*** August mummies 2019 ***

Hearyoume, I had that with my first pregnancy, the OH was so detached and I felt awful about it. Eventually he stopped going to the scan appointments too. This pregnancy I don't expect much either, after our first scan, I was all giddy and said that I was happy that they saw a heartbeat! He then said hmmhmm and asked me why I had already put on weight... I was weighed at 19:30 after dinner, with my clothes on! I was 2 kilos heavier than in the morning! I wanted to hit him right then and there! Men! :wall2:
So sorry xphoenix, can't imagine how you must feel, look after yourself :hug: x

It wasn't good news it had only grown a tiny bit and no heartbeat and still bleeding. They sent me home to wait it out and Ive got to go back in 2 weeks to rescan. After the scan bleeding got worse and in agony. Now hiding in bed can't move, it's definitely over not in for a good xmas. So I'll be leaving the thread.
Hope all goes well for everyone else. Take care xxxx
I’m so sorry xx
I had my reassurance scan this morning. Super emotional and tired also ended up having a minor row with my poor husband ha.

Here is a picture of our little bean :)

View attachment 82927
I am due in August, when will I have the first scan? I have had shooting pains today. But my boobs are throbbing. So guessing I am ok. How did you get an early scan?
I am due in August, when will I have the first scan? I have had shooting pains today. But my boobs are throbbing. So guessing I am ok. How did you get an early scan?

8-12 weeks is the norm on NHS. A couple of us on here paid for private scans (around £50) for various reasons...previous miscarriages...or in my case long term TTC so wanted reassurance all was ok.

I am just waiting for my booking appt with the midwife so will hopefully get a Jan scan date after that....Just obvs Xmas slowed things down a little with getting booked in.

Good luck x
Congrats and welcome Irngold, when are you due?

I will echo what Nikki said since I don't know how the UK prenatal care works. :lol:
Hi Irngold

I had an early scan because I had IVF, and it’s their final check that everything is ok before discharging me from the fertility clinic
Hi ladies,

It’s lovely to see all of your updates on here, but my thoughts are with you ladies who have lost your babies

It’s been a bit up and down for us for the last couple of weeks. I started bleeding last Thursday (20th), so went straight to the Early Pregnancy Clinic. They scanned me and said all looks well, however I am looking like I’m earlier than we thought, approx 5-5.5 weeks. They couldn’t see a baby, but could see everything before it all develops into a baby - sorry I’m not too confident with the medical terms of everything lol! They were all very happy and confident that everything was fine, and the bleeding is just baby settling in or something like that. They’ve booked me in for another scan on the 3rd January just to make sure everything is ok, however we do have a private scan booked on the 30th December which we are still going to.

I have been an absolute mess if I’m honest. The bleeding stopped a couple of days ago, but I can’t help but feel like we have lost our baby. We had a missed miscarriage in October and the bleeding looks similar to then. I’m trying to come to terms with the fact we’ve lost the baby before the scans so that I’m as emotionally prepared as I can, but it’s just so hard! I feel like I’m never going to have a baby, and maybe it’s just not meant for us.

Sorry for the huge message ladies (especially on Christmas Eve!) but it’s just the only place I feel I can really rant.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas xxx
Hi ladies,

It’s lovely to see all of your updates on here, but my thoughts are with you ladies who have lost your babies

It’s been a bit up and down for us for the last couple of weeks. I started bleeding last Thursday (20th), so went straight to the Early Pregnancy Clinic. They scanned me and said all looks well, however I am looking like I’m earlier than we thought, approx 5-5.5 weeks. They couldn’t see a baby, but could see everything before it all develops into a baby - sorry I’m not too confident with the medical terms of everything lol! They were all very happy and confident that everything was fine, and the bleeding is just baby settling in or something like that. They’ve booked me in for another scan on the 3rd January just to make sure everything is ok, however we do have a private scan booked on the 30th December which we are still going to.

I have been an absolute mess if I’m honest. The bleeding stopped a couple of days ago, but I can’t help but feel like we have lost our baby. We had a missed miscarriage in October and the bleeding looks similar to then. I’m trying to come to terms with the fact we’ve lost the baby before the scans so that I’m as emotionally prepared as I can, but it’s just so hard! I feel like I’m never going to have a baby, and maybe it’s just not meant for us.

