*** August mummies 2019 ***

I had my reassurance scan this morning. Super emotional and tired also ended up having a minor row with my poor husband ha.

Here is a picture of our little bean :)

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Such a cute little bean Katiepie!
How far gone are you?
I am really wondering if I want to book a private one or not! Maybe I should when I look st your lovely pic !!!
Hi girls <3

I got my :bfp: on Tuesday and due August 29th. Just moved house so need to find myself a GP first!! How is everyone doing? I got a little bit of brown discharge today and been having period like pain the past week xx
Welcome! And congrats
Brown can just be bean settling in, it’s probably worth mentioning to your gp when you find one but it’s nothing to panic about until you see red x
I think it's over for me too, had blood this morning. I've got a scan tomorrow to check any progress from last weeks scan but I'm trying to see if they'll see me today.
Hope you got your scan today! Hope you got good news!x
Hi girls <3

I got my :bfp: on Tuesday and due August 29th. Just moved house so need to find myself a GP first!! How is everyone doing? I got a little bit of brown discharge today and been having period like pain the past week xx
Congrats and welcome Gigi!
I had some brown blood loss at 12 weeks with my previous pregnancy. My heart stopped when I saw it, but I had called the midwife and she told me if it's a little brown blood loss, it's probably harmless. But be sure to tell your midwife or GP!x
Hi all.
How’s everyone doing?
I don’t really feel like I’m enjoying this pregnancy right now. I think it’s because it’s still early and hasn’t sunk in yet.
Despite the sore boobs and episodes off feeling and wanting to be sick I’ve not had my symptoms that make me feel pregnant.

It’s been a really tough week too with work being busy and short staffed (no change there really). I couldn’t get a midwife appointment until the new year, and my other half if adamant that no ones until I’ve seen her. So literally only work know and that due to its nature, his mum also knows as she was insisting that I had a drink over Christmas so we had to explain why she doesn’t need to buy anything.

And it just seems he isn’t excited. Like he’s been quite and distant this week, him being ill isn’t helping but whenever I try mention it I get short worded answers and no effort to carry it further.
He’s already got a son so I’m thinking he doesn’t see it as a big deal like I do.

Just feeling crappy
Hey, I was 7+ 2 yesterday when I had the scan done :-) they are very precise with the dates because it was ivf, but the nurse did say bean looked a little bigger than she expected for that timing. Hopefully that’s the sign of a happy healthy baby rather than an indication I’m carrying a future giant haha.
Ah sorry you're feeling a bit rubbish Hearyoume, a lot of it is probably down to pregnancy hormones!

Speak to your other half and let him know how you are feeling, men generally need to be told as they don't have a clue! haha x
Hi all.
How’s everyone doing?
I don’t really feel like I’m enjoying this pregnancy right now. I think it’s because it’s still early and hasn’t sunk in yet.
Despite the sore boobs and episodes off feeling and wanting to be sick I’ve not had my symptoms that make me feel pregnant.

It’s been a really tough week too with work being busy and short staffed (no change there really). I couldn’t get a midwife appointment until the new year, and my other half if adamant that no ones until I’ve seen her. So literally only work know and that due to its nature, his mum also knows as she was insisting that I had a drink over Christmas so we had to explain why she doesn’t need to buy anything.

And it just seems he isn’t excited. Like he’s been quite and distant this week, him being ill isn’t helping but whenever I try mention it I get short worded answers and no effort to carry it further.
He’s already got a son so I’m thinking he doesn’t see it as a big deal like I do.

Just feeling crappy

Sorry you are feeling down hearyou. It is quite possible that hormones are knocking your mood more than you realise. Mine have crept up on me a couple of times making me teary or short fused which is very out of character.

It's really hard at this early stage. I wanted hubby to be skipping after the early scan and he seemed pleased but not exactly excited. We are holding out until 12 weeks if we can which will be end of Jan. Although I'm starting to feel more bloated each day so not sure if I'll be able to hide from work that long. Hopefully if symptoms hols it will be ok. I have an awful cold...Came home from work yesterday and been in bed for 16 hours trying to rest it off. Hopefully after being off today I will feel a bit better tomorrow.

I hope you are now off work for Xmas or at least getting some sort of break xx
Hearyoume, hopefully Christmas will cheer you up. As Emma said, the hormones are a bugger. Try to think of other things.

I had my early scan today and, luckily, saw a bean with a heartbeat at 5+5. It was measuring exactly as I had calculated, so ddate holds. Heartbeat was about 140. I don't dare to get too excited yet, as last time saw a heartbeat at 7+4, but the bean had died just a few days later. I only found out on week 10. Had had full symptoms till then. So will only relax a bit if we get to week 12. But makes me feel less bad about telling my parents over xmas.
Glad your scan went well starrynight.

I'm feeling very hormonal today, very irritable and teary over such stupid things and I'm only 4+1 today! I've got an early scan booked for 13 January when I should be 7+3, all being okay with that, I will tell my immediate family, for the time being, it's just me and OH who know. So hard to keep it a secret, especially from my Mum! x
Can anyone recommend any good books about pregnancy and birth? Ideally available on kindle.

Been reading WTEWYE and info is decent but feel like it jumps around a lot.

Thank you all.
I’m hoping once I have my midwife appointment and scan he’ll be a bit more aware or understanding of what’s actually going to happen.
My job is stressful enough without feeling like I’m coming home to crappy nights.

Hopefully it is just the hormones x

It wasn't good news it had only grown a tiny bit and no heartbeat and still bleeding. They sent me home to wait it out and Ive got to go back in 2 weeks to rescan. After the scan bleeding got worse and in agony. Now hiding in bed can't move, it's definitely over not in for a good xmas. So I'll be leaving the thread.
Hope all goes well for everyone else. Take care xxxx
I'm so sorry Phoenix... I don't have any words which can comfort you, I just hope you have family and friends around you, who can support you through these tough times.:hug:

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