*** August mummies 2019 ***

Symptoms are steady
Having on and off feeling off sickness but I tend to end up gagging more than anything.
My boobs are sore and I’ve now gone up from a C to a D. Nippes themselves seem more tender too.

I’m 8 weeks, 9 weeks in 2 days and not really craving anything. Though I’ve noticed I don’t really ever feeling hungry though I know I am and the thought of food is a bit UGH until I actually eat.

My partners mum knows, and my mum and dad will be told tomorrow as they’ve had a really awful year and we want it to end on a bit of a high for them.
We have also had to tell two friends as we planned on going to their house party tomorrow and my partner said we will stop by for a couple hours but won’t be late and won’t stay over like planned and told them I can’t drink and they kinda figured it out from there.

Will have my first midwife appointment on Wednesday
Ladies I’ve started bleeding and I’m really worried. I had some light spotting with my first pregnancy but nothing like this, this is fresh red blood. It doesn’t feel like it can be anything good! I’m going to call the EPU first thing and hope for the best. My only positive is that I was really sick this morning so my hormones are still crazy but I’m preparing myself for bad news

Sorry to hear this Whippet. How are you feeling? Is there any pain?
If it’s any reassurance I’ve seen lots of posts from women who’ve experienced bleeding and gone on to have very healthy pregnancies.
Lots of luck with EPU, I’ve got everything crossed for you!
Ladies I’ve started bleeding and I’m really worried. I had some light spotting with my first pregnancy but nothing like this, this is fresh red blood. It doesn’t feel like it can be anything good! I’m going to call the EPU first thing and hope for the best. My only positive is that I was really sick this morning so my hormones are still crazy but I’m preparing myself for bad news

So sorry to hear this, it’s such a horrible feeling! I’ll keep everything crossed for you tomorrow xxx
So we had our private scan this evening and we were so impressed! Again it was a shock when she said the baby was fine and we got to see their heartbeat<3 she also thinks she may have found a cause for the bleeding. Basically (this is from what I’ve understood so probably wrong lol) my uterus has split in to two, so one half has the baby and is all fine and the other half essentially thinks it’s having a period so of course would cause bleeding. She was really surprised that the hospital hadn’t picked up on it, given that I’ve had two scans with this pregnancy already. She said it’s nothing to worry about and it wouldn’t effect the baby at all. Of course we can’t guarantee that I won’t miscarry as it’s still early days (I’m 6+5) but I’m so glad we went as I feel a bit better about things, and we got to see the heartbeat and have a picture which we never got in our first pregnancy:sad: I’m booking another private scan tonight.. definitely going to be the crazy pregnant lady that is there every other week lol! X
So glad all is well Rainbow! IveI never heard of a split uterus before! Is that due to the pregnancy or is it something which was already there?

Hope your little bean hangs on Whippetmum! Sending you loads of hugs!xxx
So glad all is well Rainbow! IveI never heard of a split uterus before! Is that due to the pregnancy or is it something which was already there?

Hope your little bean hangs on Whippetmum! Sending you loads of hugs!xxx

Neither had I until today. I’m not too sure tbh, I had a scan with my first pregnancy when we found out we had a MMC and they never mentioned anything then. I’m going to book another scan so I think I’ll ask more questions then, or when I see the widwife x
So we had our private scan this evening and we were so impressed! Again it was a shock when she said the baby was fine and we got to see their heartbeat<3 she also thinks she may have found a cause for the bleeding. Basically (this is from what I’ve understood so probably wrong lol) my uterus has split in to two, so one half has the baby and is all fine and the other half essentially thinks it’s having a period so of course would cause bleeding. She was really surprised that the hospital hadn’t picked up on it, given that I’ve had two scans with this pregnancy already. She said it’s nothing to worry about and it wouldn’t effect the baby at all. Of course we can’t guarantee that I won’t miscarry as it’s still early days (I’m 6+5) but I’m so glad we went as I feel a bit better about things, and we got to see the heartbeat and have a picture which we never got in our first pregnancy:sad: I’m booking another private scan tonight.. definitely going to be the crazy pregnant lady that is there every other week lol! X
Aww it’s so nice to read some great news rainbow2019!!
I am soooo tempted to book one too....
I am 6+5 today and feeling really crappy. Room spinning and full on nausea and gaging although no vomiting :(
For the first time this week I have reach that stage where I only think somethings wrong since my MMC this summer :(
Did the scan made you feel better or do you still fear the same waiting for the next one ?

