*** August mummies 2019 ***

Ok brilliant. To be honest I haven’t really left he house in a few weeks. Only to get Christmas bits. I have had terrible sickness since I found out lasting all day and night sometimes. (Not that I am complaining) thanking the universe for the blessing. It just makes me so tired. Got two teenage boys. They are a dream!
Hey ladies! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

We have told my family but the effect failed miserably! I wanted to give my parents a present with baby socks and a poem in it, but the OH thought it was stupid so I had a shirt for my daughter to wear which said "big sister". I had put it under her dress but it was obviously sticking out. When my mother wanted to take pictures of her, I had said I would remove the shirt since it would be nicer without it. After removing the dress, I waited for a reaction but none came!:lol:
My dad was so busy talking to my oh that he didn't even notice and my mother didn't read it since she was waiting for me to take the shirt off! My grandparents didn't have their glasses on, so were as blind as bats. The only one who saw was my brother and he laughed but didn't say anything! Eventually I told them to LOOK at what was written on the shirt! Only then did everyone realize! Such an epic fail!:rofl:
Hey ladies! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

We have told my family but the effect failed miserably! I wanted to give my parents a present with baby socks and a poem in it, but the OH thought it was stupid so I had a shirt for my daughter to wear which said "big sister". I had put it under her dress but it was obviously sticking out. When my mother wanted to take pictures of her, I had said I would remove the shirt since it would be nicer without it. After removing the dress, I waited for a reaction but none came!:lol:
My dad was so busy talking to my oh that he didn't even notice and my mother didn't read it since she was waiting for me to take the shirt off! My grandparents didn't have their glasses on, so were as blind as bats. The only one who saw was my brother and he laughed but didn't say anything! Eventually I told them to LOOK at what was written on the shirt! Only then did everyone realize! Such an epic fail!:rofl:
Haha this is exactly the kind of thing my family would do. We often think the epic failure makes for a much better story we can all laugh at though!
Hahahaha kitana oh dear these things always happen next time make sure they've got their glasses on
I’m haven’t had many symptoms the last few days, well I have but they’re not as strong as they were and that’s freaking me out too! Got midwife tomorrow and my private scan a week on Saturday which I’m terrified for in case anything has happened and I just don’t know about it! Specially cuz my symptoms are now milder. I don’t think I will relax the whole way through this pregnancy after last time

I don’t feel like I can relax either, why can’t we be one of those people who enjoy pregnancy and are glowing and happy?! Lol!

I’ll keep everything crossed for you that everything goes well on Saturday xxx
I don’t feel like I can relax either, why can’t we be one of those people who enjoy pregnancy and are glowing and happy?! Lol!

I’ll keep everything crossed for you that everything goes well on Saturday xxx
Thankyou! Got my booking in today at 11, but nervous and I don’t know why lol. Symptoms have come back with a vengeance this morning! So that’s made me relax abit. I told my family right away cuz I thought they could do with abit of cheering up after what we all went through earlier this year. My mum asked me if she could tell people she was gonna be a nan again on Xmas day but I said no, she has to wait until I at least have a scan lol
Hi! This is my first pregnancy I’m a little nervous as it’s all new to me! I’m just over 6 weeks. Today the sickness has hit me like a ton of bricks. It feels like a hangover but I haven’t actually been sick. Is this normal? I’m waiting for my scan to confirm but the doctor has said due date 19th Aug Xxx
Hi! This is my first pregnancy I’m a little nervous as it’s all new to me! I’m just over 6 weeks. Today the sickness has hit me like a ton of bricks. It feels like a hangover but I haven’t actually been sick. Is this normal? I’m waiting for my scan to confirm but the doctor has said due date 19th Aug Xxx
Hi Becca and welcome to the thread!
Every pregnancy is different and everyone has different symptoms. I wouldn't worry too much! I barely have any symptoms and sometimes forget that I'm pregnant, but some of the ladies here have nausea all day long. Hope it doesn't affect you too much. Enjoy your pregnancy hun!x
I have nausea and no sickness so it can be normal, I have done everytime I have been pregnant :)

Booking in went well, I will be under shared consultant and midwife care but I expected that anyway cuz I’ve had 2 EMCS. She said as I have a fibroid when I have my 12 weeks scan and I see my consultant they will probably schedule me in for extra scans just to keep an eye on everything as it’s quite a large fibroid. As far as I know though there won’t be any extra care purely because of the late miscarraige?
I have no symptoms, and don't feel very pregnant at all yet. However I'm so bloated I look it! I remember last time getting cravings quite early on, but as yet nothing. Hoping to hear from my midwife soon about my booking appt. I filled out a form last week. I'm a bit nervous this time cause I had abnormal cells removed in June during a colposcopy. I'm convinced this pregnancy isn't going to be a smooth one :(
Well I finally have my booking appt sorted for NYE. Been playing phone tennis with the midwife....total nightmare as work in retail so can't just answer my phone on the shopfloor....and can't give work number for her to come through the reception switchboard!?

