Lovely picI had my reassurance scan this morning. Super emotional and tired also ended up having a minor row with my poor husband ha.
Here is a picture of our little bean
View attachment 82927
I had my reassurance scan this morning. Super emotional and tired also ended up having a minor row with my poor husband ha.
Here is a picture of our little bean
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Hope you got your scan today! Hope you got good news!xI think it's over for me too, had blood this morning. I've got a scan tomorrow to check any progress from last weeks scan but I'm trying to see if they'll see me today.
Congrats and welcome Gigi!Hi girls
I got myon Tuesday and due August 29th. Just moved house so need to find myself a GP first!! How is everyone doing? I got a little bit of brown discharge today and been having period like pain the past week xx
I had my reassurance scan this morning. Super emotional and tired also ended up having a minor row with my poor husband ha.
Here is a picture of our little bean
View attachment 82927
Hi all.
How’s everyone doing?
I don’t really feel like I’m enjoying this pregnancy right now. I think it’s because it’s still early and hasn’t sunk in yet.
Despite the sore boobs and episodes off feeling and wanting to be sick I’ve not had my symptoms that make me feel pregnant.
It’s been a really tough week too with work being busy and short staffed (no change there really). I couldn’t get a midwife appointment until the new year, and my other half if adamant that no ones until I’ve seen her. So literally only work know and that due to its nature, his mum also knows as she was insisting that I had a drink over Christmas so we had to explain why she doesn’t need to buy anything.
And it just seems he isn’t excited. Like he’s been quite and distant this week, him being ill isn’t helping but whenever I try mention it I get short worded answers and no effort to carry it further.
He’s already got a son so I’m thinking he doesn’t see it as a big deal like I do.
Just feeling crappy