*** August mummies 2019 ***

Hi everyone, im from the july group but an early scan has put me to the 30th july so theres a big chance il end up an august mum so will be using both groups. For those of you who dont know me, in stacey. 29 (30 next month eek) and from the manchester area. I have 9 year old son and a 6 year old step daughter.
I currently 8 weeks 1 day after scan which was done at 7+4 x

Waiting on Dr's appointment but looks like i'm joining you ladies in here. Estimated 27th August :) X
I'm so sorry tigerlily. Look after yourself and take all the time you need to grieve. Just awful. No words...can only offer support and send love your way x
Hi ladies!!
Sorry to hear about the losses ladies.
I hope your all ok.

I had a scan on Monday, just saw the sack and yolk. But midwife assured me everything's in the right place and my earlier bleeding must have been caused by the blood I have around all the sack. So hopefully that will be absorbed into my body.
I have another scan on the 31st and my first midwife appointment about 4 hours later. So I'm hoping everything is ok for then.

How's everyones symptoms? xx
Scan all went ok last night confirmed 7+3 as my app has been predicting from my period data etc. Still feels quite surreal. Saw flicker of a heartbeat and everything is growing in the right place. Hopefully can relax a little now over Xmas until midwife appt comes through and dating scan hopefully in Jan x

Hey ladies. How are you doing this week?

I think morning sickness is starting to show it’s evil face on my end !
I am on my way to work and just want to go back home already :)
Super tearful as well... and I am only 5+1! Who knows how this will end up !!
Nicipoo good luck for your scan the 31st!
Nikkibiscuit gorgeous little bean <3
The nausea has well and truly hit me now, the thought of anything edible sends my stomach swirling and if I don’t eat as soon as I get up in the morning I’ll feel awful all day, it’s a vicious cycle lol. Back ache has started now too! Got booking in appointment a week today, can’t wait!
Awww lovely Nikkibiscuit, now you can relax and have a lovely Christmas x
I’m 13DPO today, AF would have been due today, did my first digi :)

Feeling bit crampy, boobs starting to feel a bit tender now and keep getting hunger pangs even after eating! Oh and feeling tired! X

Scan showed the same. It lots of bleeding after and they have admitted me to a ward taken bloods etc there thinking miscarriage
I'm so sorry tigerlilly, so heartbreaking! Glad they are looking after you. Sending love xxx
I think it's over for me too, had blood this morning. I've got a scan tomorrow to check any progress from last weeks scan but I'm trying to see if they'll see me today.
I think it's over for me too, had blood this morning. I've got a scan tomorrow to check any progress from last weeks scan but I'm trying to see if they'll see me today.
I hope it’s good news for you xxx

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