*** August mummies 2019 ***

Great news Dinkydizzy!

I will go to another walk-in scan on Friday morning to check things. Fingers crossed for all scanners!
Well ladies one more day to survive at work...done a 6 day stint and earnt myself a nice 3 day weekend. A rare treat in retail. Can't wait to get some horsey time and some hubby time. I think we may even feel comfortable enough to think about the sex word. I think the 12 week scan will help us both but it's been such a long journey to get here we have both felt apprehensive. Plus I have had a lletz treatment just under 2 years ago before we started TTC and there is a small chance that can weaken the cervix. Midwife didn't mention anything though when I told her.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Can't believe we are all approaching the end of tri 1....I'm excited for the next phase. Bring on the glow lmfao x
Thanks ladies :) I’m feeling full of hormones today! Maybe it’s cuz now I believe I’m pregnant lol!
I am 8 weeks and counting :-O
I have such a bad tummy! It makes all sorts of sounds and feels like trapped wind and it’s soooo uncomfortable.
They say it all gets better in tri2 right ?! :pray:
Yup, all normal hun! Your digestive system slows down so it can take all the possible nutrients from your food, hence the constipation sometimes! Your bowels are getting pushed up now too, so you will feel bubbling, gaz, rumbling in different places than before! It does get better in tri 2! Hang in there!x
So the past few nights I’ve actually had a decent sleep! But I seek to have swapped with my husband who really hasn’t hah.

We rent at the moment and decided that as our income would be reduced to buy something and have less outgoings. Of course thats a lot more stressful than it initially appears :? his sister (older and with no kids, but a surrogate child dog) has taken this moment to jump in and be extremely overbearing and cast judgement on all house choices we have made, (we haven’t actually made any choices yet...) with very long, not 100% accurate texts in the group chat with his mum. I always kind of expected her to suddenly make more of an appearance in our lives with a baby on the way, I didn’t expect it to be so negative or so early though.

Cue his car breaking down yesterday to really pile on the stress. I COMPLETLY used this as an excuse to pick him up and get a takeaway pizza (he hates pizza).

Poor man.

I did google “overbearing in laws” this morning and the results were honestly amazing. Its incredible how crazy people’s families get when they have kids haha. Anyone else have any crazy in-laws?
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Yeah I’ve been gassy the whole time, can’t wait for that to go! Haha x
@Katiepie i have been struggling to sleep for the first in my life for about a week now! I just wake up multiple times. And same thing here, when I sleep my OH doesn’t, when he sleeps I don’t!

Just received my letter through the post today, 12w scan on the 4th of February. They’re counting from my last period which I am pretty sure is wrong but hey, brings the scan sooner !!!
Well ladies one more day to survive at work...done a 6 day stint and earnt myself a nice 3 day weekend. A rare treat in retail. Can't wait to get some horsey time and some hubby time. I think we may even feel comfortable enough to think about the sex word. I think the 12 week scan will help us both but it's been such a long journey to get here we have both felt apprehensive. Plus I have had a lletz treatment just under 2 years ago before we started TTC and there is a small chance that can weaken the cervix. Midwife didn't mention anything though when I told her.

Hope everyone is doing ok. Can't believe we are all approaching the end of tri 1....I'm excited for the next phase. Bring on the glow lmfao x

I had LLETZ too. I have to mention it at my next appointment. A friend of mine had it too and is pregnant and due soon. She had to have scans every 3 weeks to keep an eye on things. I'm not worried at the moment but keep mentioning it at all appointments. You could need a stitch or pessary to ensure you don't go into labour too soon x
I had LLETZ too. I have to mention it at my next appointment. A friend of mine had it too and is pregnant and due soon. She had to have scans every 3 weeks to keep an eye on things. I'm not worried at the moment but keep mentioning it at all appointments. You could need a stitch or pessary to ensure you don't go into labour too soon x

Thanks Carly. Midwife recorded it in my notes which I can view through the app but I will def mention my concerns at my 12 week scan which is next appt....week on monday so not long to go now. Excited to get this one under our belt x
So the past few nights I’ve actually had a decent sleep! But I seek to have swapped with my husband who really hasn’t hah.

We rent at the moment and decided that as our income would be reduced to buy something and have less outgoings. Of course thats a lot more stressful than it initially appears :? his sister (older and with no kids, but a surrogate child dog) has taken this moment to jump in and be extremely overbearing and cast judgement on all house choices we have made, (we haven’t actually made any choices yet...) with very long, not 100% accurate texts in the group chat with his mum. I always kind of expected her to suddenly make more of an appearance in our lives with a baby on the way, I didn’t expect it to be so negative or so early though.

Cue his car breaking down yesterday to really pile on the stress. I COMPLETLY used this as an excuse to pick him up and get a takeaway pizza (he hates pizza).

Poor man.

I did google “overbearing in laws” this morning and the results were honestly amazing. Its incredible how crazy people’s families get when they have kids haha. Anyone else have any crazy in-laws?