Anyhow finally booked in....I will 9 weeks just about so she was anxious to get me sorted as they like to see you sooner than that. Hoping I will get my 12 week scan date fairly soon after booking appt...as want to have scan before we tell everyone x
Well I finally have my booking appt sorted for NYE. Been playing phone tennis with the midwife....total nightmare as work in retail so can't just answer my phone on the shopfloor....and can't give work number for her to come through the reception switchboard!?

Anyhow finally booked in....I will 9 weeks just about so she was anxious to get me sorted as they like to see you sooner than that. Hoping I will get my 12 week scan date fairly soon after booking appt...as want to have scan before we tell everyone x
You will get a scan on the 31st?? How cool is that! Have you told family or friends yet?x
You will get a scan on the 31st?? How cool is that! Have you told family or friends yet?x

No no....not Got dating scan appt yet 12 week one)

Just booking appt on NYE....Hoping will get a date for scan tho once I'm all logged in the system!

Want to wait to tell family until after first official scan (early one was just to set my mind at rest) plus around the 13 week mark will coincide with my birthday so will all tie in with when we will see family (we live in the north east and my family are down south near London Heathrow) xx
No no....not Got dating scan appt yet 12 week one)

Just booking appt on NYE....Hoping will get a date for scan tho once I'm all logged in the system!

Want to wait to tell family until after first official scan (early one was just to set my mind at rest) plus around the 13 week mark will coincide with my birthday so will all tie in with when we will see family (we live in the north east and my family are down south near London Heathrow) xx
As it is your first you will probably only show at around 5 to 6 months! We waited until 12 weeks with our first too but since the oh had secretly told his dad, who had told his wife, who had told her daughter, it wasn't really a surprise anymore and even though they hadn't told me they knew, I was dissapointed in their lack of enthousiasm. That's why I wanted to tell my family early on, because I wanted there to be a surprise, instead of an "okay, you're pregnant".
As it is your first you will probably only show at around 5 to 6 months! We waited until 12 weeks with our first too but since the oh had secretly told his dad, who had told his wife, who had told her daughter, it wasn't really a surprise anymore and even though they hadn't told me they knew, I was dissapointed in their lack of enthousiasm. That's why I wanted to tell my family early on, because I wanted there to be a surprise, instead of an "okay, you're pregnant".[/QUOTE

Lol bless you....I feel a bit the same....I said that I want to tell people rather than them find out because I'm being sick or something and then just guessing.

Once we get 12 weeks under our belt we will tell the family and close friends and I'll have to break it to work....Then we will just let it will out.

It is quite nice having our little secret. OH likes keeping it quiet I think he has been quite private all through TTC whereas I have sought solace in friends from time to time.

So I'm in 2 minds really....Will feel nice to stop putting on an act but equally it's quite fun keeping it secret and just carrying on like nothing is different lol x
Yes I understand that you want to keep quiet. Like you said, it's fun to have this little secret with the oh! And the family will only have to wait 5 to 6 months before the baby is born! So much faster than 8 months!;)
Hi everyone, hope it’s okay for me to join.
I’ve recently found out I’m about 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. My youngest is 13 so it feels like the 1st time again!

So far I have had the normal symptoms, tender boobs, exhausted etc. The last few days morning sickness has really kicked in, room spinning, hot sweats...like the worst hangover ever! I forgot how much I hate this feeling. With my first pregnancy, a girl, I was sick the whole way through my pregnancy but baby number 2, my son, it only lasted till about 12 weeks. Fingers crossed for a boy lol!

Hope you’re all having happy pregnancies. I find the first trimester the hardest so looking forward to getting a little further along (health permitting)
Hi everyone, hope it’s okay for me to join.
I’ve recently found out I’m about 6 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. My youngest is 13 so it feels like the 1st time again!

So far I have had the normal symptoms, tender boobs, exhausted etc. The last few days morning sickness has really kicked in, room spinning, hot sweats...like the worst hangover ever! I forgot how much I hate this feeling. With my first pregnancy, a girl, I was sick the whole way through my pregnancy but baby number 2, my son, it only lasted till about 12 weeks. Fingers crossed for a boy lol!

Hope you’re all having happy pregnancies. I find the first trimester the hardest so looking forward to getting a little further along (health permitting)

Welcome whippet mum

I hope you are right.. I'm coming up to 9 weeks and nausea just kicked in this week so looking forward to 12 weeks and hopefully glowing lol....we shall see x
I won’t complain that I’m still evading the dreaded nausea and sickness at 7 weeks but I’m so poorly!
I’ve got the awful cough and cold that’s doing the rounds and feeling extra sorry for myself. Does anybody know of any baby safe remedies? Most cold & flu has caffeine as a main ingredient annoyingly.
Hope everyone else is doing well in the post-Christmas slump xx

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