. Baby was sooooo active somesaulting all over the place took her a while to get the pics. Lots of wiggling of the scanner on my belly to make baby turn over it was hilarious.

Measured slightly ahead so I've been bumped up to 12+6 giving me new due date of 30th July!!! Don't kick me out August mummies!!

I'm classed high risk because of my lletz treatment so I will have a follow up at the hospital...she just said next available appt. Will come through in the post but got booked in straight away for my 20 week scan so that's good.

All very real now and fear has finally turned into excitement! Xx
Ahhh lovely news x
Funny like that isn’t it, my husband works for a very small company, one guys partner is expecting in April, another in June, and us in August. :)
If this pregnancy goes well I will have a child in June, one in July and one in August lol
Great to hear of all the good scan results ladies!

I've got almost two weeks to the 12 week scan. Nausea was a bit better over the weekend, but has returned today. I don't sleep well as I have to go to the loo at least 4 times a night - pretty much every 1.5-2hrs. This really must be training for when the baby is born, but mother nature could also just skip the training, in my opinion. Ugh.
Hello, I had my scan yesterday and all is looking we'll. I've got an updated due date for 2nd August. The nausea is starting to ease off and I'm not so tired during the day so hopefully that will get better as I move into the second trimester. Still got very tender boobs and a hell of a lot of round ligament pain! Guess it's a good thing to know bean is growing!
Hello, I had my scan yesterday and all is looking we'll. I've got an updated due date for 2nd August. The nausea is starting to ease off and I'm not so tired during the day so hopefully that will get better as I move into the second trimester. Still got very tender boobs and a hell of a lot of round ligament pain! Guess it's a good thing to know bean is growing!
Brilliant news :)

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