Ladies - i am a bit confused.
This morning when i woke up i had pink watery CM when i wiped only the once. i put a panty liner on but nothing on it when i checked. Went to the loo again just now and it happened again only when i wiped. Its like really light pink water.
Surely its not AF coming if i only ovulated literally a couple of days ago? Boobs are sore and they dont normally hurt when AF is round the corner.
I know its a really long cycle for me at the moment so it would make sense if it is AF starting up but the nurse told me at my scan last Thursday i was literally about to ovulate.
God i hate this!!!
Thank you ladies. I hope your all right and it isn’t AF showing it’s face. I will keep you all updated xx
Thank you ladies. I hope your all right and it isn’t AF showing it’s face. I will keep you all updated xx
This is what i am thinking, i didn't have any reason not to believe the nurse. She obviously said i was about to ovulate because she could see that but it just took me by surprise when i wiped. I have never had ovulation bleeding before.I'd honestly trust the nurse.
Its quite incredible what they can see that you cant when looking at same object.
i had a 'horrible' ovulation the one i caught just remember being in quite a lot of pain as i also felt body was having a hard time ovulating.
i mean i saw what a cyst looked like yesterday and honestly i couldnt even tell you what it looked like cause i couldnt see it!
& p.s id say theres no chance its af, it is probably ovulation bleeding.. plus by talking to drs i either caught sunday or tuesday making me either 4 or 6 dpo when i thought cm was off but i was like meh nah!
I love a shorter cycleI might ovulate super early this cycle! AF was two days long and I have watery cm now. It’s only CD6, haha.
This is what i am thinking, i didn't have any reason not to believe the nurse. She obviously said i was about to ovulate because she could see that but it just took me by surprise when i wiped. I have never had ovulation bleeding before.
Fingers crossed its a good sign for me x
P.s - just went to the loo and there was pink/brown mixed with creamy CM on the panty liner and also the pink watery stuff when i wiped again. How would i honestly know if it was ovulation bleeding? whats the difference between that and AF?
I feel that i am out this cycle again
This is what i am thinking, i didn't have any reason not to believe the nurse. She obviously said i was about to ovulate because she could see that but it just took me by surprise when i wiped. I have never had ovulation bleeding before.
Fingers crossed its a good sign for me x
P.s - just went to the loo and there was pink/brown mixed with creamy CM on the panty liner and also the pink watery stuff when i wiped again. How would i honestly know if it was ovulation bleeding? whats the difference between that and AF?
I feel that i am out this cycle again
Thanks hun, so confusing!! XxI’ve had ovulation bleeding before and it’s very light as you describe. I wouldn’t expect you to have creamy cm mixed in. I don’t know what is normal for you but I don’t have cm mixed in with pre-af spotting x
I wouldn’t say I am tormenting myself or even symptom spotting because this has been the longest and oddest cycle ever. I haven’t really been bothered as I have been on holiday so I relaxed and didn’t think about TTC once. We DTD when we wanted to and that’s been the case the whole cycle until I had my scan and the nurse said I was about to ovulate so of course I went home and DTD for the next few days.@chattychar1990 ah to add char, problem is the cycle i caught i paid literally NO attention to. which is a bummer now but at the time i couldnt be bothered with it anymore - just wanted to check i ovulated then left it.. shame now as ya know! but my tip is so you are not disappointed each cycle think of a reason why its happening instead of pregnancy, i just think you need to give yourself a break. tormenting yourself doesnt really help and i decided in that june cycle i wasnt ganna torment myself with fake symptoms anymore and in some ways it really helped.
oh, they say cm cant lie. so ya never know!
i remember saturday before bfp getting ewcm and thinking nope its not ewcm, then i thought to myself wait.. if this was day 16 would you say its ewcm? yes you would sooo its ewcm!
I wouldn’t say I am tormenting myself or even symptom spotting because this has been the longest and oddest cycle ever. I haven’t really been bothered as I have been on holiday so I relaxed and didn’t think about TTC once. We DTD when we wanted to and that’s been the case the whole cycle until I had my scan and the nurse said I was about to ovulate so of course I went home and DTD for the next few days.
I am just more confused than anything, as I would expect this was AF on the way but now I know I only just ovulated it’s thrown me and I’m wondering what the hell is going on. CD37 and baffed. Huff! X
I am full on bleeding now, what the actual f***!
I am really annoyed the nurse told me false information.
Is the anyway that she could have been right and AF arrived straight after?
I am completely and utterly baffled. What a shit cycle this has been but I suppose now I can move on to cycle no.14
I am full on bleeding now, what the actual f***!
I am really annoyed the nurse told me false information.
Is the anyway that she could have been right and AF arrived straight after?
I am completely and utterly baffled. What a shit cycle this has been but I suppose now I can move on to cycle no.14