Sorry for the huge message ladies (especially on Christmas Eve!) but it’s just the only place I feel I can really rant.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas xxx

Everything crossed for you rainbow that all turns out to be ok. Try to relax until your next scan and rest as much as you can xx
Merry Christmas everybody. All my thoughts to those struggling this Christmas.

We had planned to tell some of our close family today, and I wanted to do that with some kind of keepsake. Of course I had this ‘amaaZzzing’ idea to make some clear baubles with the scan inside, half coated in black paint and glitter. You can imagine how this went. Unless you have actual time to spend, which you are unlikely to be a) sleeping or b) throwing up in, its ill advised. I now have black paint and glitter splodges on the rug in the front room I’m not sure I’ll ever get out.

In the end I decided to make some cards, (something I do a lot of anyway so I have all the bits around) and after some umming and ahhing over the design, I made a couple this morning for my mother and sister in law. I’ve kept it simple but hopefully they will appreciate the sentiment. And the lack of black paint and glitter :-(

Hang in the rainbow, at 5+5 there is only like a tiny dot to be seen so it's normal they saw so little on the scan. Hope you will get a clearer scan on the 30th!

That's a cute card Katiepie! They mever saw the baubles and will never know they existed so will not have anything to compare your card with hun. Don't feel bad about it!x
Merry Christmas to everyone and my thoughts are with those that are struggling today

We're telling close family today and I'm very excited, got grandparent and aunite Christmas cards for my parents and sisters, this is our first so can't wait to see their reaction!

Been feeling quite tired and nauseous, not been able to do as much as I would like in the run up to Christmas but using the excuse to put my feet up. Also getting big boobs, going to need to go bra shopping in the New Year! Got my booking appointment with the midwife on Friday so it's an exciting week.

Hope everyone has a fun and healthy Christmas and New Year and looking forward to hearing everyone's updates x
Merry Christmas to all of you!
I hope you had great family times :)

I have slept so much over the last few days as we are all off work. And as a result had absolutely NO morning sickness whatsoever.... still the odd cramping to remind me I am actually pregnant otherwise I have no symptoms. Should be six weeks today...
but I feel soo good sometimes I wonder if there’s actually a baby in there !
Boobs are sensitive and this isn’t coming down which makes be ever so happy as it’s the only thing that convinces me it’s all ok...

I had so much fun swapping our glasses with my OH at Christmas. He was so dizzy and I don’t think my family noticed anything!!!

I have my booking appointment in January the 9th... but as I feel so good I am so torn in booking a private scan as well... still so undecided....
as my MMC at 11w was measured 7,5 weeks I don’t see the point booking one earlier than 8 weeks anyways. So scared to get too excited about this pregnancy. I’ve been all so happy recently... :-D

Begging the little bean to stick this time on a daily basis !

Hope you’re all feeling ok :)
I’m haven’t had many symptoms the last few days, well I have but they’re not as strong as they were and that’s freaking me out too! Got midwife tomorrow and my private scan a week on Saturday which I’m terrified for in case anything has happened and I just don’t know about it! Specially cuz my symptoms are now milder. I don’t think I will relax the whole way through this pregnancy after last time
Hope everyone’s had a wonderful Christmas and is feeling well!
I chickened out of announcing to our family as I’ve got a follow-up scan on New Years Day to check everything’s going ok and I can’t bear the thought of having to tell them a week later things haven’t gone to plan again.
Hopefully we’ll be able to share some happy new year news when we’re 7+3 instead!
Glad you all have had a good Xmas. I'm really surprised how many people are telling family already.

After such a long journey TTC we just won't feel safe to tell until 12 weeks....unless something happens and I baloon or start throwing up daily and can't hide it any longer.

It's my birthday 3rd Feb too so it will be around that weekend we will share the news....which will be end of 12 weeks.. .heading for 13.

Still waiting on booking appt...keep missing calls from midwife and playing phone tag cos working in retail you can't just answer your phone. Hoping to get a call tomorrow as she works Tues and Thurs....so I might try and call her early tomorrow see if i can catch her.

Hope you are relaxing today...I'm working but off Sat and Sun so can't wait for a bit of chill time x

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