I feel like even if I book one this week or so I still won’t believe it sticks until like 20 weeks at least :-D
Anyone experienced brown tinged discharge? Just had the tiniest amount after going fo a wee. Worrying now :(
Aww it’s so nice to read some great news rainbow2019!!
I am soooo tempted to book one too....
I am 6+5 today and feeling really crappy. Room spinning and full on nausea and gaging although no vomiting :(
For the first time this week I have reach that stage where I only think somethings wrong since my MMC this summer :(
Did the scan made you feel better or do you still fear the same waiting for the next one ?

I feel like even if I book one this week or so I still won’t believe it sticks until like 20 weeks at least :-D

If nothing else it gave me a tiny bit of reassurance and tiny bit of hope that everything might be ok, so I would definitely recommend it. I don’t think I’ll let myself get excited or anything for quite a while yet. I’m still really nervous for each scan because I dread hearing those words again, but I’m so glad we got to see their heartbeat and will have that for a memory if anything happens. I would definitely look in to booking one if you can, just to put your mind at ease if nothing else? Keeping everything crossed for you that all will be ok xxx
Hi ladies, thank you for all your best wishes. I saw my gp today and he’s got me a scan booked for Wednesday. The bleeding is very light today and I’m not in any pain so I’m going to try and stay optimistic! I had really bad morning sickness again too so I’m hoping that’s a good sign!
Hi ladies, thank you for all your best wishes. I saw my gp today and he’s got me a scan booked for Wednesday. The bleeding is very light today and I’m not in any pain so I’m going to try and stay optimistic! I had really bad morning sickness again too so I’m hoping that’s a good sign!

I’m glad that the bleeding has eased off for you! Fingers crossed for Wednesday xxx
Hi ladies

Happy New Baby Year to everyone!

I had my booking appt this morning. Came to my house.. .all fine just lots of history questions and took blood and urine. Just got to wait for dating scan date to come through now really. Feeling a bit more relaxed as each week goes by ....I'm 9+1 now so still a little way to go until 12 weeks when I think I will relax more but it's getting less anxiety and more excitement with each day x
Here’s to a healthy new year, ladies!
I’ve got a follow-up scan with emergency gynae first thing tomorrow so fingers crossed all is as it should be at 7+2wks.
Have a wonderful evening however you’re celebrating.
Hey ladies,

So last night the pain and bleeding got worse, and I did end up miscarrying. I have to go to the early pregnancy clinic tomorrow morning just to be scanned and check everything. I won’t go in to detail, but I know I miscarried and the nurse I spoke to agreed.

I’ll be leaving the thread, but thank you all for your support and I wish you the healthiest and happiest pregnancies! Xx
Hey ladies,

So last night the pain and bleeding got worse, and I did end up miscarrying. I have to go to the early pregnancy clinic tomorrow morning just to be scanned and check everything. I won’t go in to detail, but I know I miscarried and the nurse I spoke to agreed.

I’ll be leaving the thread, but thank you all for your support and I wish you the healthiest and happiest pregnancies! Xx

I am so sorry to hear rainbow2019... :(
I remember how hard this feel and send you big cuddles to help you go through this...

Hi ladies.
Hope everyone had a lovely new year
I've been keeping away from here as I thought it was all over for us. After our bleeding a few weeks ago I had some more about 10 days ago(4 days after a scan) they said it was just a yolk and sack. So been on egg shells waiting til yesterday for another scan:2ww:
Went in and the lady who scanned us was lovely. She asked us what we saw last time and then surprised us with a 8w3d little nugget:baby:
I burst into tears and some dust went into the OH eyes just at that point:lol:
Hey ladies,

So last night the pain and bleeding got worse, and I did end up miscarrying. I have to go to the early pregnancy clinic tomorrow morning just to be scanned and check everything. I won’t go in to detail, but I know I miscarried and the nurse I spoke to agreed.

I’ll be leaving the thread, but thank you all for your support and I wish you the healthiest and happiest pregnancies! Xx
I’m so sorry xx

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