*** August mummies 2019 ***

Ladies do you need full bladder for early scan? Is it done on your belly like 12 week scan? Thanks x
If you have a full bladder they’ll try to do transabdominal first and if they’re struggling will go transvaginal. It’ll depend how early you are. They had to go transvaginal at 5 wks for me but found heartbeat with a full bladder transabdominally at 7 wks.
Good luck!
I said my mother was a piece of work but honestly. The night before my first midwives appointment she texts (once I’ve already gone to bed) insinuating there’s important information I don’t know about my family history of pregnancy, and then refuses to tell me anything unless I call her. Which actually would probably be better next week. (This is a dig because I haven’t been in touch much recently)

I was none to pleased when I rang her this morning. Turns out there isn’t anything I don’t know, she just had absolutely no recollection of how I helped her find and then visit the grave of her brother who died of spina bifida. She’s visiting her step mother, so couldn’t do her normal hysterionics when I called her out on it. I can guarantee she’s going to be a pain in the ass for them the rest of the day though.

Honestly, for a woman I can’t help but love she really is a manipulative cow bag.

Argh so sorry you’re dealing with this Katiepie! So frustrating. How did the midwife appt go?
Ladies do you need full bladder for early scan? Is it done on your belly like 12 week scan? Thanks x
Yes you do, I always take a big bottle of water to the waiting room with me. I had a scan at 9 and 12 weeks. Honestly thought I was going to wee myself last time lol x
I said my mother was a piece of work but honestly. The night before my first midwives appointment she texts (once I’ve already gone to bed) insinuating there’s important information I don’t know about my family history of pregnancy, and then refuses to tell me anything unless I call her. Which actually would probably be better next week. (This is a dig because I haven’t been in touch much recently)

I was none to pleased when I rang her this morning. Turns out there isn’t anything I don’t know, she just had absolutely no recollection of how I helped her find and then visit the grave of her brother who died of spina bifida. She’s visiting her step mother, so couldn’t do her normal hysterionics when I called her out on it. I can guarantee she’s going to be a pain in the ass for them the rest of the day though.

Honestly, for a woman I can’t help but love she really is a manipulative cow bag.
Not just me then lol
Did anyone had a trans abdominal scan at 9weeks? I am going tomorrow and wish I could get away with it !
Just told my partner it could be TV and he was so shocked this could be done haha bless him.
Did anyone had a trans abdominal scan at 9weeks? I am going tomorrow and wish I could get away with it !
Just told my partner it could be TV and he was so shocked this could be done haha bless him.
I had transabdomnial at 7 wks so fairly sure you should be fine! :)
Thanks ladies, had my scan this morning and it was great, even measuring ahead at 7 weeks 5 days at the moment! X

Thanks ladies, had my scan this morning and it was great, even measuring ahead at 7 weeks 5 days at the moment! X

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Amazing, huge congrats xx

I might have to have internal scans for my next few scans cuz they want to measure the length of my cervix and they said they can’t always do that with the one on your belly lol. Can’t wait! :(
Great news Emma! Congrats!

I've had both early scans (5+5 and 9w) done tv. They can see better and more that way. Had my other half in the room for the latter, but I had no time to warn him that it may not be through the belly like in movies. To his credit, he did not flinch :)

Welcome Gravidgecko!
Great news Emma!! Look at that little bean!<3

Welcome GravidGecko! Updated your due date!

Katiepie, I also have a very manipulative mother but I have taken my distances. What you described could easily have been something my mother would do.
But our relationship has improved since the birth of my daughter, she loves her so much and she takes good care of her. Hope your relationship improves but don't ever be afraid to set boundaries. It's important for you and your baby right now.x
Thank you ladies, it’s such a relief to know everything is okay x
Ladies do you need full bladder for early scan? Is it done on your belly like 12 week scan? Thanks x

Yes Emma I had scan at 7+3 it's cos it pushes your uterus up. Don't overdo it though. I drank a pint and half before leaving home. My scam ended up being about 45 mins later and I was crippled i needed to wee so bad. Next time I'm just gonna drink big bottle water on route!
Did anyone had a trans abdominal scan at 9weeks? I am going tomorrow and wish I could get away with it !
Just told my partner it could be TV and he was so shocked this could be done haha bless him.
Yes with my son I went at 9 weeks and they scanned my tummy clearly x
Thank you folks. Yes I generally do keep my distance from my mother. I can tell how excited she is about the pregnancy though.

My midwives appointment was great. Although at a weird time! 4.30pm on a Sunday. She was very good, and we spent hours going through everything. Unfortunately it looks like it will be classed as higher risk, which wasn’t hugely unexpected. She was a bit concerned about my anxiety levels (that and I seemed to hit every mental healthy risk factor question ha), so I’m going to the GP later this week to discuss with him. Although she suggested I wait a few weeks and see if it improves as I go into the second semester, as hormones often even out a bit then.

Feeling pants today though. At work in presence and not mind.
My 7 week scan was a transvaginal. My trooper husband knows the crack by now haha

I once had to have a tv ultrasound when I was living in Italy and didn’t speak the language, I had a brilliantly domineering Italian matriarch who spoke English as a landlady, and she came along as translator. Legs up on the table, I was looking at my husband next to me and I saw his eyebrows just shoot up, looked down and there was Maria, between my legs having a good look too :):D too funny.
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On m’y way to the private scan.
I ce been crying all morning I think :-p
I am terrified and shaking
Wish us luck !!!
Here it is :)
I feel so relieved. Just had my scan measuring 9 weeks and EDD 19/08/2019, to be confirmed at the nhs scan in 3 weeks.
And a little heart flickering away !!

Following my scan, please can I change my date to 27 August? Thanks x

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