I feel you! I had this with my first pregnancy. My SIL was getting so intrusive! She would act like the perfect mummy example, it would drive me crazy!
She also gave me 8 boxes of baby clothes which were from her friends and some of hers. She keeps everything! I had to give everything back once I was done with them. The worst part was that they were kept in this disgusting little toilet, which was poorly vented, everything smelled funky and the clothes were riddled with dead flies! No way I was ever going to put my daughter in fly-feces-frocks!:sick:

I'm so scared that it will all happen again since she never throws anything away. It's not just the clothes, she even "borrowed" snot removers, overwashed and overused bibs, drinking cups full of bite marks, a sling which smelled like vomit, a bouncer which smelled like sour milk, I could go on! The only thing I ever used, and had to because the OH was getting so annoyed by me, is the bouncing chair. But I had washed it several times and bought a cover to mask the musty smell.

I hope your in-laws are a bit more hygienic!:lol:

I still remember the OH insisting we use her car seat (not in my car!! Never!!). I told him he could use it in his car if he wanted but that I refused to wash them. I was so sick of receiving everything so dirty! He took of the cover and started gagging! I was laughing my head off (secretly) and watching how he used a high pressure water hose to remove the mold from the carseat. We washed the covers on a 90 degrees program twice, disinfected the seat, but he still didn't want the chair in his car. Eventually we bought a new one.

Sorry that was such a long post!:lol:
In-laws... Can't get rid of them sadly!:rofl:
Goodness, these inlaw stories are crazy! Mine don't know yet, but just waiting how nuts they will go... First grandchild. At least there are no dirty car seats or mouldy bouncers to inherit.:pray:

I am sooo bloated and sooo gassy too! At evenings my belly looks like I am 5 months pregnant. Literally painful.
Crikey I feel lucky. My in laws are fab....I think cos OH is the youngest of 3 boys they had given up trying to interfere by then lol. They live locally to us and my parents live 300 miles away so they will be a support for us I think. My brother in law and sister in law have 2 kids and I know she has kept some hand me downs but they are the sort of people that would say use what you want and charity the rest. My mum has got his knows what from when we were babies lol so she ll be digging out boxes of all sorts no doubt x
On m’y side we are lucky to both be the youngest in our families and so much younger our siblings already gave everything away :-p

Both our families live at least 300 miles away so they’re very supportive over the phone and at the same time have no chance invading us!
I’m an only child, and my mother is hard to deal with generally, she’s got her own set of issues going on. We are close, from a distance. It’s sad but I do end up having to limit time spent with them, as it can be just way too much work. I subconsciously started distancing myself further when I started treatment, and now I’m at the point where I don’t really want to answer the phone and I’m terrible at replying to messages. I need to make more of an effort, but it’s a bit like a kick in the teeth sometimes. That said she is super excited about the baby, like in a demented, slightly terrifyingly obsessive way :).

My husbands family are generally far more normal haha, my sister in law means very well but has had a bit of a gilded life and doesn’t quite understand why everyone doesn’t just do what she’s done, the way she’s done it. My mother in law is much more laid back and all she wants to do in life is to continue spoiling her children. :angel: What a goal.

Fortunately, the first child in both families, so no mouldy hand me downs :D
My baby is going to be the 4th grandchild on both sides so the excitement has well wore off by now lol!
My baby is going to be the 4th grandchild on both sides so the excitement has well wore off by now lol!
On my in-laws side this will be the 6th grandchild so it will be just like my daughter (5th)... Not interesting anymore. They haven't ever taken her to the zoo or to the park or anything. She spent 2 nights there in total (she's 19 months old) and when people are around they pretend they help out when we're working or don't have a babysit.
They babysat 3 times and one of those times, granny had to go have her nails done and left my daughter with the grandad who doesn't change diapers, didn't care for his own kids, drank 3 beers (in 1 hour) luckily I was home much earlier because he wanted to start drinking whiskey. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon... So I don't really trust them with her.

My parents are real grandparents and give her so much love and affection. They will probably do the same with this one as well! The only problem is that they live abroad and only visit twice a year for a month or two. Very sad...
On my in-laws side this will be the 6th grandchild so it will be just like my daughter (5th)... Not interesting anymore. They haven't ever taken her to the zoo or to the park or anything. She spent 2 nights there in total (she's 19 months old) and when people are around they pretend they help out when we're working or don't have a babysit.
They babysat 3 times and one of those times, granny had to go have her nails done and left my daughter with the grandad who doesn't change diapers, didn't care for his own kids, drank 3 beers (in 1 hour) luckily I was home much earlier because he wanted to start drinking whiskey. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon... So I don't really trust them with her.

My parents are real grandparents and give her so much love and affection. They will probably do the same with this one as well! The only problem is that they live abroad and only visit twice a year for a month or two. Very sad...

Aww Kitana my parents are abroad too. Do you find it really hard or ever regret being away?
This is our first baby and I really wonder how it will feel to be far away from them.
My mum and step dad have 8 gran children together and have loved every single one of them just as much.
They have always seen them on something like a 2 weekly basis at the maximum. And some days I feel like I am taking this away from them by being in the UK.

I haven’t told them yet but I know my mum has kept the Moses basket ALL my nephews have been in. It’s 20 years old now but looks as good as new!

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