So the past few nights I’ve actually had a decent sleep! But I seek to have swapped with my husband who really hasn’t hah.
We rent at the moment and decided that as our income would be reduced to buy something and have less outgoings. Of course thats a lot more stressful than it initially appears

his sister (older and with no kids, but a surrogate child dog) has taken this moment to jump in and be extremely overbearing and cast judgement on all house choices we have made, (we haven’t actually made any choices yet...) with very long, not 100% accurate texts in the group chat with his mum. I always kind of expected her to suddenly make more of an appearance in our lives with a baby on the way, I didn’t expect it to be so negative or so early though.
Cue his car breaking down yesterday to really pile on the stress. I COMPLETLY used this as an excuse to pick him up and get a takeaway pizza (he hates pizza).
Poor man.
I did google “overbearing in laws” this morning and the results were honestly amazing. Its incredible how crazy people’s families get when they have kids haha. Anyone else have any crazy in-laws?