....::::::: New January 2012 Thread ::::::....

Babybushie & Sparkles

Never too late ... we just look after each other, celebrate and commiserate as a group - and we have somewhere to vent that wont drive OH up the wall! ;-) Everyone in here is lovely, and will make you all feel very welcome

Its just the date that you plan to test .. which is usually the date your AF is due (although I think we'd all admit to testing early!)

Fx for you .. hope you get your BFP
I'm due to test 22/01/2012, this will be 2 days after my period is due, always like to see if I miss before testing!!
Thanks x
Hi ladies,

Happy New year.

Shite start to 2012 for me as I am out. AF arrived yesterday (after I wasted 3 frigging tests boo hiss...)

Can you put me down for 31st though as my cycle is 29-30 days so I can test again then.

This month there is only one mission - get a BFP and keep it! I have my appointment at recurrent m/c clinic this Friday so fingers crossed for that!

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Hi - happy New Year fx it's a good one for all !

Please can you put me down for 21st .. :dust: :dust:
Anyone heard from Kylie?? She's not been on since 30th Dec, just a bit concerned as she's normally on every day. Hope she's ok x x
Anyone heard from Kylie?? She's not been on since 30th Dec, just a bit concerned as she's normally on every day. Hope she's ok x x

Did she mention being away over New Year's or anything?
New to this, but could you put me down for 21st Jan - cycles are a bit irregular, but about to ov, so if the witch is gonna get me, she should have got me by then... Thanks :)
:dust::dust::dust:Thanks tweety foo! I absolutely love this as I drive myself crazy thinking about it all every single day!

Please can you put me down for 11th? Thats when af is due although I'm always scared to test, hopefully I'll feel more confident by then.

Truck load of baby dust all round x x x x x
Hello - I am the 10th please - Cycle got a little shorter this month! Woo hoo! We only 'did it' twice around ovulation though as I thought the CBFM was wrong swing ovulation on day 15. It was far too normal. Totally thought the machine was broken until saw loads of EWCM. ARGH!

Sending lots of luck and positive thinking

Soph xxx
HI can you put me down for 15th please?

Thanks! Good luck to everyone testing!
Happy new year everyone, can you put me down to test on the 9th

Thanks xx
Can you put me down for 20th Jan please? Thanks :) x
15th jan please!

My new years resolution is to be more positive xx
Oooh please can I join in and be put down for the 23rd jan?

Not really sure if I've even O'ed yet, but I had a nearly pos OPK three days ago so I am counting that as its the closest I've got. And AF was 15th dec so I would be late by then. I know I could test earlier, but the 22nd jan is my birthday and I am NOT ruining it with a BFN! Hehe :) false hope much better than that horrible crushing BFN feeling (although I realise AF may well come before then and ruin it anyway lol, but then at least I'll be allowed a birthday cocktail or three!).
Hi can you put my BFP down please was ment to be 6th :)

Baby dust to u all

Vicki xx
Hey girls

Do you know how often the thread gets updated?

Just hoping to be able to share my journey with all you lovelies!

Fx all round!!!

BB xxcc
Oh no! What does thatt mean? She deregistered herself? I wonder why, very strange, really hope all is ok x x

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